We will start understanding how to make documents accessible
- How to present accessibly
- Get comfortable with basic image description (images, people)
@@ -57,13 +55,22 @@ We will start understanding how to make documents accessible
And study disability justice
- Understand models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
{% enddetails %}
## Lecture Plan
**Monday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessible Presentations and Presenting Accessibly" loc="presenting-accessibly.html" %}
**Monday/Wednesday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Disability Justice" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
{% details Monday: Accessible Presentations and Plain Language%}
**Wednesday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessible Presentations and Presenting Accessibly" loc="presenting-accessibly.html" %}
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Disability Justice" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
**Thursday: Section**: Practice with Plain Language
**Friday: AT Around Us Presentations**
- Zoom only day (rather than having three different physical rooms)
- We will break up into three groups, each with a different zoom link so that we can record your presentations
- Look for an Ed announcement on this
## Homework
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
@@ -75,34 +82,18 @@ And study disability justice
-[Design, Disability and Knowing the 'Other'](https://dl.acm.org/doi/fullHtml/10.1145/3290605.3300528#:~:text=WHAT%20IS%20EMPATHY%3F-,The%20Promise%20of%20Empathy%3A%20Design%2C%20Disability,%2C%20and%20Knowing%20the%20'Other'&text=This%20paper%20examines%20the%20promise,order%20to%20inform%20technology%20development.)
{% details Wednesday: Plain Language and Disability Justice %}
- Finish **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Disability Justice" loc="disability-justice.html#17" %}
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
{: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective.
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %}
Practice with Plain Language
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: AT Around Us Presentations %}
- Zoom only day (rather than having three different physical rooms)
- We will break up into three groups, each with a different zoom link so that we can record your presentations
- Look for an Ed announcement on this
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 3 (10/9-10/13): Guidelines and Assessment
{% details Learning Goals %}
{% details Learning Goals and Class Plan%}
## Learning Goals
- What are the current accessibility standards
- How do we use automated tools to assess accessibility
- How can we use accessibility technology to assess accessibility
@@ -111,12 +102,20 @@ Practice with Plain Language
- Differences between Image description, Diagram description and UI description
- Video description & Captioning
- Math, Tables & other elements (including custom interactors)
{% enddetails %}
{% details Monday: Accessibility Testing %}
## Lecture Plan
**Monday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Testing" loc="testing.html" %}
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Testing" loc="testing.html" %}
- {: .prepare} Come Prepared
: Come to class with an image, diagram, or other graphic you want to describe
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Standards & Media Accessibility" loc="assessment.html" %}
**Thursday Section**: Practice with Accessibility Assessment
**Friday Slides** {% include slide.html title="More Accessibility Standards" loc="assessment2.html" %}
## Homework
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
@@ -132,38 +131,22 @@ Practice with Plain Language
- Watch: [Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmyPmT5T0PY)
- Read about [Making numbers accessible](https://www.tpgi.com/making-numbers-in-web-content-accessible/)n
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Accessibility Standards %}
{: .prepare} Come Prepared
: Come to class with an image, diagram, or other graphic you want to describe
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Standards & Media Accessibility" loc="assessment.html" %}
{: .homework} [Website Testing Homework](assignments/website.html) Assigned: Assess a website or app and generate UARS for it
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %}
Practice with Accessibility Assessment
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: More Website Standards %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="More Accessibility Standards" loc="assessment2.html" %}
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 4 (10/16-10/20): Building & Remediating Accessible Interfaces
{% details Class Learning Goals & Plan %}
{% details Learning Goals & Plan %}
## Learning Goals
- How accessibility works under the hood
- More on navigation and its impact
- What are the trade offs between different tools?
## Lecture Plan
**Monday Slides** {% include slide.html title="How to build for accessibility" loc="best-practices.html" %}
**Wednesday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Comparing Automated Testing and Manual Testing" loc="comparing-approaches.html" %}
@@ -173,6 +156,7 @@ Practice with Accessibility Assessment
**Friday Slides** {% include slide.html title="What is an Accessibility Tree" loc="tbd.html" %}
Maybe a hands on exercise. Also discuss Aria
## Homework
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
@@ -193,9 +177,10 @@ Maybe a hands on exercise. Also discuss Aria
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 5 (10/23 - 10/27): Accessible Need-finding and Evaluation
# Week 5 (10/23 - 10/27): Accessible Need-Finding and Evaluation
{% details Class Learning Goals & Plan %}
{% details Learning Goals & Plan %}
## Learning Goals
- How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
- How do you make sure your *product is accessible* to people with disabilities
1. Data Equity and implicit bias
@@ -206,19 +191,20 @@ Maybe a hands on exercise. Also discuss Aria
- Collaboration Versus Paternalism
- Overly narrow views of disability: Multiple disabled people & multiply disabled people
**Wednesday 10/25** Conversation with Jaipreet Virdi %}
**Wednesday** Conversation with Jaipreet Virdi
- Dr. Jaipreet Virdi will be lecturing on 10/24 at 6:30pm on "The Disabled Gaze: Rethinking the Past, Remaking the Future".
Please contact the instructors if you would like to attend -- we have 25 tickets to give out
- In addition, she will join us in class for a conversation about disability and technology and the disabled gaze. This is a chance for you to bring questions about her and her work.
**Friday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Designing for and with people with disabilities" loc="designing.html" %}
## Homework
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
: - Attend [**Jaipreet Virdi's talk**](https://www.washington.edu/lectures/events/the-disabled-gaze-rethinking-the-past-remaking-the-future/) at 6:30pm on Tuesday if you're able (ask us for tickets) *or* read [Q&A with Jaipret Virdi](https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/2020/08/10/qa-with-jaipreet-virdi/) by Alice Wong on the [Disability Project website](https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com).
{% details Jaipreet Virdi Bio and Talk Abstract%}
Jaipreet Virdi, Associate Professor, Department of History at the University of Delaware, is a scholar activist. Her first book, Hearing Happiness: Deafness Cures in History raises pivotal questions about deafness in American society and the endless quest for a cure. Her writing has appeared in Slate, The Washington Post, The Atlantic, Psyche, The Wellcome Collection, and the New Internationalist. She is on Twitter as @jaivirdi
@@ -238,10 +224,7 @@ The lecture will be accompanied by an ASL interpreter and will include CART capt
- Read [Accessibility came by accident](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3173574.3174033?casa_token=T1I2RwihIjsAAAAA:QEm3SjurdlcW7oX_1LadxaglZ7oneBX-XLIjMCHbof3gu_IFpDW2OO5tqxZfLIps-94Qik9y5wNw8Q)
- Read [How to do something good in the disability community if you're not disabled](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2020/12/16/how-to-do-something-good-in-the-disability-community-if-youre-not-disabled/?sh=21ef25c97d7f)
{: .homework} Homework
: [Technology Review](assignments/technology-review.html) Assigned: Write a group report about your assessment
@@ -249,14 +232,49 @@ The lecture will be accompanied by an ASL interpreter and will include CART capt
{: .module}
# Module 2: Post GUI Accessibility
# Everything after here is draft...
{: .week}
# Week 6 (10/30 - 11/3): Fabrication
{% details Learning Goals & Plan %}
## Learning Goals
- Work with laser cutting to make accessible technology
- Learn about fabrication tools and techniques
## Lecture Plan
**Monday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to 3D Printing and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
**Wednesday**: Making a Laser Cut Book Opener
Work in class on this
**Thursday Section**:
Finish making laser cuttable designs and print
**Friday** Technology-Implementation Office Hours
Check in to make sure you have a plan and it is do-able
## Homework
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
-**Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements.**
-[Consumer-Grade Fabrication and Its Potential to Revolutionize Accessibility](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3339824), CACM 2019 and [**Respond**](TBD)
-[Areas of Strategic Visibility: Disability Bias in Biometrics](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04712) and [**Respond**](TBD)
-**If you want to go deeper**
-[Explaining Explanations: An Approach to Evaluating Interpretability of Machine Learning](https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bb/nit/Lalana-Explainations%20of%20IAS.pdf)
-[Fairness issues in AI Systems that augment sensory abilities](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.07333.pdf)
Check in to make sure you have a plan and it is do-able
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Module 3: Everything Everywhere All at Once
{: .week}
# Week 7 (11/6 - 11/10): Fabrication
{% details Learning Goals %}
- Work with laser cutting to make accessible technology
- Learn about fabrication tools and techniques
{% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 11/6: What's the best way to Assess a Website?%}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to 3D Printing and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
-**Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements.**
-[Consumer-Grade Fabrication and Its Potential to Revolutionize Accessibility](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3339824), CACM 2019 and [**Respond**](TBD)
-[Areas of Strategic Visibility: Disability Bias in Biometrics](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04712) and [**Respond**](TBD)
-**If you want to go deeper**
-[Explaining Explanations: An Approach to Evaluating Interpretability of Machine Learning](https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bb/nit/Lalana-Explainations%20of%20IAS.pdf)
-[Fairness issues in AI Systems that augment sensory abilities](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.07333.pdf)
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 11/8: Making a Laser Cut Book Opener %}
Work in class on this
{: .homework} [Final Project Proposal](assignments/project-proposals.html) Assigned: Prepare your final project proposal (individual)