@@ -335,13 +335,17 @@ In class exercise to form final project groups
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
**Required: [Please post your response in this Ed thread]({{site.discussion}}/3851117)**
- Watch [Difficulty Vs Accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPehhHZvKE8&list=PLVEo4bPIUOskja9pfpqceY8qDrykFdubf&index=19) and respond to the following prompt:
Think of a part of a game you’ve played that is both a source of Difficulty AND an accessibility barrier— how might you redesign it to be accessible while still keeping the satisfying game difficulty?
- Watch [Detecting and Defending Against Seizure-Inducing GIFs in Social Media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD1p_2EHq3Y) and respond to the following prompt:
Can you think of a potentially problematic effect in a game that you played? Why is it problematic? Is there an option to disable it?
**If you want to dig deeper**
- Read [Climate Crisis makes us recognize our limits: Disability culture can show us how](https://truthout.org/articles/climate-crisis-makes-us-recognize-our-limits-disability-culture-can-show-us-how/?utm_campaign=Truthout+Share+Buttons)
- Read [The principal of collective access](https://anticapitalistresistance.org/the-principle-of-collective-access/)
- Watch [The Right to be Rescued](https://rootedinrights.org/documentaries/the-right-to-be-rescued/)
-**Required: [Please post your response in this Ed thread]({{site.discussion}}/3851117)**
{: .homework} [Group Project Checkpoint](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Assigned: Group Project Checkpoint
@@ -359,23 +363,31 @@ Work in groups on final projects
# Week 9 (11/20-11/24): Group Checkpoints (Full Group Required)
{% details Group Checkin Plan %}
Sign up for a meeting slot *with your whole group* (details to be announced; slots will overlap class but also extend beyond class hours)
Attend a meeting slot *with your whole group* (slots will overlap class but also extend beyond class hours)
- Example of what intersectional work might look like
- Discussion of intersections of LGBTQIA+ and disability
- Accessible Data Visualizations
- What are the commonly-used techniques to make data visualizations accessible?
- What are the pros and cons of these techniques?
- What are some of the nuances in making data visualizations accessible?
Input from you on what to cover!
**Monday** possible guest lecture from Richard Ladner
## Schedule
**Monday** Guest lecture by [Kirk Crawford](https://kirkcrawford.notion.site/kirkcrawford/Kirk-s-Research-Hub-3c69cc0c43944a76b1492dc80fc64a58): Complex Dynamics: What LGBTQIA+ Community Centers Reveal About Disability and Assistive Tech
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
@@ -387,8 +399,30 @@ Input from you on what to cover!
-[Rich Screen Reader Experiences for Accessible Data Visualization](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2205.04917.pdf)
-[VoxLens: Making Online Data Visualizations Accessible With an Interactive JavaScript Plug-In](https://athersharif.me/documents/chi-2022-voxlens.pdf)
**Wednesday** Accessible Visualization
**Thursday** (lab) && **Friday** Project Group Checkins (Full group attendance Required, details TBD)
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 11 (12/4--12/8): Innovation
{% details Learning Goals & Plan %}
## Learning Goals
- Disability Innovation
- Examples of disability innovation
- How disability innovation drives other forms of innovation
- remainder: Still TBD
## Schedule
{: .homework} Required Readings
: None
**Monday** possible guest lecture from Richard Ladner
**Wednesday**Accessible Data Visualizations
**Wednesday**(possibly) AR/VR
**Friday** AMA/TBD
@@ -400,9 +434,6 @@ Input from you on what to cover!
{: .lecture} Final project presentations
{: .week}
{% details Unused Reading and Ideas %}
{% details some additional readings and slides to possibly use %}
@@ -425,9 +456,9 @@ Input from you on what to cover!
{% enddetails %}
{% details slides not in use %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Assessing Accessibility" loc="physical-computing.html" %}
{% enddetails %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Physical Computing" loc="physical-computing.html" %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="AR/VR Accessibility" loc="arvr.html" %}