Jennifer Mankoff authoredd95ae6f6
layout: assignment
published: true
title: Post GUI Review
description: Learn about post-GUI accessibility
code: hw4;
assigned: Jan 31, 2023
- Feb 7, 2023, 5pm Pacific
- Two day grace period, Feb 9, 2023
revised: April 12, 2023
- TOC {:toc}
The goal of this homework is to learn about how accessibility is being applied outside of websites and apps, and the accessibility challenges and solutions that exist among these new media and technology platforms. A secondary goal is to practice plain language writing.
Learning Goals / Competencies
This homework may contribute to your competency grade on
- Image description
- Accessible document creation
- Accessible video creation
- Plain language writing techniques
- Your participation grade, as a percentage of completeness (are all the required parts present)
Length and Difficulty
Students in the past have reported that this assignment takes a median of 8 hours (mode=8). Students liked the variety of technologies to choose from, but had some trouble with meeting the plain language goals on this assignment. To make this easier, we have reduced the plain language requirement to a short summary one-two paragraphs in length.
To complete this assignment, please do the following
1. Select one example of second wave technology and read about it
We have a couple of requests from community partners, and you can also select something based on interest. Once you select that technology, you should pick one paper to read deeply, and also try out some of accessible examples of the technology that are available now (you may need to search around to find these). The details of what you read, and try out, may vary with the topic you pick ad you can check with the instructors if you are unsure.
{% details Possible technologies %} Those marked with CA are CREATE ASK topics, i.e. topics that CREATE partners have asked us to provide them with content about, making it more likely that your work will be shared with the CREATE community. Those with MA are Maybe Ask topics, i.e. relevant to a community partner but not a direct ask. Essays on those topics may be shared more broadly in CREATE or partner publications.
- CA: Educational Games for young children (PAVE). Articles: A preliminary analysis of Android educational game accessibility ; Web-based serious games and accessibility: A systematic literature review; Video games and disability: Looking back at a challenging decade. Available now: games that are accessible (you may need to try these to confirm); Celeste
- CA: Online spaces for kids with disabilities (any age) (PAVE). Articles: Would you be mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an assistive technology for youth with autism; You're my best friend: Finding community online in BTS's Fandom, ARMY; My voice is definitely strongest in online communities: Students using social media for queer and disability identity making. Available now: first-person account of what that means
- CA: Tools for learning programming (PAVE); possible Hope Vision). Articles: Blocks4All: Overcoming accessibility barriers to blocks programming for children with visual impairments; Physical programming for blind and low vision children at scale. Available now: Blocks4all; Quorum; Microcode
- MA: Sports & eSports (e.g. Seattle Adaptive Sports). Articles: Design and real world evaluation of Eyes-Free Yoga: An Exergame for blind & low vision exercise; Design in the public square: supporting assistive technology design through public mixed-ability cooperation; Accessibility in gaming (UK report). Available now: Xbox adaptive controller; Dr. Gearbox with "playable characters show people living with different conditions and disabilities"; Ablegamers.org; numerous first person accounts by disabled gamers.
- MA: Visualization. Articles: Communicating Visualizations without Visuals: Investigating Visualization Alternative Text for People with Visual Impairments; Infosonics: Accessible Infographics for people who are blind using sonification and voice; How accessible is my visualization? Evaluating visualization accessibility with Chartability. Available now: The best tools available now still require a programmer to use them HighCharts; Voxlens. A "live" list that has the latest on what's available DataViz A11y
- Fabrication & Physical Computing. Articles: Sharing is caring: Assistive technology designs on thingiverse; Making "making" accessible; Putting tools in hands: Designing curriculum for a nonvisual soldering workshop; Designing educational materials for a blind arduino workshop. Available now: Blind Arduino Blog; (much older) Smith Ketterwell Technical File; Nonvisual soldering; Nonvisual arduino
- Security/Privacy. Articles: AccessiLeaks: Investigating privacy leaks exposed by the Android accessibility service; A survey of privacy concerns of smart-home services provided to individuals with disabilities; I'm literally just hoping this will work: Obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with disabilities. Available now: I'm not sure what to put here (feel free to try to find something). Aside from audio-enabled captchas, the other issues raised here are not something that an existing online app can necessarily address.
- MA VR/AR Articles: VR Accessibility Survey; A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities; AR4VI: AR as an accessibility tool for people with visual impairments; SeeingVR: A set of tools to make virtual reality more accessible to people with low vision. Available now: OverTHERE; Honor Everywhere; Accessibility, Disabilities, and Virtual Reality Solutions
- Other: You are welcome to tackle other areas covered in class including AI/ML; Intelligent Agents; you will need to work with the instructors to identify a set of reading papers and technololgies that are available now. {% enddetails %}
2. Find some free, accessible examples to try
Using the resources provided for your topic, and anything else relevant you can find on your own, identify 2-5 freely available examples of accessible versions of the technology you picked. Download them and try them.
2. Write a Plain Language Abstract
Review plain language writing for accessibility and plain language guidelines.
- Please choose at least five of the plain language principals presented in class
- Use these five principales to write a one paragraph abstract (about 250 words) summarizing the article that you read. Here is an example from the fabrication and physical computing category.
Many Arduino tutorials use schematic diagrams. Schematics are symbols that represent how a circuit works. Some tutorials use pictures or diagrams of the circuit to help people see how to connect the parts of the circuit. Unfortunately, schematics and pictures in tutorials aren’t usually shown in a way that blind people can understand. The Arduino board has pins arranged in rows called headers. Pins are small pieces of metal on the board that attach to wires so you can create a circuit. Each pin has a number. Some pins also have a name, such as “ground.” Pin numbers and names are usually printed on the top of the board next to each pin. It can be hard for blind people to know the pin numbers on an Arduino because they can’t see the names and numbers printed on the board. {: .quote}
3. Create an Introduction to this Technology
Create an introduction about the accessibility of your technology aimed at the disability community. You may write a summary or create a video. Your summary should include:
- The plain language abstract
- A 1 page summary of the article you read
- A review of the free, accessible examples you found, with links to them.
Here is an example from last year. Note that small details of requirements have changed, in particular the whole assignment was required to be plain language and there was no abstract at the time this was done.
Please make sure that the document and/or video you produce is accessible. In the case of the document, you should use a single column format; label headers properly (in word, pdf, or html); and include alt text for images (again in any format). In the case of a video, you should present accessibly; and include captions and verbally describing important visual elements.
You will turn this assignment in on canvas.
- Upload your document or link to your video
- Upload a document containing the ALT text for each figure and/or the caption file for your video
- Upload a list of the 5 plain language principals you applied in creating your abstract, along with your abstract.