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@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ We have a couple of requests from community partners, and you can also select so
{% details Possible technologies %}
Those marked with CA are *CREATE ASK* topics, i.e. topics that CREATE partners have asked us to provide them with content about. Those with MA are *Maybe Ask* topics, i.e. relevant to a community partner but not a direct ask. Essays on those topics may be shared more broadly in CREATE or partner publications.
- CA: Educational Games for young children ([PAVE]( Research papers: [A preliminary analysis of Android educational game accessibility]( ; [Web-based serious games and accessibility: A systematic literature review]( Available now: [games that are accessible](,can%20receive%20similar%20learning%20benefits.) (you may need to try these to confirm)
- CA: Online spaces for kids with disabilities (any age) ([PAVE]( Research papers: [Would you be mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an assistive technology for youth with autism](; [You're my best friend: Finding community online in BTS's Fandom, ARMY](; [My voice is definitely strongest in online communities: Students using social media for queer and disability identity making]( Available now: [first-person account of what that means](
- CA: Tools for learning programming ([PAVE](; possible Hope Vision). Research papers: [Blocks4All: Overcoming accessibility barriers to blocks programming for children with visual impairments](; [Physical programming for blind and low vision children at scale]( Available now: [Blocks4all](; [Quorum](; [Microcode](
- MA: Sports & eSports (e.g. [Seattle Adaptive Sports]( Research papers: [Design and real world evaluation of Eyes-Free Yoga: An Exergame for blind & low vision exercise](; [Design in the public square: supporting assistive technology design through public mixed-ability cooperation](; [Accessibility in gaming]( (UK report). Available now: [Xbox adaptive controller](; [Dr. Gearbox]( with ["playable characters show people living with different conditions and disabilities"](; [](; numerous first person accounts by disabled gamers.
- MA: Visualization. Research papers: [Communicating Visualizations without Visuals: Investigating Visualization Alternative Text for People with Visual Impairments](; [Infosonics: Accessible Infographics for people who are blind using sonification and voice](; [How accessible is my visualization? Evaluating visualization accessibility with Chartability]( Available now: The best tools available now still require a *programmer* to use them [HighCharts](; [Voxlens]( A "live" list that has the latest on what's available [DataViz A11y](
- Fabrication & Physical Computing. Research papers: [Sharing is caring: Assistive technology designs on thingiverse](; [Making "making" accessible](; [Putting tools in hands: Designing curriculum for a nonvisual soldering workshop](; [Designing educational materials for a blind arduino workshop]( Available now: [Blind Arduino Blog](; (much older) [Smith Ketterwell Technical File](; [Nonvisual soldering](; [Nonvisual arduino](
- Security/Privacy. Research papers: [AccessiLeaks: Investigating privacy leaks exposed by the Android accessibility service](; [A survey of privacy concerns of smart-home services provided to individuals with disabilities](; [I'm literally just hoping this will work: Obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with disabilities]( Available now: I'm not sure what to put here (feel free to try to find something). Aside from audio-enabled captchas, the other issues raised here are not something that an existing online app can necessarily address.
- MA VR/AR (e.g. [Northwest School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing]( Research papers: [A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](; [AR4VI: AR as an accessibility tool for people with visual impairments](; [SeeingVR: A set of tools to make virtual reality more accessible to people with low vision]( Available now: [OverTHERE](; [Honor Everywhere](; [Accessibility, Disabilities, and Virtual Reality Solutions](
- CA: Educational Games for young children ([PAVE]( Articles: [A preliminary analysis of Android educational game accessibility]( ; [Web-based serious games and accessibility: A systematic literature review](; [Video games and disability: Looking back at a challenging decade]( Available now: [games that are accessible](,can%20receive%20similar%20learning%20benefits.) (you may need to try these to confirm); [Celeste](
- CA: Online spaces for kids with disabilities (any age) ([PAVE]( Articles: [Would you be mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an assistive technology for youth with autism](; [You're my best friend: Finding community online in BTS's Fandom, ARMY](; [My voice is definitely strongest in online communities: Students using social media for queer and disability identity making]( Available now: [first-person account of what that means](
- CA: Tools for learning programming ([PAVE](; possible Hope Vision). Articles: [Blocks4All: Overcoming accessibility barriers to blocks programming for children with visual impairments](; [Physical programming for blind and low vision children at scale]( Available now: [Blocks4all](; [Quorum](; [Microcode](
- MA: Sports & eSports (e.g. [Seattle Adaptive Sports]( Articles: [Design and real world evaluation of Eyes-Free Yoga: An Exergame for blind & low vision exercise](; [Design in the public square: supporting assistive technology design through public mixed-ability cooperation](; [Accessibility in gaming]( (UK report). Available now: [Xbox adaptive controller](; [Dr. Gearbox]( with ["playable characters show people living with different conditions and disabilities"](; [](; numerous first person accounts by disabled gamers.
- MA: Visualization. Articles: [Communicating Visualizations without Visuals: Investigating Visualization Alternative Text for People with Visual Impairments](; [Infosonics: Accessible Infographics for people who are blind using sonification and voice](; [How accessible is my visualization? Evaluating visualization accessibility with Chartability]( Available now: The best tools available now still require a *programmer* to use them [HighCharts](; [Voxlens]( A "live" list that has the latest on what's available [DataViz A11y](
- Fabrication & Physical Computing. Articles: [Sharing is caring: Assistive technology designs on thingiverse](; [Making "making" accessible](; [Putting tools in hands: Designing curriculum for a nonvisual soldering workshop](; [Designing educational materials for a blind arduino workshop]( Available now: [Blind Arduino Blog](; (much older) [Smith Ketterwell Technical File](; [Nonvisual soldering](; [Nonvisual arduino](
- Security/Privacy. Articles: [AccessiLeaks: Investigating privacy leaks exposed by the Android accessibility service](; [A survey of privacy concerns of smart-home services provided to individuals with disabilities](; [I'm literally just hoping this will work: Obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with disabilities]( Available now: I'm not sure what to put here (feel free to try to find something). Aside from audio-enabled captchas, the other issues raised here are not something that an existing online app can necessarily address.
- MA VR/AR (e.g. [Northwest School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing]( Articles: [A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](; [AR4VI: AR as an accessibility tool for people with visual impairments](; [SeeingVR: A set of tools to make virtual reality more accessible to people with low vision]( Available now: [OverTHERE](; [Honor Everywhere](; [Accessibility, Disabilities, and Virtual Reality Solutions](
- Other: You are welcome to tackle other areas covered in class including [AI/ML](; [Intelligent Agents](; you will need to work with the instructors to identify a set of reading papers and technololgies that are available now.
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