Brian Hou authored0c64c4c5
This repository is meant to live in your ROS workspace's src
directory. It expects to be overlaid on another workspace containing MuSHR dependency packages.
Running Tests
Each package contains a test
directory with unit and integration tests built with the rosunit framework. To run all of these tests:
catkin test
If you just want to run tests for a particular package, add the package name onto the command as in this example:
catkin test introduction
Advanced Test Usage
catkin test
provides a summary view of all test results. You may need to see more detailed logs if you are, for instance, diagnosing why test isn't being run. To run tests for a package and see more log output:
roscd introduction; catkin run_tests --no-deps --this
It is possible to run tests by individual file. The command differs by the types of tests; for tests that use ROS (they start a node, usually to publish or subscribe to topics from the code under test), use rostest
to run the launch file for the test:
rostest introduction pose_listener.test --text
For plain Python unit tests, simply run the file:
python3 $(rospack find introduction)/test/test_norms.py