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import pickle
import socket
import socketserver
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Set, DefaultDict, List

from lockmanager import LockManager
from message import *
from paxos_utils import *
from timers import P2ATimer, setTimer, HeartBeatCheckTimer, HeartBeatTimer, LeaderElectionTimer

# Paxos servers
class Paxos(socketserver.UDPServer):
    def __init__(self, address, servers) -> None:
        self.address: Address = address  # Our address tuple (ip, port)
        self.servers: List[Address] = servers  # All servers addresses
        self.n_server: int = len(self.servers)
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        # Sets up other variables
        self.is_leader: List[bool] = [False] * self.n_server # Are we the leader?
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        self.ballot: BallotNumber = BallotNumber(1, self.address)  # Our ballot number
        self.highest_ballot_seen: List[BallotNumber] = [] # Highest ballot number seen per slot
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        self.proposals: Dict[int, BallotValuePair] = dict()  # Used by leader to send P2A to acceptors, slot number -> proposal
        self.accepted: Dict[int, BallotValuePair] = dict()  # Used by acceptors in P2A and also P1B, slot number -> proposal
        self.log: Dict[int, BallotValuePair] = dict()  # The log
        self.leader_recent_ping: List[bool] = [False] * self.n_server  # True if we think leader is alive
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        # for proposal phase
        self.slot_in: int = 0  # First empty slot that the server owns
        self.slot_out: int = 0  # First non-executed proposal slot (+1 last executed slot)
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        self.slot_to_acceptors: DefaultDict[int, Set[Address]] = defaultdict(set)  # Used by leader to decide majority for each slot after P2B, Multimap<Integer, Address>

        # for leader election
        self.voters: List[Set[Address]] = [set()] * self.n_server  # Yes votes for leader election, set of addresses
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        self.p1b_replies: Dict[int, BallotValuePair] = dict()  # Accepted values for each slot by acceptors that voted yes, slot number -> proposal

        # lock manager app
        self.lock_manager: LockManager = LockManager()
        # ...

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        # Garbage collection
        self.replicasLastExecuted: Dict[Address, int] = dict() # Replicas to last executed slot
        self.lastGarbageCollected: int = 0 # Our last garbage collected slot

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        # Default leader during setup
        for i in range(self.n_server):
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            self.replicasLastExecuted[self.servers[i]] = 0
            if self.address == self.servers[i]:
                self.is_leader[i] = True
                # Change starting slot
                self.slot_in = i
                self.leader_recent_ping[i] = True
            self.highest_ballot_seen.append(BallotNumber(1, self.servers[i]))
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        print("Finished init paxos", file=sys.stdout)
        print(f"servers: {self.servers}", file=sys.stdout)
        print(f"address: {self.address}", file=sys.stdout)
        print(f"highest ballot seen: {[str(i) for i in self.highest_ballot_seen]}", file=sys.stdout)
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        print(f"is_leader: {self.is_leader}\n", file=sys.stdout)

        socketserver.UDPServer.__init__(self, address, PaxosHandler)

        setTimer(HeartBeatTimer(), HeartBeatTimer.HEARTBEAT_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onHeartBeatTimer)
        setTimer(HeartBeatCheckTimer(self.highest_ballot_seen), HeartBeatCheckTimer.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onHeartBeatCheckTimer)
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    def handlePaxosRequest(self, paxos_req, sender):
        # print(f"{self.address} Got Paxos Request from {sender}", file=sys.stdout)
        # if not self.is_leader:
        #     # Broadcast to all, leader will receive and propose
        #     if sender not in self.servers:
        #         for acceptor in self.servers:
        #             if acceptor != self.address:
        #                 self.send_msg(paxos_req, acceptor)
        #                 pass
        #     return
        # Change: All replicas can accept client request, no need to forward and return
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        print(f"Leader at {self.address} Handling paxos request", file=sys.stdout)

        bvp = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), paxos_req)
        self.proposals[self.slot_in] = bvp
        self.accepted[self.slot_out] = bvp

        p2a = P2A(self.address, BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), self.slot_in, paxos_req)

        # increase slot_in
        # self.slot_in += 1
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        # P2A
        for acceptor in self.servers:
            if acceptor != self.address:
                self.send_msg(p2a, acceptor)

        # accept our own proposal

        setTimer(P2ATimer(p2a), P2ATimer.P2A_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onP2ATimer)

        if len(self.slot_to_acceptors[p2a.slot_num]) > (len(self.servers) / 2):
            # Majority accepted, can put into log
            self.log[p2a.slot_num] = bvp


    def handleP1A(self, p1a, sender):
        leader_slot = p1a.leader_slot
        if self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot] < p1a.ballot_num:
            self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot] = p1a.ballot_num

            # Update the ballot for other highest ballot seen from the same address
            for i in range(self.n_server):
                if p1a.ballot_num.addr == self.highest_ballot_seen[i].addr:
                    if p1a.ballot_num.seq_num > self.highest_ballot_seen[i].seq_num:
                        self.highest_ballot_seen[i] = p1a.ballot_num
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            # If we are leader, make this a follower (since the one sending P1A thinks they are leader)
            if self.is_leader[leader_slot]:
                print(f"{self.address} demotes itself from leader from slot {leader_slot}")
                self.is_leader[leader_slot] = False
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            p1b = P1B(self.address, self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot], self.accepted, leader_slot)
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            self.send_msg(p1b, sender)

            setTimer(HeartBeatCheckTimer(self.highest_ballot_seen), HeartBeatCheckTimer.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_RETRY_MILLIS * 2, self.onHeartBeatCheckTimer)
            self.leader_recent_ping[leader_slot] = True
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    def handleP1B(self, p1b, sender):
        leader_slot = p1b.leader_slot
        if self.is_leader[leader_slot]:
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        # If receive majority of response from acceptors with its ballot, becomes leader
        if self.ballot == p1b.accepted_ballot and self.ballot == self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot]:
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            for slot in p1b.accepted:
                new_bvp = p1b.accepted[slot]
                if slot not in self.p1b_replies:
                    self.p1b_replies[slot] = new_bvp
                    cur_bvp = self.p1b_replies[slot]
                    if new_bvp.ballot_num >= cur_bvp.ballot_num:
                        self.p1b_replies[slot] = new_bvp
        if len([self.voters[leader_slot]]) > (len(self.servers) / 2 - 1):
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            # This server is elected as leader
            if not self.is_leader[leader_slot]:
                print(f"{self.address} becomes leader for slot {leader_slot}")
            self.is_leader[leader_slot] = True
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            # Must update its state with accepted values from acceptors
            for slot in self.p1b_replies:
                value = self.p1b_replies[slot]
                if self.status(slot) != PaxosLogSlotStatus.CHOSEN:
                    self.proposals[slot] = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), value.value)
                    # self.slot_in = max(self.slot_in, slot + 1) 
                    # Changed: Instead of doing max of slot_in, do while loop:
                    while self.slot_in <= slot:
                        # This chunk of code is not needed, we just need to increment slot_in, executeLog will be the one taking care of proposing SKIP
                        # # Propose no-op(SKIP message) and send it straight away for the slot we skip
                        # skip = P2A(self.address, BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), self.slot_in, None)
                        # for acceptor in self.servers:
                        #     if acceptor != self.address:
                        #         self.send_msg(skip, acceptor)
                        # bvp = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), None)
                        # self.log[self.slot_in] = bvp
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                    bvp = self.proposals[slot]

                    p2a = P2A(self.address, bvp.ballot_num, slot, bvp.value)
                    for acceptor in self.servers:
                        if acceptor != self.address:
                            self.send_msg(p2a, acceptor)

                    self.accepted[slot] = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), value.value)

                    setTimer(P2ATimer(p2a), P2ATimer.P2A_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onP2ATimer)

    def handleP2A(self, p2a, sender):
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        if p2a.slot_num <= self.lastGarbageCollected:
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        # print("p2a - 0\n", file=sys.stdout)
        # print(f"highest_ballot_seen: {self.highest_ballot_seen}, p2a.ballot_num: {p2a.ballot_num}\n", file=sys.stdout)
            # No longer drop immediately if not leader
            # if self.highest_ballot_seen != p2a.ballot_num:
            #     # It's not the leader, drop it
            #     return
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        # print("p2a - 1\n", file=sys.stdout)
        # Skip messages are learned imediately
        if p2a.value is not None and self.highest_ballot_seen[self.slotToLeaderIndex(p2a.slot_num)] != p2a.ballot_num:
            # Drop if value is not Skip and is proposed by non-coordinator for that slot 
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            print(f"{self.address} Dropped because {p2a.ballot_num} is not from {self.highest_ballot_seen[self.slotToLeaderIndex(p2a.slot_num)]}")
            print(f"{self.address} highest ballot seen is {[str(i) for i in self.highest_ballot_seen]}")

        # If it is a skip and from the coordinator, immediately learns it (put it in their log)
        if p2a.value is None and self.highest_ballot_seen[self.slotToLeaderIndex(p2a.slot_num)] == p2a.ballot_num:
            # Learn it immediately if value is None and proposed by the leader
            bvp = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(p2a.ballot_num.seq_num, p2a.addr), None)
            self.log[p2a.slot_num] = bvp
            self.proposals[p2a.slot_num] = bvp
            self.accepted[p2a.slot_num] = bvp
            print(f"Learned skip for {p2a}")

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        if p2a.slot_num in self.accepted:
            bvp = self.accepted[p2a.slot_num]
            if bvp.ballot_num <= p2a.ballot_num:
                # p2a ballot is higher or equal
                bvp = BallotValuePair(p2a.ballot_num, p2a.value)
                self.accepted[p2a.slot_num] = bvp
                # Don't do anything
            # Have not accepted anything, then accept it
            bvp = BallotValuePair(p2a.ballot_num, p2a.value)
            self.accepted[p2a.slot_num] = bvp

        # print("p2a - 2\n")
        # self.slot_in = max(self.slot_in, p2a.slot_num + 1)
        # Changed: Instead of doing max of slot_in, do while loop:
        while self.slot_in <= p2a.slot_num:
            skip = P2A(self.address, BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), self.slot_in, None)
            for acceptor in self.servers:
                if acceptor != self.address:
                    self.send_msg(skip, acceptor)
            bvp = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), None)
            self.log[self.slot_in] = bvp
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        p2b = P2B(self.address, p2a.ballot_num, p2a.slot_num)
        self.send_msg(p2b, sender)
        # print("p2a - 3\n")

    def handleP2B(self, p2b, sender):
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        if p2b.slot_num <= self.lastGarbageCollected:
        slot = self.slotToLeaderIndex(p2b.slot_num)
        if not self.is_leader[slot]:
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            # Not leader, drop message

        # check if it is still consistent with our proposal
        bvp = self.proposals[p2b.slot_num]
        if bvp.ballot_num != p2b.ballot_num:
            # No longer in proposal

        # Keep track of who have accepted
        if len(self.slot_to_acceptors[p2b.slot_num]) > (len(self.servers) / 2):
            # Majority accepted, can put into log
            self.log[p2b.slot_num] = bvp

    def handleLeaderHeartbeat(self, heartbeat, address):
        for i in range(len(heartbeat.leader_slot)):
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            if not self.is_leader[i] and heartbeat.leader_slot[i]:
                # print(f"{self.address} got heartbeat from {heartbeat.ballot_num} at index {i}")
                if self.highest_ballot_seen[i] > heartbeat.ballot_num:
                # It's not "leader" heartbeat
                    # print(f"{self.address} drops heartbeat from {heartbeat.ballot_num} at index {i} because of highest is {self.highest_ballot_seen[i]}")
                newLeaderSeen = False
                if self.highest_ballot_seen[i] < heartbeat.ballot_num:
                    self.is_leader[i] = False
                    self.highest_ballot_seen[i] = heartbeat.ballot_num
                    newLeaderSeen = True
                # Replace log with the bigger log slot
                for slot in heartbeat.log:
                    if slot not in self.log:
                        self.log[slot] = heartbeat.log[slot]
                        bvp = self.log[slot]
                        new_bvp = heartbeat.log[slot]
                        if new_bvp > bvp:
                            self.log[slot] = new_bvp
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                lastExecuted = self.replicasLastExecuted[heartbeat.addr]
                lastExecuted = max(lastExecuted, heartbeat.lastExecutedSlot)
                self.replicasLastExecuted[heartbeat.addr] = lastExecuted

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                self.executeLog("Handle Leader Heartbeat")
                self.leader_recent_ping[i] = True
                if newLeaderSeen:
                    # Exponential backoff
                    setTimer(HeartBeatCheckTimer(self.highest_ballot_seen), HeartBeatCheckTimer.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_RETRY_MILLIS * 2, self.onHeartBeatCheckTimer)
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    Timer Handlers
    Argument 1 needs to be a Timer

    def onP2ATimer(self, p2a_timer: P2ATimer):
        # print(f"{p2a_timer}: Callback", file=sys.stdout)
        # If not leader then stop timer
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        if p2a_timer.p2a.slot_num <= self.lastGarbageCollected:
        leader_slot = self.slotToLeaderIndex(p2a_timer.p2a.slot_num)
        if self.is_leader[leader_slot] and not self.status(p2a_timer.p2a.slot_num) == PaxosLogSlotStatus.CHOSEN:
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            for acceptor_addr in self.servers:
                if acceptor_addr != self.address:
                    self.send_msg(p2a_timer.p2a, acceptor_addr)
            setTimer(p2a_timer, P2ATimer.P2A_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onP2ATimer)

    def onHeartBeatTimer(self, heartbeat_timer: HeartBeatTimer):
        # print(f"{heartbeat_timer}: Callback", file=sys.stdout)
        self.executeLog("HB timer")
        # Changed: Heartbeat is done for all servers, since they are all leader
        for acceptor_addr in self.servers:
            if acceptor_addr != self.address:
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                lh = LeaderHeartbeat(self.address, self.log, self.ballot, self.is_leader, self.garbageCollectSlot(), self.slot_out - 1)
                self.send_msg(lh, acceptor_addr)
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        setTimer(heartbeat_timer, HeartBeatTimer.HEARTBEAT_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onHeartBeatTimer)

    def onHeartBeatCheckTimer(self, heartbeat_check_timer: HeartBeatCheckTimer):
        # Change: Since everyone is leader, heartbeat is now being sent from all leader, we 
        # need to keep track which heartbeat is last heard, and if one leader is dead, we take
        # over that leader slot. 
        # Drop if this is not the latest heartbeat check
        if heartbeat_check_timer.ballot_num != self.highest_ballot_seen:
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        # print(f"{heartbeat_check_timer}: Callback", file=sys.stdout)
        # print(f"{self.address}: Recent ping {self.leader_recent_ping}", file=sys.stdout)
        # print(f"{self.address}: Leader {self.is_leader}", file=sys.stdout)
        # print(f"{self.address}: Ballot {[str(i) for i in self.highest_ballot_seen]}", file=sys.stdout)
        # print("\n")
        for i in range(len(heartbeat_check_timer.ballot_num)):
            if not self.is_leader[i]:
                if heartbeat_check_timer.ballot_num[i] == self.highest_ballot_seen[i]:
                    # Check if the leader alive or not
                    if not self.leader_recent_ping[i]:
                        # Leader is dead
                        # Just for randomization for contention issue
                        # TODO: Uncomment below for the electing leader, will need to add index 
                        # to know which slot are we trying to become the leader of. 
                    self.leader_recent_ping[i] = False
        setTimer(heartbeat_check_timer, HeartBeatCheckTimer.HEARTBEAT_CHECK_RETRY_MILLIS, self.onHeartBeatCheckTimer)
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    def onLeaderElectionTimer(self, leader_election_timer: LeaderElectionTimer):
        # print(f"{leader_election_timer}: Callback", file=sys.stdout)
        leader_slot = leader_election_timer.p1a.leader_slot
        if self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot] == self.ballot and not self.is_leader[leader_slot]:
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            for acceptor_addr in self.servers:
                if acceptor_addr != self.address:
                    self.send_msg(leader_election_timer.p1a, acceptor_addr)

            setTimer(leader_election_timer, LeaderElectionTimer.LEADER_ELECTION_TIMER, self.onLeaderElectionTimer)

    def __electLeader(self, leader_slot):
        print(f"{self.address} Detected leader {leader_slot} is dead, try to get ourself to become leader")
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        # Try to elect ourself as the leader
        # Try to get elected as leader at the beginning of time
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        # Increase ballot until higher than the highest we saw before electing
        while self.ballot < self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot]:
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        for i in range(self.n_server):
            if self.is_leader[i]:
                self.highest_ballot_seen[i] = self.ballot
        p1a: P1A = P1A(self.address, BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), leader_slot)
        self.highest_ballot_seen[leader_slot] = p1a.ballot_num
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        # P1A
        for acceptor_addr in self.servers:
            if acceptor_addr != self.address:
                self.send_msg(p1a, acceptor_addr)
        setTimer(LeaderElectionTimer(p1a), LeaderElectionTimer.LEADER_ELECTION_TIMER, self.onLeaderElectionTimer)

    def status(self, log_slot_num) -> PaxosLogSlotStatus:
        if log_slot_num in self.log:
            return PaxosLogSlotStatus.CHOSEN

        return PaxosLogSlotStatus.EMPTY

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    def garbageCollectSlot(self) -> int:
        if len(self.replicasLastExecuted) != self.n_server:
            return 0
        slot = self.slot_out - 1
        for val in self.replicasLastExecuted.values():
            slot = min(val, slot)
        return slot

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    def executeLog(self, context):
        # print(f"{self.address} executes log {[str(i) + str(self.log[i]) for i in self.log]}")
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        foundEmpty = False
        for j in range(self.slot_out, self.slot_in):
            status = self.status(j)
            if status == PaxosLogSlotStatus.CHOSEN:
                if foundEmpty:
                bvp = self.log[j]
                # execute and reply to client, skips no-op
                if bvp.value is not None:
                    lock_res = self.lock_manager.execute(bvp.value.lock_command, bvp.value.addr)
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                    # print(f"{context}, executeLog - sending resp back to client\n")
                    self.socket.sendto(pickle.dumps(PaxosResult(self.address, lock_res, bvp.value.lock_command)), bvp.value.addr)
                    if self.is_leader[self.slotToLeaderIndex(j)]:
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                self.slot_out += 1
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                self.replicasLastExecuted[self.address] = self.slot_out - 1
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                foundEmpty = True
                if status == PaxosLogSlotStatus.EMPTY:
                    if self.is_leader[self.slotToLeaderIndex(j)]:
                        p2a = P2A(self.address, BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), j, None)
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                        for tmp_server in self.servers:
                            if tmp_server != self.address:
                                self.send_msg(p2a, tmp_server)
                        bvp = BallotValuePair(BallotNumber(self.ballot.seq_num, self.address), None)
                        self.log[self.slot_in] = bvp
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                        self.proposals[j] = bvp
                        self.accepted[j] = bvp
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    def garbageCollect(self, until: int):
        if until <= self.lastGarbageCollected:
            # No need to do anything its already garbage collected
        # Clean up the slots
        for i in range(self.lastGarbageCollected, until + 1):
            if i in self.log:
                del self.log[i]
            if i in self.accepted:
                del self.accepted[i]
            if i in self.slot_to_acceptors:
                del self.slot_to_acceptors[i]
            if i in self.proposals:
                del self.proposals[i]
            if i in self.p1b_replies:
                del self.p1b_replies[i]
        # print(f"{self.address} finished garbage collecting until {until}")
        # print(f"{self.accepted}")
        # print(f"{self.slot_to_acceptors}")
        # print(f"{self.proposals}")
        # print(f"{self.p1b_replies}")
        # print(f"")
        self.lastGarbageCollected = until

    def slotToLeaderIndex(self, slot) -> int:
        return slot % self.n_server

    def incrementSlotIn(self):
        # Increment it into the first number greater than slot_out that we own
        # TODO: Can probably be optimized
        for i in range(1, self.n_server + 1):
            temp = self.slot_in + i
            if self.is_leader[self.slotToLeaderIndex(temp)]:
                self.slot_in = temp

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    # Serialize obj, and send the message.
    # This function will not wait for reply (communication between paxos nodes)
    def send_msg(self, obj, dest_address: Address):
        # print(f"Sending {obj} to {dest_addr}", file=sys.stdout)
        data = pickle.dumps(obj)
        self.socket.sendto(data, dest_address)

class PaxosHandler(socketserver.BaseRequestHandler):
    The request handler class for our server.

    It is instantiated once per connection to the server, and must
    override the handle() method to implement communication to the

    This will receive lock() / unlock() command from client
    Handler for proposals and leader election will be a different class (I think, probably using different port?)

    def handle(self):
        # Use self.arg to get servers fields
        # Note that we guarantee communication client to server is exactly once,
        # no need to worry about duplicate request and proposing two slot. 
        data = self.request[0].strip()
        # data = self.request.recv(1024).strip() # DEBUG LOG
        # print(f"{self.client_address} wrote: {data}", file=sys.stdout)  # DEBUG LOG

        # test deserialize
        message = pickle.loads(data)

        # print(message, "\n", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
        if isinstance(message, PaxosRequest):
            print(f"got paxos request {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
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            self.server.handlePaxosRequest(message, self.client_address)

        elif isinstance(message, P1A):
            print(f"got p1a {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
WinJ's avatar
WinJ committed
            self.server.handleP1A(message, self.client_address)

        elif isinstance(message, P1B):
            print(f"got p1b {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
WinJ's avatar
WinJ committed
            self.server.handleP1B(message, self.client_address)

        elif isinstance(message, P2A):
Dixon Tirtayadi's avatar
Dixon Tirtayadi committed
            print(f"{self.server.server_address} got p2a {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
WinJ's avatar
WinJ committed
            self.server.handleP2A(message, message.addr)

        elif isinstance(message, P2B):
Dixon Tirtayadi's avatar
Dixon Tirtayadi committed
            print(f"{self.server.server_address} got p2b {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
WinJ's avatar
WinJ committed
            self.server.handleP2B(message, self.client_address)

        elif isinstance(message, LeaderHeartbeat):
            # print(f"got heartbeat {message}", file=sys.stdout)  # debug
WinJ's avatar
WinJ committed
            self.server.handleLeaderHeartbeat(message, self.client_address)

            # prob just ignore message
            print("unrecognized message", file=sys.stdout)  # debug

if __name__ == "__main__":
    HOST, PORT = sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2])
    # addresses = ((HOST, PORT),)
    addresses = []
    for i in range(3, len(sys.argv), 2):
        addresses.append((sys.argv[i], int(sys.argv[i + 1])))
    # Create the server, binding to localhost on port 9999
    server = Paxos((HOST, PORT), addresses)
    # Activate the server; this will keep running until you
    # interrupt the program with Ctrl-C