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    kernel SMP interruptibility fixes.
    Last year, right before I sent xv6 to the printer, I changed the
    SETGATE calls so that interrupts would be disabled on entry to
    interrupt handlers, and I added the nlock++ / nlock-- in trap()
    so that interrupts would stay disabled while the hw handlers
    (but not the syscall handler) did their work.  I did this because
    the kernel was otherwise causing Bochs to triple-fault in SMP
    mode, and time was short.
    Robert observed yesterday that something was keeping the SMP
    preemption user test from working.  It turned out that when I
    simplified the lapic code I swapped the order of two register
    writes that I didn't realize were order dependent.  I fixed that
    and then since I had everything paged in kept going and tried
    to figure out why you can't leave interrupts on during interrupt
    handlers.  There are a few issues.
    First, there must be some way to keep interrupts from "stacking
    up" and overflowing the stack.  Keeping interrupts off the whole
    time solves this problem -- even if the clock tick handler runs
    long enough that the next clock tick is waiting when it finishes,
    keeping interrupts off means that the handler runs all the way
    through the "iret" before the next handler begins.  This is not
    really a problem unless you are putting too many prints in trap
    -- if the OS is doing its job right, the handlers should run
    quickly and not stack up.
    Second, if xv6 had page faults, then it would be important to
    keep interrupts disabled between the start of the interrupt and
    the time that cr2 was read, to avoid a scenario like:
       p1 page faults [cr2 set to faulting address]
       p1 starts executing trapasm.S
       clock interrupt, p1 preempted, p2 starts executing
       p2 page faults [cr2 set to another faulting address]
       p2 starts, finishes fault handler
       p1 rescheduled, reads cr2, sees wrong fault address
    Alternately p1 could be rescheduled on the other cpu, in which
    case it would still see the wrong cr2.  That said, I think cr2
    is the only interrupt state that isn't pushed onto the interrupt
    stack atomically at fault time, and xv6 doesn't care.  (This isn't
    entirely hypothetical -- I debugged this problem on Plan 9.)
    Third, and this is the big one, it is not safe to call cpu()
    unless interrupts are disabled.  If interrupts are enabled then
    there is no guarantee that, between the time cpu() looks up the
    cpu id and the time that it the result gets used, the process
    has not been rescheduled to the other cpu.  For example, the
    very commonly-used expression curproc[cpu()] (aka the macro cp)
    can end up referring to the wrong proc: the code stores the
    result of cpu() in %eax, gets rescheduled to the other cpu at
    just the wrong instant, and then reads curproc[%eax].
    We use curproc[cpu()] to get the current process a LOT.  In that
    particular case, if we arranged for the current curproc entry
    to be addressed by %fs:0 and just use a different %fs on each
    CPU, then we could safely get at curproc even with interrupts
    disabled, since the read of %fs would be atomic with the read
    of %fs:0.  Alternately, we could have a curproc() function that
    disables interrupts while computing curproc[cpu()].  I've done
    that last one.
    Even in the current kernel, with interrupts off on entry to trap,
    interrupts are enabled inside release if there are no locks held.
    Also, the scheduler's idle loop must be interruptible at times
    so that the clock and disk interrupts (which might make processes
    runnable) can be handled.
    In addition to the rampant use of curproc[cpu()], this little
    snippet from acquire is wrong on smp:
      if(cpus[cpu()].nlock == 0)
    because if interrupts are off then we might call cpu(), get
    rescheduled to a different cpu, look at cpus[oldcpu].nlock, and
    wrongly decide not to disable interrupts on the new cpu.  The
    fix is to always call cli().  But this is wrong too:
    because holding looks at cpu().  The fix is:
    I've done that, and I changed cpu() to complain the first time
    it gets called with interrupts disabled.  (It gets called too
    much to complain every time.)
    I added new functions splhi and spllo that are like acquire and
    release but without the locking:
        if(--cpus[cpu()].nsplhi == 0)
    and I've used those to protect other sections of code that refer
    to cpu() when interrupts would otherwise be disabled (basically
    just curproc and setupsegs).  I also use them in acquire/release
    and got rid of nlock.
    I'm not thrilled with the names, but I think the concept -- a
    counted cli/sti -- is sound.  Having them also replaces the
    nlock++/nlock-- in trap.c and main.c, which is nice.
    Final note: it's still not safe to enable interrupts in
    the middle of trap() between lapic_eoi and returning
    to user space.  I don't understand why, but we get a
    fault on pop %es because 0x10 is a bad segment
    descriptor (!) and then the fault faults trying to go into
    a new interrupt because 0x8 is a bad segment descriptor too!
    Triple fault.  I haven't debugged this yet.
defs.h 4.15 KiB
struct buf;
struct context;
struct file;
struct inode;
struct pipe;
struct proc;
struct spinlock;
struct stat;

// bio.c
void            binit(void);
struct buf*     bread(uint, uint);
void            brelse(struct buf*);
void            bwrite(struct buf*);

// console.c
void            console_init(void);
void            cprintf(char*, ...);
void            console_intr(int(*)(void));
void            panic(char*) __attribute__((noreturn));

// exec.c
int             exec(char*, char**);

// file.c
struct file*    filealloc(void);
void            fileclose(struct file*);
struct file*    filedup(struct file*);
void            fileinit(void);
int             fileread(struct file*, char*, int n);
int             filestat(struct file*, struct stat*);
int             filewrite(struct file*, char*, int n);

// fs.c
int             dirlink(struct inode*, char*, uint);
struct inode*   dirlookup(struct inode*, char*, uint*);
struct inode*   ialloc(uint, short);
struct inode*   idup(struct inode*);
void            iinit(void);
void            ilock(struct inode*);
void            iput(struct inode*);
void            iunlock(struct inode*);
void            iunlockput(struct inode*);
void            iupdate(struct inode*);
int             namecmp(const char*, const char*);
struct inode*   namei(char*);
struct inode*   nameiparent(char*, char*);
int             readi(struct inode*, char*, uint, uint);
void            stati(struct inode*, struct stat*);
int             writei(struct inode*, char*, uint, uint);

// ide.c
void            ide_init(void);
void            ide_intr(void);
void            ide_rw(struct buf *);

// ioapic.c
void            ioapic_enable(int irq, int cpu);
extern uchar    ioapic_id;
void            ioapic_init(void);

// kalloc.c
char*           kalloc(int);
void            kfree(char*, int);
void            kinit(void);

// kbd.c
void            kbd_intr(void);

// lapic.c
int             cpu(void);
extern volatile uint*    lapic;
void            lapic_eoi(void);
void            lapic_init(int);
void            lapic_startap(uchar, uint);

// mp.c
extern int      ismp;
int             mp_bcpu(void);
void            mp_init(void);
void            mp_startthem(void);

// picirq.c
void            pic_enable(int);
void            pic_init(void);

// pipe.c
int             pipealloc(struct file**, struct file**);
void            pipeclose(struct pipe*, int);
int             piperead(struct pipe*, char*, int);
int             pipewrite(struct pipe*, char*, int);

// proc.c
struct proc*    copyproc(struct proc*);
struct proc*    curproc();
void            exit(void);
int             growproc(int);
int             kill(int);
void            pinit(void);
void            procdump(void);
void            scheduler(void) __attribute__((noreturn));
void            setupsegs(struct proc*);
void            sleep(void*, struct spinlock*);
void            userinit(void);
int             wait(void);
void            wakeup(void*);
void            yield(void);

// swtch.S
void            swtch(struct context*, struct context*);

// spinlock.c
void            acquire(struct spinlock*);
void            getcallerpcs(void*, uint*);
int             holding(struct spinlock*);
void            initlock(struct spinlock*, char*);
void            release(struct spinlock*);
void            splhi();
void            spllo();

// string.c
int             memcmp(const void*, const void*, uint);
void*           memmove(void*, const void*, uint);
void*           memset(void*, int, uint);
char*           safestrcpy(char*, const char*, int);
int             strlen(const char*);
int             strncmp(const char*, const char*, uint);
char*           strncpy(char*, const char*, int);

// syscall.c
int             argint(int, int*);
int             argptr(int, char**, int);
int             argstr(int, char**);
int             fetchint(struct proc*, uint, int*);
int             fetchstr(struct proc*, uint, char**);
void            syscall(void);

// timer.c
void            timer_init(void);
// trap.c
void            idtinit(void);
extern int      ticks;
void            tvinit(void);
extern struct spinlock tickslock;

// number of elements in fixed-size array
#define NELEM(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof((x)[0]))