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  • rsc's avatar
    · 9fd9f804
    rsc authored
    Re: why cpuid() in locking code?
    rtm wrote:
    > Why does acquire() call cpuid()? Why does release() call cpuid()?
    The cpuid in acquire is redundant with the cmpxchg, as you said.
    I have removed the cpuid from acquire.
    The cpuid in release is actually doing something important,
    but not on the hardware.  It keeps gcc from reordering the
    lock->locked assignment above the other two during optimization.
    (Not that current gcc -O2 would choose to do that, but it is allowed to.)
    I have replaced the cpuid in release with a "gcc barrier" that
    keeps gcc from moving things around but has no hardware effect.
    On a related note, I don't think the cpuid in mpmain is necessary,
    for the same reason that the cpuid wasn't needed in release.
    As to the question of whether
      x = protected;
    might read protected after release(), I still haven't convinced
    myself whether it can.  I'll put the cpuid back into release if
    we determine that it can.
x86.h 3.11 KiB
// Routines to let C code use special x86 instructions.

static inline uchar
inb(ushort port)
  uchar data;

  asm volatile("in %1,%0" : "=a" (data) : "d" (port));
  return data;

static inline void
insl(int port, void *addr, int cnt)
  asm volatile("cld\n\trepne\n\tinsl"     :
                   "=D" (addr), "=c" (cnt)    :
                   "d" (port), "0" (addr), "1" (cnt)  :
                   "memory", "cc");

static inline void
outb(ushort port, uchar data)
  asm volatile("out %0,%1" : : "a" (data), "d" (port));

static inline void
outw(ushort port, ushort data)
  asm volatile("out %0,%1" : : "a" (data), "d" (port));

static inline void
outsl(int port, const void *addr, int cnt)
  asm volatile("cld\n\trepne\n\toutsl"    :
                   "=S" (addr), "=c" (cnt)    :
                   "d" (port), "0" (addr), "1" (cnt)  :

static inline uint
  uint ebp;
  asm volatile("movl %%ebp, %0" : "=a" (ebp));
  return ebp;

struct segdesc;

static inline void
lgdt(struct segdesc *p, int size)
  volatile ushort pd[3];

  pd[0] = size-1;
  pd[1] = (uint)p;
  pd[2] = (uint)p >> 16;

  asm volatile("lgdt (%0)" : : "r" (pd));

struct gatedesc;

static inline void
lidt(struct gatedesc *p, int size)
  volatile ushort pd[3];

  pd[0] = size-1;
  pd[1] = (uint)p;
  pd[2] = (uint)p >> 16;

  asm volatile("lidt (%0)" : : "r" (pd));

static inline void
ltr(ushort sel)
  asm volatile("ltr %0" : : "r" (sel));

static inline uint
  uint eflags;
  asm volatile("pushfl; popl %0" : "=r" (eflags));
  return eflags;

static inline void
write_eflags(uint eflags)
  asm volatile("pushl %0; popfl" : : "r" (eflags));

// XXX: Kill this if not used.
static inline void
cpuid(uint info, uint *eaxp, uint *ebxp, uint *ecxp, uint *edxp)
  uint eax, ebx, ecx, edx;

  asm volatile("cpuid" :
               "=a" (eax), "=b" (ebx), "=c" (ecx), "=d" (edx) :
               "a" (info));
    *eaxp = eax;
    *ebxp = ebx;
    *ecxp = ecx;
    *edxp = edx;

static inline uint
cmpxchg(uint oldval, uint newval, volatile uint* lock_addr)
  uint result;
  // The + in "+m" denotes a read-modify-write operand.
  asm volatile("lock; cmpxchgl %2, %0" :
                       "+m" (*lock_addr), "=a" (result) :
                       "r"(newval), "1"(oldval) :
  return result;

static inline void
  asm volatile("cli");

static inline void
  asm volatile("sti");

// Layout of the trap frame built on the stack by the
// hardware and by trapasm.S, and passed to trap().
struct trapframe {
  // registers as pushed by pusha
  uint edi;
  uint esi;
  uint ebp;
  uint oesp;      // useless & ignored
  uint ebx;
  uint edx;
  uint ecx;
  uint eax;

  // rest of trap frame
  ushort es;
  ushort padding1;
  ushort ds;
  ushort padding2;
  uint trapno;

  // below here defined by x86 hardware
  uint err;
  uint eip;
  ushort cs;
  ushort padding3;
  uint eflags;

  // below here only when crossing rings, such as from user to kernel
  uint esp;
  ushort ss;
  ushort padding4;