Russ Cox authoredfd8e3681
runoff1 2.23 KiB
$n = 0;
$v = 0;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-v") {
$v = 1;
shift @ARGV;
if($ARGV[0] eq "-n") {
$n = $ARGV[1];
shift @ARGV;
shift @ARGV;
$n = int(($n+49)/50)*50 - 1;
$file = $ARGV[0];
@lines = <>;
$linenum = 0;
foreach (@lines) {
if(length() >= 75){
print STDERR "$file:$linenum: line too long\n";
@outlines = ();
$nextout = 0;
for($i=0; $i<@lines; ){
# Skip leading blank lines.
$i++ while $i<@lines && $lines[$i] =~ /^$/;
last if $i>=@lines;
# If the rest of the file fits, use the whole thing.
if(@lines <= $i+50){
$breakbefore = @lines;
# Find a good next page break;
# Hope for end of function.
# but settle for a blank line (but not first blank line
# in function, which comes after variable declarations).
$breakbefore = $i;
$lastblank = $i;
$sawbrace = 0;
$breaksize = 15; # 15 lines to get to function
for($j=$i; $j<$i+50 && $j < @lines; $j++){
if($lines[$j] =~ /PAGEBREAK!/){
$lines[$j] = "";
$breakbefore = $j;
$breaksize = 100;
if($lines[$j] =~ /PAGEBREAK:\s*([0-9]+)/){
$breaksize = $1;
$breakbefore = $j;
$lines[$j] = "";
if($lines[$j] =~ /^};?$/){
$breakbefore = $j+1;
$breaksize = 15;
if($lines[$j] =~ /^{$/){
$sawbrace = 1;
if($lines[$j] =~ /^$/){
$sawbrace = 0;
$lastblank = $j;