xv6 is a re-implementation of Dennis Ritchie's and Ken Thompson's Unix
Version 6 (v6). xv6 loosely follows the structure and style of v6,
but is implemented for a modern x86-based multiprocessor using ANSI C.
xv6 borrows code from the following sources:
JOS (asm.h, elf.h, mmu.h, bootasm.S, ide.c, console.c, and others)
The following people made contributions:
Russ Cox (context switching, locking)
Cliff Frey (MP)
Xiao Yu (MP)
In addition, we are grateful for the patches contributed by Greg
Price, Yandong Mao, and Hitoshi Mitake.
If you spot errors or have suggestions for improvement, please send
To build xv6 on an x86 ELF machine (like Linux or FreeBSD), run "make".
On non-x86 or non-ELF machines (like OS X, even on x86), you will
need to install a cross-compiler gcc suite capable of producing x86 ELF
To run xv6, you can use Bochs or QEMU, both PC simulators.
Bochs makes debugging easier, but QEMU is much faster.
To run in Bochs, run "make bochs" and then type "c" at the bochs prompt.
To run in QEMU, run "make qemu". Both log the xv6 screen output to
standard output.
To create a typeset version of the code, run "make xv6.pdf".
This requires the "mpage" text formatting utility.