#include "param.h"
#include "mmu.h"
#include "proc.h"
#include "x86.h"
// Allocate a real stack and switch to it, first
// doing some setup required for memory allocator to work.
mpinit(); // collect info about this machine
seginit(); // set up segments
kinit(); // initialize memory allocator
jmpkstack(); // call mainc() on a properly-allocated stack
char *kstack, *top;
kstack = kalloc();
if(kstack == 0)
panic("jmpkstack kalloc");
top = kstack + PGSIZE;
asm volatile("movl %0,%%esp; call mainc" : : "r" (top));
// Set up hardware and software.
// Runs only on the boostrap processor.
cprintf("\ncpu%d: starting xv6\n\n", cpu->id);
picinit(); // interrupt controller
ioapicinit(); // another interrupt controller
consoleinit(); // I/O devices & their interrupts
uartinit(); // serial port

Robert Morris
kvmalloc(); // initialize the kernel page table
bootothers(); // start other processors
// Common CPU setup code.
// Bootstrap CPU comes here from mainc().
// Other CPUs jump here from bootother.S.
xchg(&cpu->booted, 1); // tell bootothers() we're up
// Start the non-boot processors.
extern uchar _binary_bootother_start[], _binary_bootother_size[];
uchar *code;
struct cpu *c;
// Write bootstrap code to unused memory at 0x7000.
// The linker has placed the image of bootother.S in _binary_bootother_start.
code = (uchar*)0x7000;
memmove(code, _binary_bootother_start, (uint)_binary_bootother_size);
// Tell bootother.S what stack to use and the address of mpmain;
// it expects to find these two addresses stored just before
// its first instruction.