sheet1: left

Austin Clements
# "left" and "right" specify which page of a two-page spread a file
# must start on. "left" means that a file must start on the first of
# the two pages. "right" means it must start on the second of the two

Austin Clements
# pages. The file may start in either column.
# "even" and "odd" specify which column a file must start on. "even"
# means it must start in the left of the two columns (00). "odd" means it
# must start in the right of the two columns (50).

Austin Clements
# types.h either
# param.h either
# defs.h either
# x86.h either
# asm.h either
# mmu.h either
# elf.h either
# mp.h either
even: bootasm.S # mild preference
even: bootother.S # mild preference

Austin Clements
even: bootmain.c # mild preference

Austin Clements
left: spinlock.h # mild preference
even: spinlock.h # mild preference
# This gets struct proc and allocproc on the same spread
# goal is to have two action-packed 2-page spreads,
# one with

Austin Clements
# userinit growproc fork exit wait
# and another with
# scheduler sched yield forkret sleep wakeup1 wakeup
right: proc.c # VERY important
even: proc.c # VERY important

Austin Clements
# A few more action packed spreads
# page table creation and process loading
# walkpgdir mappages setupkvm vmenable switch[ku]vm inituvm loaduvm
# process memory management
# allocuvm deallocuvm freevm

Austin Clements
odd: vm.c
# kalloc.c either
# syscall.h either
# trapasm.S either
# traps.h either
# either
# syscall.c either
# sysproc.c either
# buf.h either
# dev.h either
# fcntl.h either
# stat.h either
# file.h either
# fs.h either
# fsvar.h either
even: ide.c
# with fs.c starting on 2nd column of a left page, we get these 2-page spreads:
# ialloc iupdate iget idup ilock iunlock iput iunlockput
# bmap itrunc stati readi writei
# namecmp dirlookup dirlink skipelem namex namei
# fielinit filealloc filedup fileclose filestat fileread filewrite
# starting on 2nd column of a right page is not terrible either
even: kbd.h