6 merge requests!12Accessibility website jen summer work,!9Q access 24 sp,!8Q access 24 sp,!5Latest update from Spring 2023,!4Latest update after pmp class,!3Updated content for week 3 and week 4 (week 4 still needs work)
-<strong>Discussion post on Ed with ideas</strong> February 10, 2023
-<strong>Submit slides on Canvas and present your project in class</strong> February 14, 2023
-<strong>Final presentations and deliverables due</strong> March 12, 2021
-<strong>Discussion post on canvas with ideas</strong> before class on Feb 14, 2023
-<strong>Email staff about final teams</strong> Feb 18, 2023
-<strong>Submit slides on Canvas and present your project in class</strong> Feb 21, 2023
-<strong>Submit slides on Canvas and present progress in class</strong> Feb 28, 2023
-<strong>Final presentations and deliverables due</strong> Final Exam Timeslot, March 14, 6:30pm, 2023
revised:February 3, 2023
@@ -28,12 +30,12 @@ The goal of your final project is to build an accessibility technology or make a
In choosing this project, you may want to draw from personal expertise, literature, or user data should you have access to it. There is one requirement for this project and two things that are strongly encouraged. One note: given the number of weeks available, be careful not to overcommit.
**Requirement** You should take a "disability justice" perspective meaning you should be able to make a case for how your project either directly, or indirectly, addresses one or more principals of disability justice. You should think critically about whether and how your project empowers and gives agency to people with disabilities, as well as the extent to which it expects/engages the larger structural issues around the problem you’re trying to solve. If you don’t have personal experience justifying the choice of problem, it is important to find data or accounts that involve people with disabilities that help justify the sense of your proposed work. It is not feasible to do a full iterative design cycle in this project (and not necessarily an ethical use of the time of people with disabilities), but equally important not to come in with a ‘hero complex’ and simply believe you know what people need.
-*Encouraged* You should inform your project from first person accounts if at all possible.
- If you cannot find first person commentary on the topic, please reach out to the course staff for help. We may tell you not to worry about it, or point you at resources
- This should not unduly burden the disability comumnity. Some projects may allow for direct collaboration with or feedback from people with disabilities, others may not. Please reach out to us for guidance on this if you intend to work with disabled participants.
-*Encouraged* Your project should include an implementation component. If it does not, please check with the course staff for approval.
Your final project will have four phases, and may be individual or a group project
@@ -84,6 +86,15 @@ Your page should contain the following:
- Methodology– about 3 paragraphs: What did you do in your project- what did you design or implement? What role did people with disabilities play in this, if any
- Disability Justice Perspective– 1 paragraph: How did a disability studies perspective inform your project?
- Learnings and future work -- 1-2 paragraphs: Describe what you learned and how this can be extended/ built on in the future.
- How you made your app accessible -- 1-2 paragrphs and (optionally) UARS you found in an appendix
## Competencies
Your final project will contribute to your competency grade on:
- Disability Awareness and Justice (including Disability Justice Framing; Finding First Person Accounts)
- Accessibility Compliance (including Accessibility Problem Fixes; Automated Checking (if you turn in relevant UARS); AT based Checking (if you turn in relevant UARS))
- Accessible Media and Documents (including Accessible Document Creation; Accessible Presentation Deck; Accessible Presenting; Image Description).
- Participation (one participation grade for each phase -- i.e. Idea pitching; Milestone 1 presentation; Final Project Deliverables)