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Commit d9cc9f95 authored by Jennifer Mankoff's avatar Jennifer Mankoff
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Revert "Latest version of CSE340 21w website copied over clean fork"

This reverts commit 236a5d27.
parent 8882a604
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...@@ -7,28 +7,26 @@ ...@@ -7,28 +7,26 @@
title: Name and number of your class title: Name and number of your class
description: Description of your class description: Description of your class
baseurl: "/courses/cse340/21wi" baseurl: "/courses/csexxx/xxqq"
url: # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. url: # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
twitter_username: jcmankoff twitter_username: username
git_username: jmankoff git_username: username
git_url: git_url:
git_branch: CSE340-WI21 git_branch: CSExxx-xxQQ
piazza: piazza:
canvas: canvas:
gitlab: gitlab:
gitgrade: gitgrade:
hcibook: "No HCI Textbook, just readings"
androidbook: "No Android Textbook, just readings"
paginate: 5 paginate: 5
quarter: "Winter 2021" quarter: "Quarter YYYY"
copydate: "3/30/20" copydate: "3/30/20"
status: draft status: draft
author: author:
name: Jennifer Mankoff name: Name
url: "" url: "https://website"
email: "" # Your contact email email: "" # Your contact email
# probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list # probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list
# The Reveal theme # The Reveal theme
...@@ -7,28 +7,26 @@ ...@@ -7,28 +7,26 @@
title: Name and number of your class title: Name and number of your class
description: Description of your class description: Description of your class
baseurl: "/courses/cse340/21wi" baseurl: "/courses/csexxx/xxqq"
url: # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. url: # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g.
twitter_username: jcmankoff twitter_username: username
git_username: jmankoff git_username: username
git_url: git_url:
git_branch: CSE340-WI21 git_branch: CSExxx-xxQQ
piazza: piazza:
canvas: canvas:
gitlab: gitlab:
gitgrade: gitgrade:
hcibook: "No HCI Textbook, just readings"
androidbook: "No Android Textbook, just readings"
paginate: 5 paginate: 5
quarter: "Winter 2021" quarter: "Quarter YYYY"
copydate: "3/30/20" copydate: "3/30/20"
status: draft status: draft
author: author:
name: Jennifer Mankoff name: Name
url: "" url: "https://website"
email: "" # Your contact email email: "" # Your contact email
# probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list # probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list
# The Reveal theme # The Reveal theme
--- ---
# This is where the style colors for the website are set # This is where the style colors for the website are set
--- ---
$navbar-color: #3a1c6f; $navbar-color: #003459;
$dark-color: #3a1c6f; $dark-color: #003459;
$gradient-dark: #3a1c6f; $gradient-dark: #004d85;
$gradient-light: #006666; $gradient-light: #004d85;
$lecture-background: #164756 ; $lecture-background: #164756 ;
$lab-background:#d8e6c9; $lab-background:#d8e6c9;
$background: #d8e6c9; $background: #d8e6c9;
...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ dl dt.lab { ...@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ dl dt.lab {
} }
.navbar { .navbar {
background-color: $gradient-dark; background-color: $navbar-color;
} }
table.schedule { table.schedule {
File deleted
layout: presentation
title: Advanced Java
description: Advanced Java Slides
class: middle, center, inverse
name: inverse
layout: true
class: center, middle, inverse
# CSE 340 ({{site.quarter}})
## Advanced Java
layout: false
# Roadmap
- Inheritance
- Generics
- Anonymous Inner Classes
- Lambdas (and `::` notation)
# Inheritance
Interfaces: a promise that you will implement these methods
- Interfaces can only implement other interfaces
- A class can implement many interfaces
- Examples: Comparable interface
Regular class: fully defined behaviors that you want to add to
- All functions in the parent class have been implemented and are inherited
- Usually would use this to add more specific behavior by changing implementation or adding new methods
Abstract classes: like interfaces but has some fully implemented methods as well
- Can have abstract functions that are only defined in subclasses like interfaces
- Also allows you to define shared member variables and functions for all subclasses
- Examples: Pets all have a name (inherited member variable), are adopted the
same way (function defined in abstract class) but eat different foods (abstract function defined only in subclasses)[]
# Inheritance common errors and tips
Be careful:
- Make sure not to redefine a variable you inherited from a parent class
- Check and make sure that you are using the same method signature (return types and parameter types) when overriding inherited methods, otherwise this is actually overloading
- These might lead to undefined and weird behaviors! :(
- You can only subclass one class, but you can implement as many interfaces as you want
- Subclasses are able to access and change public and protected member variables of parent
- You must implement interface methods and all abstract superclass methods
# Switch Statements
A form of a conditional with different execution paths
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, ON_EDGE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
switch (where) {
case ON_EDGE: // do the edgy things
break; // and skip everything after this
case INSIDE: // do the inside things but also fall through
// and do the OUTSIDE things because no break statement;
case OUTSIDE: // do the outside things
break; // and skip everything after this
default: // do default things
// automatically falls through
# Private class fields are often labelled with a lowercase “m” at the front
This notation comes from AOSP<br>
(Android Open Source Project) [Code Style Guidelines for Contributors](
Follow Field Naming Conventions
- Non-public, non-static field names start with ‘m’.
- Static field names start with ‘s’.
- Other fields start with a lower case letter.
- Public static final fields (constants) are `ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES`.
For example:
- `private float mCircleRadius, mThumbRadius;`
- `private final Paint mPaintStart, mPaintEnd;`
# Enums
An enum type is a special data type that restricts a variable to be a set of predefined constant
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
# Generics
Basically, abstraction over types
Point<Integer>, Point<Double>
// Type abstraction: abstract over element type
Interface List<E> { // Lets us use types such as:
Boolean add(E n); // List<Integer>
E get(int index); // List<String>
} // List<List<Double>>
# Anonymous Inner Classes (1/3)
In Java, Anonymous Inner Classes are inner classes (or a non-static class that’s nested inside another class)
- Anonymous classes don’t have a name and are often used to make an instance of an object that has slightly different methods of another class or interface.
- This way, you don’t have to actually make a subclass of a class.
- You’re going to see this type of class in some of our homework when implementing something called “listeners”
# Anonymous Inner Classes (2/3)
public class ExActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (mButton!=v) {
}; // remember to end this statement with a semicolon
# Anonymous Inner Classes (3/3)
Digging deeper: Creating an anonymous inner class <br>
`private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {`
`private` -- it's only available inside the class that contains it (e.g. `ExampleActivity`)
`View.OnClickListener` -- the variable type ([Documentation](, a nested class in `View`
`mClickListener` is the variable name which is being set to...
a `new View.OnClickListener` which is an anonymous object from an abstract class
- For those of you who have not taken 331, that means there are methods that have not been implemented in the class
- The one method that you MUST implement (in order to create a new object of this type) is `onClick`, which overrides the abstract method
# Lambdas
What are Lambda expressions in Java?
- Block of code that can be passed around to execute
- Instances of functional interfaces
- Think of it as using code as data
- Useful for anonymous classes and functional interfaces, allows compact instances of one method classes
- This will come up later in the course when dealing with callbacks!
- Once instantiated, you can re-use it! Treat it is as a function
# Lambda Simple Example
An example functional interface
interface FuncInter1
int operation(int a, int b);
int multiplication(int a, int b);
// Implementing interface w/ lambda function
FuncInter1 add = (int x, int y) -> x + y;
You can reuse this now!
- `add.operation(2, 3)` returns 5
- `add.multiplication(2, 3)` return 5
# Another Lambda Example using `::` operator
`::` is a method reference, same as using lambda but even shorter and readable
Syntax of `::` operator `<Class name>::<method name>`
Lambda Example
`numList.forEach(e -> System.out.print(e));`
This does the same thing!
layout: presentation
title: Java Refresher
description: Java Refresher Slides
class: middle, center, inverse
name: inverse
layout: true
class: center, middle, inverse
# CSE 340 ({{site.quarter}})
## Java Refresher
layout: false
# What is Java?
- Strongly, statically typed language
- Every variable has a type
- This type is decided at compile time (mostly)
- Compiled, class-based, Object-oriented
- Platform agnostic
- __Write once__, _run anywhere_ without recompilation
- Especially useful for Android
## Java Basics: Primitive Types
- Boolean
boolean hasClassStarted = true;
boolean isClassOver = false;
## Java Basics: Primitive Types
- Boolean
boolean hasClassStarted = true;
boolean isClassOver = false;
- Integer
int numStudents = rand.nextInt(30);
## Java Basics: Primitive Types
- Boolean
boolean hasClassStarted = true;
boolean isClassOver = false;
- Integer
int numStudents = rand.nextInt(30);
- Float
float gradePointAverage = 3.2f;
- Double
- Higher precision than float
double examScore = 97.362;
- Byte, Short, etc.
## Java Basics: Text
- Characters
char section = 'B';
- Strings
String instructor = "Jennifer Mankoff";
All non-primitives types inherit from `Object` class
- Including `String`; note the capitalization
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
public final String COURSE = "CSE 340";
private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
- `package private`
- This is the default access if no modifier is specified
- Accessible by all classes in the same package.
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
public final String COURSE = "CSE 340";
private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
- `package private`
- This is the default access if no modifier is specified
- Accessible by all classes in the same package.
- `private`
- Kept secret, can only be read/written by `self`
- Cannot be accessed by subclasses
- `protected`
- Access restricted to `self`, subclasses, and package
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
public final String COURSE = "CSE 340";
private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
- `package private`
- This is the default access if no modifier is specified
- Accessible by all classes in the same package.
- `private`
- Kept secret, can only be read/written by `self`
- Cannot be accessed by subclasses
- `protected`
- Access restricted to `self`, subclasses, and package
- `public`
- The world can read/write (fields) or call (methods)
## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
- Generally, you want to be as restrictive as possible
- Usually, this means `private`
- Create getter/setter methods to modify the member variables
- .red[__Almost never use__ `public`] for fields
- Except for constants
## Java Basics: `final`
- Prevent value from changing after initialization
// local variable cannot be modified ever!
final double courseGrade = 95.0;
## Java Basics: `final`
- Prevent value from changing after initialization
// local variable cannot be modified ever!
final double courseGrade = 95.0;
- Prevent subclassing
// can't subclass
// (for example to make a Student class)
public final class Person {
- Prevent overriding
// can't override!
public final int getValue() {
return 0;
## Java Basics: `static`
- Use for constants or variables are shared by all instances of a particular class
final static double SALES_TAX_RATE = 0.07; // Class Constant (never changes)
static double mTotalAmount = 3.56; // Class variable can change
- Methods that can be called without an class instance (instantiating an object)
static String toString(int i);
// For example Integer.toString(100) => "100";
# Naming Conventions
- class names are PascalCased
- local variables and method names are camelCased
- class or instance variables begin with a 'm' (for member), such as mTotalAmount
- constants are UPPER_SNAKE_CASED
## Java Basics: Methods
- Methods in Java typically follow this format:
{visibility} [static] [final] returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...) {
- `static` and `final` are optional, special modifiers
- `visibility` is one of `public`, `private`, `protected`, or empty for package private
## Java Basics: Method Example
Summing two numbers and returning the answer as a string
public String getSumOfTwoNumbersAsString(int first, int second) {
int sum = first + second;
return Integer.toString(sum); // could also return "" + sum
## Java Basics: Declaring a class
{visibility} class ClassName {
// Field declarations
// Method definitions
## Java Basics: Constructing a Class
public class Student {
// Class (static) variables -
public static final String STUDENT_KEY = "STUDENT";
private static final String ID_PREFIX = "S";
// Instance Variables
private String mIdNumber;
private String mName;
// Constructors - used to create an instance
Student(String name, String idNumber) { = mName;
this.idNumber = mIdNumber;
// Methods
public String getPrefixedIdNumber() {
return ID_PREFIX + mIdNumber;
## Java Basics: Constructing a Class cont.
// Getter
public String getName() {
return mName;
// Setter
public void setName(String newName) {
if (newName == null || newName == "") {
newName = "Unknown";
mName = newName;
... // etc.
# Enums
An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constant
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
# Switch Statements
A form of a conditional with different execution paths
public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, ON_EDGE, OUTSIDE };
EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
switch (where) {
case ON_EDGE:
// do the edgy things
case INSIDE:
// do the inside things but also fall through
// and do the OUTSIDE things because no break statement;
// do the outside things
// do default things
// automatically falls through
## More Java Resources
- Java Documentation (
- __Online Java Practice Problems__:
...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table ...@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table
See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links
**Class Time:** M/W/F at 10:30am PDT \\ **Class Time:** \\
**Lab Times:** 9:30am PDT (Section AA) and 10:30 am PDT (Section AB) **Lab Times:**
# Course staff # Course staff
...@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links ...@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links
## TAs ## TAs
:--: | :---------: | :-- | | :--: | :---------: | :-- :--: | :---------: | :-- | | :--: | :---------: | :--
**Section AA** | ![Taylor Gotfrid](assets/img/staff/gotfrid.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Taylor Gotfrid (she/her) | | **Section AB** | | David Chen (he/him) **Section AA** | ![Taylor Gotfrid](assets/img/staff/gotfrid.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Taylor Gotfrid (she/her) | | **Section AB** | |
**Infrastructure** | ![Jeremy Zhang](assets/img/staff/zhang.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Jeremy Zhang (he/him) | | | | **Infrastructure** | | | | | |
# Should I take this class? # Should I take this class?
...@@ -188,55 +188,3 @@ Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using ...@@ -188,55 +188,3 @@ Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using
[Religious Accommodations Request]( [Religious Accommodations Request](
form on UW's site. form on UW's site.
# Other relevant classes to know about
There are a number of classes on campus that teach related concepts
which you may wish to consider in addition to this one. As of Spring 2020,
here are the ones we are aware of:
- CSE 154: Web Programming: [Sp 20](
This course covers languages, tools, and techniques for developing interactive and dynamic web
pages. Topics include page styling, design, and layout; client and server side scripting;
web security; and interacting with data sources such as databases.
- [HCDE 310: Interactive Systems Design &
Technology]( This course is a
project based course that teaches how to prototype applications on the
web using Python that solve human problems or enable new
activities. Includes information about APIs and how people interact with them. It
differs from CSE 340 in its choice of platform. Additionally, it
doesn’t cover the theory of UI programming, nor issues such as
accessibility, undo, and so on.
- [INFO 343: Client side web
development]( This is a
programming course, and there will be significant overlap between the
courses, as INFO 343 also touches on event based programming, output,
and accessibility. [CSE 154: Web
also covers some related
material. However, both are about programming on the web using
JavaScript instead of on Android, using Java. In addition, CSE 340
covers more of the theory of UI programming and design, similar to
HCID 520.
- [CSE 440: Introduction to
HCI](; [441: Advanced HCI]( This is an advanced series of courses for undergraduate
seniors. The focus of 440 is less on programming and more broadly on
methods for designing, prototyping, and evaluating user interfaces to
computing applications, while 441 is an open ended capstone
course. These are excellent follow on courses to 340, for a student
who wants to go deeper into how to make usable, enjoyable effective
interfaces, and how to solve interesting problems with HCI. Related is
[CSE 510](, the HCI
course for the professional masters program.
- HCID 520: User Interface Software +
Technology ([Wi 17](, [Wi 16]( [Wi 19](
This course
teaches about user interfaces, including what they are, how they are
built, and some inventions in user interface software and
technology. There are many similarities between these classes. However HCID 520
is only open to [MHCI+D students]( Masters students.
- [HCID 521: Prototyping](
This class is for the [MHCI+D students](
only and focuses on prototyping techniques, not implementation. It
covers everything from paper prototyping to physical interfaces to 3D
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