6 merge requests!12Accessibility website jen summer work,!9Q access 24 sp,!8Q access 24 sp,!5Latest update from Spring 2023,!4Latest update after pmp class,!3Updated content for week 3 and week 4 (week 4 still needs work)
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ Those marked with CA are *CREATE ASK* topics, i.e. topics that CREATE partners h
- MA: Sports & eSports (e.g. [Seattle Adaptive Sports](http://www.seattleadaptivesports.org/)). Research papers: [Design and real world evaluation of Eyes-Free Yoga: An Exergame for blind & low vision exercise](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5667683/); [Design in the public square: supporting assistive technology design through public mixed-ability cooperation](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3359257); [Accessibility in gaming](https://www.scope.org.uk/campaigns/research-policy/accessibility-in-gaming/#Interests-and-behaviours-among-disabled-gamers)(UK report). Available now: [Xbox adaptive controller](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/accessories/controllers/xbox-adaptive-controller); [Dr. Gearbox](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1218220/The_Mechanical_World_of_Dr_Gearbox/) with ["playable characters show people living with different conditions and disabilities"](https://altagram.com/people-with-disabilities-changing-esports/); [Ablegamers.org](https://ablegamers.org/impact/); numerous first person accounts by disabled gamers.
- MA: Visualization. Research papers: [Communicating Visualizations without Visuals: Investigating Visualization Alternative Text for People with Visual Impairments](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9552938); [Infosonics: Accessible Infographics for people who are blind using sonification and voice](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3491102.3517465); [How accessible is my visualization? Evaluating visualization accessibility with Chartability](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/cgf.14522?casa_token=6uJ3npedmwsAAAAA%3ABeZrqQUFLWkVzgZHtxa29Oqh199mf4_A_eSPsdzpREK0Wm-n5uRCPymODes0W2MDSlUr1yBXX6f-MVY). Available now: The best tools available now still require a *programmer* to use them [HighCharts](https://www.highcharts.com/docs/accessibility/accessibility-module); [Voxlens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens). A "live" list that has the latest on what's available [DataViz A11y](https://github.com/dataviza11y/resources)
- Fabrication & Physical Computing. Research papers: [Sharing is caring: Assistive technology designs on thingiverse](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2702123.2702525); [Making "making" accessible](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/2485760.2485883); [Putting tools in hands: Designing curriculum for a nonvisual soldering workshop](https://doi.org/10.1145/3373625.3418011); [Designing educational materials for a blind arduino workshop](https://doi.org/10.1145/3334480.3383055). Available now: [Blind Arduino Blog](http://blarbl.blogspot.com/); (much older) [Smith Ketterwell Technical File](https://www.ski.org/smith-kettlewell-technical-file); [Nonvisual soldering](https://laurenrace.com/teaching/nonvisual-curriculum-design/); [Nonvisual arduino](https://laurenrace.com/teaching/nonvisual-arduino-workshop/)
- Security/Privacy. Research papers: [AccessiLeaks: Investigating privacy leaks exposed by the Android accessibility service](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01929049/file/naseri-popets19.pdf); [A survey of privacy concerns of smart-home services provided to individuals with disabilities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070117/); [I'm literally just hoping this will work: Obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with disabilities](https://www.usenix.org/system/files/soups2021-napoli.pdf). Available now: I'm not sure what to put here (feel free to try to find something). Aside from audio-enabled captchas, the other issues raised here are not something that an existing online app can necessarily address.
- MA VR/AR (e.g. [Northwest School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing](https://www.northwestschool.com/)). Research papers: [Fairness issues in AI Systems that augment sensory abilities](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.07333.pdf); [A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](file:///Users/jmankoff/Downloads/sensors-22-07719-v2.pdf); [AR4VI: AR as an accessibility tool for people with visual impairments](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8088507&casa_token=T2X3w3jTOugAAAAA:Mlnt-Wqk7Y4W-bJndK5Hgc8wbnL2QDVT-JSUZNaxheR2p5h5NPgSsn94TbYTiScUwwJvJBQcySY4); [SeeingVR: A set of tools to make virtual
- Security/Privacy. Research papers: [AccessiLeaks: Investigating privacy leaks exposed by the Android accessibility service](https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01929049/file/naseri-popets19.pdf); [A survey of privacy concerns of smart-home services provided to individuals with disabilities](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7070117/); [I'm literally just hoping this will work: Obstacles blocking the online security and privacy of users with disabilities](httpis://www.usenix.org/system/files/soups2021-napoli.pdf). Available now: I'm not sure what to put here (feel free to try to find something). Aside from audio-enabled captchas, the other issues raised here are not something that an existing online app can necessarily address.
- MA VR/AR (e.g. [Northwest School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing](https://www.northwestschool.com/)). Research papers: <!-- [Fairness issues in AI Systems that augment sensory abilities](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.07333.pdf); -->[A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](file:///Users/jmankoff/Downloads/sensors-22-07719-v2.pdf); [AR4VI: AR as an accessibility tool for people with visual impairments](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=8088507&casa_token=T2X3w3jTOugAAAAA:Mlnt-Wqk7Y4W-bJndK5Hgc8wbnL2QDVT-JSUZNaxheR2p5h5NPgSsn94TbYTiScUwwJvJBQcySY4); [SeeingVR: A set of tools to make virtual
reality more accessible to people with low vision](https://www.classes.cs.uchicago.edu/archive/2020/winter/20370-1/readings/SeeingVR.pdf). Available now: [OverTHERE](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/overthere/id1126056833); Look for examples here that are not vaporware: [Accessibility, Disabilities, and Virtual Reality Solutions](https://educatorsinvr.com/2019/05/31/accessibility-disabilities-and-virtual-reality-solutions/);
- Other: You are welcome to tackle other areas covered in class including [AI/ML](https://arxiv.org/abs/2208.04712); [Intelligent Agents](http://acm.mementodepot.org/pubs/proceedings/acmconferences_3173574/3173574/3173574.3174033/3173574.3174033.pdf); you will need to work with the instructors to identify a set of reading papers and technololgies that are available now.
{% enddetails %}
@@ -46,7 +46,8 @@ Next, you should write or talk about the technology using plain language. Your w
1. Describe the topic
a. Introduce the technology you focused on (1 paragraph)
b. Summarize what might be important to know about the technology from a disability perspective (1-2 paragraphs)
b. Summarize what might be important to know about the technology from a disability perspective (1-2 paragraphs), including things that can impact its accessibility
2. Summarize what you learned about the topic from the research article. It is ok to mention more than one article, and we selected articles that complement each other. However, you are only *required* to summarize a single article. (4-5 paragraphs)
3. Describe solutions and/or options available now to people with disabilities. For each one
a. Describe it briefly; Provide a link
@@ -66,8 +67,8 @@ word, pdf, or html); and include alt text for images (again in any
format). In the case of a video, you should present accessibly; and
include captions.
Please choose at least five of the following ten plain language
principals and include an addendum saying which five you picked.
Please choose at least five of the ten plain language
principals presented in class and include an addendum saying which five you picked.
description: Discussion of the accessibility of AR/VR interactions
class: middle, center, inverse
background-image: url(img/people.png)
# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
Week 5, AR/VR
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
name: normal
layout: true
# Important Reminder
## This is an important reminder
## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- How might we want to evaluate *any* advanced technology from an accessibility perspective
- Upcoming Technology Review Assignment
- How can AR/VR improve accessibility (guest speaker)
# How might we evaluate *any* advanced technology
Are things made with that technology accessible
- How is accessibility supported in the building of apps with that technology
- Does this technology depend on secondary things (such as data sets) that may not be accessible/inclusive?
- Does this technology have societal implications or risks that impact access?
- How can accessibility be assessed
Are people with disabilities able to build apps with this technology
- Are programming tools and so on accessible
Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions?
# Case study (1 of 3)
Let's consider the workshop paper on AI Systems that Augment Sensory Abilities
What does it say about making AR/VR apps accessible?
- Does not directly address accessibility of AR/VR apps
- Sensory augmentation may be a "secondary" technology used in AR/VR, in which case accessibility of models (and data they are based on) is highly relevant
- Privacy analysis directly relevant to AR/VR (they discuss head mounted displays)
- Does not directly address assessment of AR/VR accessibility
# Case study (2 of 3)
Let's consider the workshop paper on AI Systems that Augment Sensory Abilities
What does it say about making the creation of AR/VR apps accessible?
- It discusses the fact that inaccessible models can make personalization difficult
- It discusses making model training more accessible
# Case study (3 of 3)
Let's consider the workshop paper on AI Systems that Augment Sensory Abilities
Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions?
- Not a focus of the article
- Definitely something we'll talk about later today with our guest speaker, Xia
# Second case study (1 of 2)
Survey paper on handheld AR
Are things made with that technology accessible?
- In the building of apps with that technology
- In secondary things it depends on
- Societal implications
- Assessment practices
Does it address creation of AR/VR by people with disabilities?
Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions?
Form small groups; discuss; [post on Ed](https://edstem.org/us/courses/31170/discussion/2449907)
# Second case study (2 of 2)
My Answers
- Does not really discuss the underlying toolkits that enable accessibility
- But it does discuss how apps implement accessibility
- Interaction techniques (a sort of conceptual tool). Table 3 lays out a broad range of these that have been experimented with in different surveyed papers
- Specific techniques used to achieve POUR (Table 4) and which surveyed papers they are used in
- Does not discuss secondary things that it might rely on
- Does not really address societal implications
- Talks about evaluation methods used in surveyed papers
- Survey focused on research literature. All papers used UX Evaluation techniques
- Does not discuss automated tools or whether they exist
Does it address creation of AR/VR by people with disabilities? No
Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions? No
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- How might we want to evaluate *any* advanced technology from an accessibility perspective
- **Upcoming Technology Review Assignment**
- How can AR/VR improve accessibility (guest speaker)
# Technology Review (1 of 2)
Assignment is due in one week
Slightly different from the exercise we just did
- Write plain language summary of one academic article
- Also summarize of *examples available now* that someone interested in this technology can go try
# Technology Review (2 of 2)
Some important notes
- It is ok to leave things out, you should emphasize what will be relevant to a lay audience
- For example in summarizing the AR/VR survey paper, you might focus on summarizing common approaches used by apps that are accessible to different kinds of disabilities (Tables 3 and 4)
- It is also ok to draw from more than one paper if that is helpful
- We have provided example technologies and articles; but you can pick your own articles, or even technology, *with instructor approval*
Field trip: [Technology Review]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/technology-review.html)