{% details How do I reach other students in the class?
{% details How do I reach other students in the class? %}
We have a class [discussion board]({{site.discussion}}), where you can
make public posts that benefit the whole class, and are answered more
quickly because your fellow students can help the course staff by
responding also.
- This is the best way to ask questions about things like homework and programming
- Before posting, please search through the questions that have already been posted in case
make public posts that benefit the whole class, and are answered more
quickly because your fellow students can help the course staff by
responding also.
- This is the best way to ask questions about things like homework and programming
- Before posting, please search through the questions that have already been posted in case
someone has already asked the same question.
Another great way to meet students is to come to class in person!
{% enddetails %}
@@ -117,10 +122,10 @@ understanding.
WWe know that students in this class may need materials to be
accessible by screen reader, or may need extra time on exams. We have structured the class to be as accessible as possible to all students by default.
If you
have a temporary health condition or permanent disability (either
mental health, learning, or physical health related) that impacts your
academic experience, please let us know how we can accommodate you.
If you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability
(either mental health, learning, or physical health related) that
impacts your academic experience, please let us know how we can
accommodate you.
You are NOT obligated to disclose any of these issues with the
instructor, only specify if there’s any accommodations required. For
@@ -129,6 +134,8 @@ each other), please see our [Accessibility
{% enddetails %}
{% details What about health and wellnes beyond accessibility accommodations? %}
It is very important to us that you take care of your mental health throughout the course. We have built flexibility into course assessments with the goal of reducing stress. However we know that sometimes that is not enough. Everyone on the course staff is available to chat, and you can always attend office hours for a non-academic conversation if necessary. Beyond the course staff, the University of Washington provides the following resources for mental health concerns. Your anonymity and privacy are protected.
@@ -138,16 +145,27 @@ It is very important to us that you take care of your mental health throughout t
highly recommended to visit the [UW Heath and Wellness](http://depts.washington.edu/livewell/programs/)
programs. They offer resources to students that can help.
- If you're concerned for yourself or a friend, please call SafeCampus at (206) 685-7233.
{% enddetails %}
{% details How do you accommodate religious holidays? %}
may observe religious holidays that overlap class times. We ask that you complete the class attendance requirements for remote students in this case. If you have additional concerns that this policy does not meet, please contact the instructors. In addition, here is some potentially helpful information about UW policy: [Religious Accommodations Policy](https://registrar.washington.edu/staffandfaculty/religious-accommodations-policy/). Accommodation can be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the
{% details What should I do if something happens that makes me feel unsafe or excluded? %}
If you have been subject to sexual harassment, you feel you have been discriminated against, our you have been made to feel uncomfortable in any way, please tell us. You might choose to speak with your instructor, teaching assistant, the chair of the department, depending on the circumstances.
Should you feel uncomfortable bringing up an issue with a staff member
@@ -165,9 +183,10 @@ If something about the course materials makes you feel excluded, please let us k
We have tried to make the course inclusive of people who have work,
childcare or appointments that have to be prioritized at specific
times. However if we can do something to improve this further, or you have needs we haven't thought of, please tell us.
{% enddetails %}
# Class Expectations and Grading
# Expectations and Grading
{% details What are the participation requirements for this class? %}
@@ -181,25 +200,29 @@ If you participate remotely, or miss a class, you may be asked to
engage in additional work before, after, or during lecture to ensure
that you have the most similar experience possible to students who are
in person.
{% enddetails %}
{% enddetails %}
{% details Will lectures be recorded? %}
Class sessions **will be recorded**
when possible (guest lecturers may refuse this). Recordings will only
be accessible to students enrolled in the course to review materials.
Class sessions **will be recorded** when possible (guest lecturers may
refuse this). Recordings will only be accessible to students enrolled
in the course to review materials.
The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to
protect the security and privacy of UW Zoom accounts.
{% enddetails %}
{% enddetails %}
{% details What if I don't want to be recorded? %}
Students who
connect by Zoom but do not wish to be recorded should:
Students who connect by Zoom but do not wish to be recorded should:
- Change their Zoom screen name to a school appropriate screen name
that hides any personal identifying information such as their name or
- Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions (please notify us first!).
{% enddetails %}
{% enddetails %}
{% details What is the classes Grading Philosophy? %}
@@ -214,10 +237,11 @@ years, driven partly by COVID-19. We have tried to learn from this in our gradin
[Competency based
grading](https://aurora-institute.org/cw_post/cbe-in-practice-grading/) in alignment with the disability justice focus in this
{% enddetails %}
{% enddetails %}
{% details What is competency based grading? %}
{% details What is "*Competency Based Grading*"? %}
[Competency based
grading](https://aurora-institute.org/cw_post/cbe-in-practice-grading/) separates out *how* you learn a skill from *whether you
know it.* Many of these competencies are assessed repeatedly. *I don't
@@ -237,6 +261,7 @@ to help assign a score on that learning goal.

{% enddetails %}
{% details Nice philosphy and all... what does that mean for me? %}
The competencies needed for this course are listed on the [assignments
@@ -277,9 +302,10 @@ view your progress on each competency in Canvas (Excellent is called
"Mastery" there). **Open up the category to see individual
competencies; and click on the competency to see details on whether
you are "competent" or "excellent"**.
{% enddetails %}
{% details What else will impact my grade? %}
{% details What else will I be graded on? %}
Grades will be assigned in three categories: Assignment completion, effort, and competencies.
@@ -299,6 +325,7 @@ and exercises in class (self reported) and whether you participated in
discussions outside of class (based on your submissions).
{% enddetails %}
{% details Does the class have a regrading policy? %}
@@ -318,7 +345,9 @@ question about a grade you received or if you feel the grade you
received is incorrect, please **[email an
instructor](mailto:{{site.staff_email}}) for an appointment to discuss