@@ -261,8 +260,8 @@ Mental health concerns benefit from disability accommodations
In our class this means:
- we have tried to structure the class to support you (e.g. up to 5
late days without questions asked). If you need further accommodations
- we have tried to structure the class to support you (e.g. up to 2
late days on every assignment without questions asked). If you need further accommodations
for any reason, consider working with
[DRS](https://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/) as well as us.
@@ -294,10 +293,12 @@ However we allow remote participation *and work to ensure* that students who can
# How do I participate remotely?
1. You watch the whole video for the class you are remote for. This does *not* have to be done live
2. You contribute a discussion post to every small group discussion linked to in the [class schedule/slides]({{site.baseurl}}/schedule)
1. You *attend via Zoom*
2. You *contribute a discussion post to every small group discussion* linked to in the [class schedule/slides]({{site.baseurl}}/schedule)
3. You fill out the *remote participation survey* portion of the [class participation survey](https://forms.gle/qcjc5fSNSAVeE5pK9)
If you cannot attend live or by Zoom, you still have to do (2) and (3) above. *In addition, you must pick a reading and post a summary of it* to the class discussion
# How is this class accessible? (3/3)
@@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ We commit to mutually working together to make it accessible.
In our class, this means that Where possible, we provide those as a standard part of the class. To that end...
In our class, this means that where possible, we provide those as a standard part of the class. To that end...
@@ -330,10 +331,24 @@ Summarize your discussion on our [Discussion Board]({{site.discussion}}2347303)
- **Language**: I am Jen, or Dr. Mankoff
- **Respect**: This class is a compact between us based on respect
# A Note on Academic Integrity
**Academic Integrity**: A course value and requirement See our [Academic Conduct]({{site.baseurl}}/academic-conduct) page for more details
Don't plagiarize. If you use someone else's text, quote them and reference them.
In addition to being expected based on UW policy, this is a form of [*Citational Justice*](nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00793-1)
and thus an important expression of disability justice values in our class. Therefore
- If you plagiarize you will receive a 0 on participation for that assignment
- If you plagiarize on any assignment, you will receive a non-competent on your disability justice competency
Assignment completion is required. This is 10% of your grade. You have up to four late days for assignment completion, and this only looks at whether you did everything, not how well you did it.
Assignment completion is required. This is 10% of your grade. You have up to two late days *per assignment* for assignment completion, no questions asked. Also, this only looks at whether you did everything, not how well you did it.
Effort is also 10% of your grade. This includes
@@ -344,11 +359,38 @@ Effort is also 10% of your grade. This includes
However, the biggest part of your grade is your *competencies* (80%).
We use *competency based grading* because it prioritizes *accessibility* and *justice* and *flexibility* for students.
# What is competency-based grading?
**Traditional grading** focuses on completion of required tasks
Teaching and learning are centered around *learning outcomes*. This changes how we plan, assess and grade the course.
# More detail on competencies
- Competencies are the core learning goals in this class.
- If you learn them all well, your will get an A in them
- If you learn them all well, you will do well in the class
- You will have multiple opportunities to show us you learned them
@@ -359,9 +401,6 @@ They fall into three categories
- Accessible Media and Documents (e.g. writing alt text, presenting accessibly)
- Disability Awareness and Justice (How you pick problems and do disability centered design)
This is the first time I'm grading this way, so we may make adjustments based on how it goes. Feedback welcome.
# How Competencies Translate to Grades
On any competency, you may be rated as below competent, competent or excellent
@@ -375,16 +414,19 @@ In each category (accessibility compliance; accessible media and documents; and
After each category is graded, the categories are averaged.
# A Note on Academic Integrity
# Example: Accessible Media and Documents
**Academic Integrity**: A course value and requirement See our [Academic Conduct]({{site.baseurl}}/academic-conduct) page for more details
- You do well on your first presentation -- you remember to speak slowly and describe your images. However you use a few acronyms and don't read entire quotes ("Competent")
Don't plagiarize. If you use someone else's text, quote them and reference them.
In addition to being expected based on UW policy, this is a form of [*Citational Justice*](nature.com/articles/d41586-022-00793-1)
and thus an important expression of disability justice values in our class. Therefore
- If you plagiarize you will receive a 0 on participation for that assignment
- If you plagiarize on any assignment, you will receive a non-competent on your disability justice competency
- The presentation slide deck and your first homework are mostly accessible, however you forget to describe any images. As a result, you score "Not Competent" on image descriptions.
- On your next assignment you take special care with image descriptions. You are marked "Competent" but the TA has some advice on how to be write more specific and useful descriptions
- You want to finish this, so the next time you include an image in a discussion post, you make sure to describe this, and ask the TA to review it. You followed their advice and you are marked "Excellent"