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Commit 54a2c6b3 authored by Jennifer Mankoff's avatar Jennifer Mankoff
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Weeks 1 and 2 roughed out

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3 merge requests!12Accessibility website jen summer work,!9Q access 24 sp,!8Q access 24 sp
......@@ -19,15 +19,15 @@ questions or run into issue, please contact the course staff.
| Link to Assignment | Turn in Link | Due Date |
| HW1: [Disability Justice](disabilityjustice.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW2: [Finding AT around us](finding-accessibility.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW1: [Finding AT around us](finding-accessibility.html) | | 10/2 |
| HW2: [Disability Justice](disabilityjustice.html) | TBD | 10/9 |
| HW3a: [Web/App Access UARS](website.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW3b: [Web/App Access Report](website-report.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW4: [Technology Review (Post GUI)](technology-review.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW5: [Laser Cut Access](lasercutting.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW7a: [Final Project Proposal](project-proposal.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW7b: [Final Project Checkpoint](project-checkpoint.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW7c: [Final Project Presentation](project-final.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW4a: [Post GUI Accessibility](technology-review.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW4b: [Post GUI Accessibility Implementation](technology-implementation.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW5a: [Final Project Proposal](project-proposal.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW5b: [Final Project Checkpoint](project-checkpoint.html) | TBD | TBD |
| HW5c: [Final Project Presentation](project-final.html) | TBD | TBD |
# Regrades
Regrades are done per competency, not per assignment. All regrade requests must be submitted at least a week ahead of the last class of the quarter. Please check with your TA about what exactly is required for a regrade for any given competency.
......@@ -12,63 +12,110 @@ warning: draft
{: .week}
# Week 1 (3/27 & 3/29): Introduction to Accessibility
# Week 1 (9/27 - 9/29): Introduction to Disability & Accessibility
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What is Disability?
- What is Accessibility?
- What are Accessibility Technologies?
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Overview of course & Introduction to Disability %}
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="introduction.html" %}
{: .activity} In class activity: Learn how accommodations can make a meeting more inclusive
: **In class Exercise** Put your accommodation needs into [PollEverywhere](TBD), follow along with the class discussion, reflect and [share](TBD)
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection
: **Required**
- Read about [Disability Dongles]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Defining Article [Disability Dongles]( by Liz Jackson
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %}
TBD (possibly trying out accessibility technologies)
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: Accessibility Technology %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="accessibility.html" %}
{: .activity} In class activity: Analyze the language & content of this video (see slides)
: **In class Exercise** Watch [The Greatest - Apple](, follow along with the class discussion, reflect and [share](TBD)
{: .homework} [AT Around Us](assignments/finding-accessibility.html) Assigned: Find Accessibility Technologies
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 2 (10/2 - 10/6): Accessibility Testing
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What is Accessibility? Disability?
- What is the difference between Disability studies, Disability Justice; and various models of disability
- History of disability rights
- Understand models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
- What is the difference between Disability studies, Disability Justice; and various models of disability
- Plain Language
{% enddetails %}
{% details Week Plan %}
{: .topic} Monday: Introduction to Accessibility & Disability
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Accessibility" loc="accessibility.html" %}
{% details Monday 10/2: Accessible Presentations %}
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Learn how accommodations can make a meeting more inclusive
: **In class Exercise** Put your accommodation needs into [PollEverywhere](TBD) ; discuss what comes up and what else might be relevant
: **Small Group Discussion** How would you implement this in your workplace? ([share](TBD))
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Accessible Presentations and Presenting Accessibly" loc="presenting-accessibly.html" %}
{: .topic} Overview of course
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="introduction.html" %}
Introduction to course syllabus & assignments
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
: **Required**
- The [10 principles of disability justice]( and post your [Reflection](tbd)
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
{% enddetails %}
{: .topic} Wednesday: Disability Justice
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="accessibility-activities.html" %}
{% details Wednesday 10/4: Disability Justice and Plain Language %}
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Analyze a piece of technology from a Disability Rights perspective
: **Small Group Discussion** Analysis of the iPhone ([share](TBD))
- **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
- **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Analyze a topic from a disability justice perspective
: **Small Group Discussion** Analyze masking from a disability justice perspective ([share](TBD))
{% enddetails %}
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Analyze a piece of technology from a Disability Justice perspective
: **Small Group Discussion** Analysis of the iPhone ([share](TBD))
{% details Preparation for next week %}
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
{: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective.
{: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective.
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Readings for next week
{% details Thursday: Section %}
Practice with Plain Language
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 10/2: AT Around Us Presentations %}
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](TBD)
- **Required: Reading AND Preparation** by start of class. Respond to the reading questions by start of class and Preparation requirements.
- **Come to next class prepared** to use either switch control, a screen reader, or magnification on your phone.
- Accessibility Testing: Read [The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- **Come to next class prepared** with an image you found on the web that does not have ALT text
- ALT text: Read about [creating accessible images and diagrams]( and watch [It's complicated]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Audio Description: Read [What is audio description?]( from [The Audio Description Project]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- **Optional**
- [Switches](
- [Image ALT Text Tutorial](
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 2 (4/3 & 4/5): Accessibility Assessment 1: Guidelines and Assessment
# Week 3 (10/9-10/13): Accessibility Assessment 1: Guidelines and Assessment
{: .prepare} Come Prepared
: Come to class with an image, diagram, or other graphic you want to describe; Be prepared (install and try out) one of: switch control, a screen reader, or magnification on your phone
......@@ -121,11 +168,20 @@ Try to find something you didn't find with an automated tool. ([share](TBD))
{: .homework} Readings for next week
- **Come to next class prepared** to use either switch control, a screen reader, or magnification on your phone.
- Accessibility Testing: Read [The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- **Come to next class prepared** with an image you found on the web that does not have ALT text
- ALT text: Read about [creating accessible images and diagrams]( and watch [It's complicated]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Audio Description: Read [What is audio description?]( from [The Audio Description Project]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- **Optional**
- [Switches](
- [Image ALT Text Tutorial](
- **Required Readings:** Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements.
- Read: About how [web semantics are conveyed to screen readers]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Read: [Is your web page accessible? A comparative study of methods for assessing web page accessibility for the blind]( and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Read [Design, Disability and Knowing the 'Other'](TBD) and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Read [Disability Dongles]( by Liz Jackson and [**Respond**](TBD) and [**Respond**](TBD)
- Read: [Accessibility in Software Practice: A Practitioner’s Perspective]( and Respond on Ed (TBD)
- **If you want to dig deeper**
- Read: [Comparison of different methods for accessibility testing]( Mateus etal, 2021
......@@ -394,11 +450,6 @@ Work with a microcontroller & sensors to actuate accessibility features
- [Disabling Incarceration: Connecting Disability to Divergent Confinements in the USA](
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
{% enddetails %}
{: .module} # Module 3: Sustainability, Urban Access and Housing
......@@ -6,19 +6,12 @@ class: middle, center, inverse
background-image: url(img/people.png)
# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
background-image: url(img/people.png)
# Week 1: Accessibility
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
name: normal
layout: true
......@@ -29,134 +22,15 @@ class:
## This is an important reminder
## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
# Jennifer Mankoff
Pronouns: She/her
[Make4All Lab](
I use technology to improve inclusion in
and accessibility of our digital future.
- Assistive and health technology
- Fabrication/Physical computing
- Improve inclusion and accessibility
![:img Pictures of projects from the make4all lab including experiments with 3D printing materials; toolkits; capabilities; application; and understanding socio-technical system, 80%, width](img/accessibility/mankoff-projects.png)
# Kelly Mack
Pronouns: she/her
I design technologies that support people with fluctuating abilities and multiple people with disabilities.
- Accessibility of higher education
- Accessibility for people who are chronically ill
- Slide show accessibility
![:img Close up of Kelly: a white woman with shoulder length brown hair smiling in a floral shirt, 100%,width]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/img/staff/mack.jpg)
# Let's get to know you! Warm up
<iframe src="" width="800px" height="600px"></iframe>
# Let's get to know you!
Discuss with at least two neighbors:
- Do you know whether your favorite app is accessible?
- Why do you want to learn about accessibility
## Make sure captioning is turned on
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- History of disability rights
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
![:img What is disability? Text is surrounded by diverse people,100%, width](img/accessibility/what-is-disability.png)
## Disability: A context-dependent .red[mismatch]
![:img picture of a person,40%, width](img/accessibility/1980.png)
**Disability as a personal attribute**
"restriction or lack of ability ... within the range considered normal for a human being" (medical model: How do we *fix people*)
![:img picture of a network of people,32%, width](img/accessibility/today.png)
**Disability as a social/environmental attribute**
"the interaction between features of a person's body and features of the society in which they live" (social model: how do we *fix society*)
# Neither is quite right
- Medical Model (how do we *fix people*)
- Social Model (how do we *fix society*)
Postmodern: Disability doesn't need to be fixed, but celebrated as part of human variation
# Worldwide Stats
1 Billion (~15%) of population [WHO'11]; <br>
19% of USA [Census'12]
| Visual | Hearing | Cognitive | Speech | Mobility | Neural |
| ![:img Head shot of ray Charles in front of a microphone,100%,width](img/accessibility/raycharles.jpeg) | ![:img Head shot of Marlee Matlin signing,100%,width](img/accessibility/matlin.jpeg) | ![:img Head shot of Temple Grandin out in nature with her red tie blowing in the wind,80%,width](img/accessibility/grandin.jpeg) | ![:img Picture of President Biden hugging Brayden Harrington-the 13 year old boy with whom he bonded over stuttering,100%,width](img/accessibility/biden.jpg) | ![:img Picture of Ali Stroker; the first disabled woman to win a Tony Award; accepting her award, 100%, width](img/accessibility/stroker.jpeg) | ![:img Picture of Catherine Zeta-Jones, 100%, width](img/accessibility/zeta-jones.jpeg) |
| Ray Charles | Marlee Matlin | Temple Grandin | President Biden | Ali Stroker | Catherine Zeta-Jones |
| <i>Colorblind<BR>Low Vision<BR>Blind </i> | <i>Hearing loss <BR> Deaf </i>| <i>Dyslexia <BR> Seizure <BR> Learning Disabilities <BR> Autism </i> | <i>Stutter </i> | <i>Quadriplegia </i> | <i>Bipolar<BR>Anxiety<BR>PTSD<BR>Depression </i> |
# Worldwide Stats
1 Billion (~15%) of population [WHO]
19% of USA [Census'12]
Rates of disability are increasing
- Aging population
- Situational Impairment
- Increasing numbers of people with chronic illness (can span disability segments)
| Parkinson's Disease | ALS |
| --- | --- |
| ![:img Head shot of Michael J. Fox,100%,width](img/accessibility/fox.jpg) | ![:img Head shot of Stephen Hawking in his wheelchair with a chalkboard covered in equations behind him,100%,width](img/accessibility/hawking.jpeg)
| Michael J. Fox | Prof. Stephen Hawking |
| Parkinson’s affects <br>cognition, speech and mobility | ALS affects mobility and speech |
- What is Accessibility?
- Example of Accessibility Technologies
- Introduction to First Assignment: [AT Around Us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html)
# Accessibility
......@@ -226,6 +100,14 @@ A broader view than Wikipedia
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility?
- **Example of Accessibility Technologies**
- Introduction to First Assignment: [AT Around Us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html)
# Lots of software for this
......@@ -309,80 +191,6 @@ Other options: [youtube Video](
- [Voice Assistants]( (Findlater)
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- **History of disability rights**
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
## Accessibility is not a given
Originated in the disability rights movement
History of protest
Collaboration with Black Panther movement
Watch 2 minutes: [Review of]( the documentary film [Crip camp](
.right-column40[![:img A picture of protesters ,100%, width](img/accessibility/rights-narrow.png)]
# Legal Basis for Accessibility
**Individuals with Disabilities Education Act** (IDEA, 1975): Free appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment to every child with a disability.
**Rehab Act** (1976): Equal access to government services
**Americans with Disabilities Act** (1990): Equal access to all goods/services
**UN Convention on Rights of PD** (2006): 147 countries ratified convention
Ongoing and constant legal challenges, especially to the [ADA](
1996 ADA complaint against San José
Use of PDF inaccessible to city commissioner
Web sites are a “service” and thus subject to the ADA
Led to S. J. Web Page Disability Access Standard
1999 Natn’l Fed. of the Blind against AOL
Based on the interpretation of the Web as a place of public accommodation (ADA)
Settled out of court
2000: AOL agreed to make its browser accessible
Many others (
# Human Rights Basis for Accessibility
![:img online education by shashank singh from the Noun Project,20%, width](img/accessibility/education.png) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .centerv[Education]]
![:img employment by Tee Yang from the Noun Project,20%, width](img/accessibility/employment.png) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .centerv[Employment]]
![:img zoom icon,20%, width](img/accessibility/ZoomIcon.jpg) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .centerv[Pandemic everything!]]
![:img shopping cart by LINDA WATI from the Noun Project
,20%, width](img/accessibility/shop.png) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .centerv[Shop From Home]]
![:img audiobook by mikicon from the Noun Project,20%, width](img/accessibility/audiobook.png) &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; .centerv[Blind People Read <BR>7x as Many Books]]
# Practical Basis for Accessibility
......@@ -410,10 +218,13 @@ In 1937, Joseph Friedman created the first bendy straw to help his young daughte
# Tropes & ways things can go wrong
- Hero complex (I can save you with this new technology)
Hero complex (I can save you with this new technology)
Disability Dongle
- Disability inspiration [stop at 4:29]
Disability inspiration [stop at 4:29]
![:youtube Ted Talk Stella Young is a comedian and journalist who happens to go about her day in a wheelchair — a fact that doesn't; she'd like to make clear; automatically turn her into a noble inspiration to all humanity. In this very funny talk; Young breaks down society's habit of turning disabled people into "inspiration porn.",8K9Gg164Bsw]
......@@ -433,6 +244,8 @@ Avoid “stricken with”, “suffers from” or victimization language
Avoid “able-bodied” or “normal” as differentiating terms
**You will offend people because this is ableist** (and lose points on your assignments)
......@@ -444,3 +257,55 @@ hero complex? disability inspiration? language issues? all good?
Small group discussion; Summarize your discussion on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}2342965)
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility?
- Example of Accessibility Technologies
- **Introduction to First Assignment: [AT Around Us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html)**
[//]: # TODO ... update this
# First Assignment: [AT Around Us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (1 of 2)
- Practice presenting accessibly
- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
- Experience finding first person accounts
# First Assignment: [AT Around Us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (2 of 2)
Find one computer access technology
Find one about "the world"
Key points
- Try not to pick the same things as your classmates
- Should include a *first person video*
- Should be able to try it out yourself
# What is a *First Person Video*
# Handin requirements (due Monday)
- Two accessible slides per AT (see Canvas for slide deck)
- Present one of them next week (accessibly) in 3-4 minutes (will take about half of class)
Slide includes:
- A summary of the AT you researched
- Information about its audience
- A picture of the AT
- A link to the first person account you found
- Something you learned from the video and/or by trying it about its strengths and weaknesses
......@@ -205,65 +205,3 @@ Power dynamics come into play when negotiating access needs
- How to get a first person perspective without burdening the disability community
- Running an inclusive need finding study to prove that something is (or is not) a disability dongle :)
# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (1 of 2)
- Practice presenting accessibly
- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
- Experience finding first person accounts
# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (2 of 2)
- Practice presenting accessibly
- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
- Experience finding first person accounts
Find one computer access technology
Find one about "the world"
Key points
- Try not to pick the same things as your classmates
- Should include a first person video
- Should be able to try it out yourself
# Handin requirements
- Two accessible slides per AT (see Canvas for slide deck)
- Present one of them next week (accessibly) in 3-4 minutes (will take about half of class)
Slide includes:
- A summary of the AT you researched
- Information about its audience
- A picture of the AT
- A link to the first person account you found
- Something you learned from the video and/or by trying it about its strengths and weaknesses
# Research Opportunity
I (Kelly) made a Google Slides Add-On that automatically checks for some accessibility issues
You may join the study (use the tool, provide some feedback) and you will be compensated
**You do not have to participate in this study. Your grade will not be affected if you do or do not participate in this study.**
![:img screenshot of the correction interface; it includes the features fix color contrast; give slides unique titles; identify slides missing layouts; identify missing alt text; identify bad linkt text; enlarge small fonts., 60%, width](img/wk04/correction_interface.PNG)
layout: presentation
title: Disability Justice --Week 2--
description: Disability Justice
class: middle, center, inverse
background-image: url(img/people.png)
# Week 2: Disability Justice
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
name: normal
layout: true
# Important Reminder
## This is an important reminder
## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Disability Justice
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
# History of Disability Justice
[//]: # TODO fill this in
# Disability Justice Principles
1. INTERSECTIONALITY(*) "we are many things, and they all impact us."
[Sins Invalid]( disability based performance project defines [10 principles of disability justice]( which are:
(*) Feminist theorist Kimberlé Crenshaw coined intersectionality in
1989 to describe the experiences of Black women, who experience both
racism and sexism.
“We do not live single issue lives” –Audre Lorde.
Ableism, coupled with white supremacy, supported by capitalism, underscored by heteropatriarchy, has rendered the vast majority of the world “invalid.”
# Disability Justice Principles
1. INTERSECTIONALITY "we are many things, and they all impact us."
2. LEADERSHIP OF THOSE MOST IMPACTED helps us stay grounded by those we serve
“We are led by those who most know these systems.” –Aurora Levins Morales
lifting up, listening to, reading, following, and highlighting the perspectives of those who are most impacted by the systems we fight against."
by centering the
leadership of those most impacted, we keep ourselves grounded in real-world
problems and find creative strategies for resistance. "
# Disability Justice Principles
1. INTERSECTIONALITY "we are many things, and they all impact us."
2. LEADERSHIP OF THOSE MOST IMPACTED helps us stay grounded by those we serve
3. ANTI-CAPITALIST POLITICS "we resist conforming to 'normative' levels
of productivity in a capitalist culture"
In an economy that sees land and humans as components of profit, we are anti-capitalist by the nature of having non-conforming body/minds.
Capitalism depends on wealth accumulation for some (the white ruling class), at the expense of others... Our worth is not dependent on what and how much we can produce.
# Disability Justice Principles
4) CROSS-MOVEMENT SOLIDARITY "Through cross-movement solidarity, we create a united front."
disability justice lends itself to politics of alliance.
Align with racial justice, reproductive justice, queer and trans liberation, prison abolition, environmental justice, anti-police terror, Deaf activism, fat liberation, and more... challenging white disability communities around racism and challenging other movements to confront ableism.
5) RECOGNIZING WHOLENESS "Disabled people are whole people."
People have inherent worth outside of commodity relations and capitalist notions of productivity. Each person is full of history and life experience.
Each person is full of history and life experience. Each person has an internal
experience composed of our own thoughts, sensations, emotions, sexual fantasies,
perceptions, and quirks.
6) SUSTAINABILITY "pace ourselves, individually and collectively"
We pace ourselves, individually and collectively, to be sustained long term. Our embodied experiences guide us toward ongoing justice and liberation.
to be sustained long-term, value the teachings of our bodies and experiences, and use them as a critical guide and reference point to help us move away from urgency and into a deep, slow, transformative, unstoppable wave of justice and liberation.
7) COMMITMENT TO CROSS-DISABILITY SOLIDARITY "isolation undermines collective liberation"
even and especially those who are most often left out of political conversations. Break down the isolation between people with physical
impairments, people who are sick or chronically ill, psych survivors and people
with mental health disabilities, neurodiverse people, people with intellectual or
developmental disabilities, Deaf people, Blind people, people with environmental
injuries and chemical sensitivities, and all others who experience ableism and
isolation that undermines our collective liberation.
# Disability Justice Principles
8) INTERDEPENDENCE "We work to meet each other's needs" rather than depending on state solutions
the liberation of all living systems and the land as integral to the liberation of our own communities, as we all share one planet. We work to meet each other’s needs as we build toward liberation, knowing that state solutions inevitably extend into further control over lives.
9) COLLECTIVE ACCESS "We can share responsibility for our access needs ... balance autonomy while being in community"
AS brown, black and queer-bodied disabled people we bring flexibility and creative nuance that go beyond able-bodied/minded normativity, to be in community with each other.
... Access needs aren’t shameful — we all function differently depending on context and environment. Access needs can be articulated and met privately, through a collective, or in community, depending upon an individual’s needs, desires, and the capacity of the group. We can share responsibility for our access needs, we can ask that our needs be met without compromising our integrity, we can balance autonomy while being in community, we can be unafraid of our vulnerabilities, knowing our strengths are respected.
10) COLLECTIVE LIBERATION No body or mind can be left behind – only moving together can we accomplish the revolution we require.
We move together as people with mixed abilities, multiracial, multi-gendered, mixed class, across the sexual spectrum, with a vision that leaves no bodymind behind.
# Case study: One-way Masking
Disability Perspective [FastCompany Article]( by a chronically ill Berkeley student
.quote[I challenge people who are not at high risk for COVID-19 complications to think about what it must be like trying to attend university (or go into work every day) while also trying to avoid getting COVID-19.]
.quote[Why wouldn’t people wear a mask to protect “vulnerable” members of our community, who are statistically part of every college campus? Why is it always the disabled or chronically ill student or professor who has to ask people to wear masks? Why can’t people just show solidarity? I ask myself these questions daily.]
# Case study: One-way Masking
- [Masks hide facial expressions & exacerbate racial bias](
- Masks make lipreading harder
- Individual risk of severe COVID is [lower for vaccinated people with no risk factors](,associated%20with%20COVID%2D19%20infection.)
- Political [resistance]( and [beliefs](
- Questions about the [science of masking](
.quote[We know masks are effective in laboratory studies, and we know they are effective as part of personal protective equipment for health care workers. But that effect appears diminished in community usage. ]
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Disability Justice
- **Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design**
# Some terms used in Accessibility
Accommodation-- we've already discussed
- Co-producing access for all participants in a space or event
- Legally mandated, but also so much more
Universal Design (why is this problematic?)
- One design works for everybody
- Typical example: curb cuts
Ability-Based Design - Jacob Wobbrock
- Technology that adapts to the abilities of the user in their current context
Disability Justice Based Design
- Design informed by disability justice
- What we practice in this class
# Disability Justice in Design (1 / 4)
The **central philosophy** in this class
1) Intersectionality: Ensure that the things we build address multiple disabled people and multiple disabled people
2) Leadership of those most impacted: Disability led decisions, not disability dongles
When we design for people with disabilities,
- Ideally people with disabilities are part of the design process (or lead it)
- In this class, we emphasize first person accounts to reduce the burden of asking disabled people to teach us while we are still learning
# Disability Justice in Design (2 / 4)
3) Anti-Capitalist Politics
When we create systems, we make them accessible even though it may cost time and money
- No segregation, even if it is cheaper to implement
Consider things like disclosure and invisibility
4) Cross-Movement Solidarity
Adressing accessibility isn't enough if we aren't inclusive of other identities tools
# Disability Justice in Design (3 / 4)
5) Recognizing Wholeness
We should include accessibility in all the spaces that people interact with technology, because people with disabilities exist in all of the spaces -- as authors and consumers; programmers and users; and in every area of life
6) Sustainability
We should work at a pace that includes everyone in the work, and not value the rush products to market over access
# Disability Justice in Design (4 / 4)
7) Cross-disability Solidarity: Again, we should support multiply disabled (and multiple disabled) people...
8) Interdependence: ... and create designs that encourage people (with and without disabiltiies) to work together to achieve access...
9) Collective access: ... and in the process our designs balance agency and control with interdependence and independence
10) Collective liberation: ... and leave no one behind in the process
background-image: url(img/accessibility/old-phones.jpg)
## .white[Case Study: The iPhone]
MacWorld Keynote '07
Originally neither universal design nor ability-based design
background-image: url(img/accessibility/jobs-iphone.jpg)
.white[The phone Jobs is holding is small, flat, and without any tangible information accessible to a blind person]
Originally neither universal design nor ability-based design
## Sliderule:
The first mobile screen reader]
![:img A picture titled SIGACCESS Lasting Impact Award showing Jake Wobbrock; Saun Kane; and Jeff Bigham holding their lasting impact award placards and smiling,100%, width](img/accessibility/sliderule.png)
## Sliderule:
The first mobile screen reader
![:youtube Sliderule Video, 496IAx6_xys]
# Translation to iPhone
![:img iPhone generation 1,90%, width](img/accessibility/iphone1.png)
![:img iPhone generation 3G,90%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3.png)
![:img iPhone generation 3Gs,75%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3gs.png)
background-image: url(img/accessibility/iphone-now.png)
# Accessibility in the iPhone
Many pages of accessibility settings
- VoiceOver – reads what is on screen
- Speech recognition for controlling device
- Zoom – screen magnifier – 3 finger tap
- Closed captions on videos
- AssistiveTouch – so don’t need multiple fingers, don’t need to press Home
button, etc.
- Switch Control (IOS7 and later):
- Optional connection to external switch or [head movement with built in camera](
# Analyzing the iPhone from a Disability Justice perspective
Which disability justice principals did the original iPhone fail to meet? What about now?
Small group discussion; Summarize your discussion on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}2342976)
# Disability Justice Homework Assignment
[//]: # TODO: Writeup slides for this
......@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ How does technology impact access in all the spaces where disabled people are pr
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Disability?
- Some Disability Law
- What are some models of disability?
- What is Accommodation?
......@@ -364,6 +365,17 @@ either in office hours or through a [class discussion board]({{site.discussion}}
- As such, there are no specific language or platform requirements
- Small programming exercises may also happen in class using languages such as JavaScript and Python. Contact the instructors if you have any concerns about this.
# Weekly Rhythym
**Monday**: Lecture & Reading Assigned (post a reflection by Wednesday)
**Wednesday**: Lecture & **Homework assigned** (due Monday; locked Wednesday)
**Thursday**: Section (start on homework/cover related issues)
**Friday**: Lecture
# Field Trip
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ background-image: url(img/people.png)
# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
Week N, Presenting Accessibly
Week 2, Presenting Accessibly
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ class:
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
[//]: # TODO: Update these slides
# Learning Goals for this slide deck
- Presenting Accessibly
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