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Commit 4a50ccde authored by Jennifer Mankoff's avatar Jennifer Mankoff
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Week one is complete

parent cb47052c
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6 merge requests!12Accessibility website jen summer work,!9Q access 24 sp,!8Q access 24 sp,!5Latest update from Spring 2023,!4Latest update after pmp class,!3Updated content for week 3 and week 4 (week 4 still needs work)
......@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ nav_list:
url: /schedule.html
- title: Assignments
url: /assignments/
- title: Documentation
url: /docs
- title: Canvas
url: canvas
- title: Ed
url: discussion
- title: COVID-19 Safety
url: /docs/covid/index.html
\ No newline at end of file
url: /docs/covid/index.html
- title: Feedback
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ $background: #d8e6c9;
$highlight-dark: red;
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$topic-color: #EAE4EE;
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$highlight-darkest: #660000;
$white: white;
......@@ -154,6 +155,15 @@ dl dt.activity {
margin-top: 1em !important;
dl dt.topic {
font-size: large;
background-color: $topic-color;
color: $dark-color;
margin-top: 1em !important;
dl dt.break {
font-size: large;
......@@ -53,7 +53,11 @@ page to get the scanner working on your device. Another option is to install the
For iOS, you should install the Accessibility Inspector, which is freely available through the App Store. More details on [testing for accessibility in iOS.](
### Test it yourself
Use a screen reader and switch input to assess the website and/or app, and your ability to complete the assigned task using accessibility tools. You may also use other accessibility tools if you feel there are things that does not address.
Use a screen reader and switch input to assess the website and/or app, and your ability to complete the assigned task using accessibility tools. You may also use other accessibility tools if you feel there are things that does not address.
Here are some resources that may help you in gaining comfort with these accessibility technologies
- Switch control intro: [Switch Control overview](; [One thumb to rule them all](
- [Screen reading intro](
### Record the data
When you encounter a problem,
......@@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ This is an in person class. As much as possible, we ask that you
remotely, you may be expected to engage in additional work before,
after, or during lecture to ensure that you have the most similar
experience possible to students who are in person. Please contact
the instructor if you not able to participate in the lectures
synchronously due to your current living situation). For those
the instructor for instructions each week you are remote). For those
cases, class sessions **will be recorded** when possible (guest
lecturers may refuse this). Recordings will only be accessible to
students enrolled in the course to review materials.
......@@ -209,41 +208,35 @@ achieve competency with basic requirements such as presenting
accessibly and turning in accessible documents.
## Grading Approach
We’ll be using approval grading for most elements of this class. That
means that I will provide a rubric for each assignment, plus a rubric
for learning goals for the entire quarter. You’ll fill both out. If
you do the things they say, you get the grade.
We’ll be using competency based grading for most elements of this
class. We have a set of core learning goals in this class. If you
learn them all, and participate in the class, you get an A.
Rubrics verification will be lightweight verification in class by
random classmate, and in some cases by myself and the TA (i.e. for
major components of the larger project)
Many of these competencies are assessed repeatedly. I don't care if
you get them wrong at first, as long as you eventually learn them.
Some are assessed less frequently. For those, you have the opportunity
to request a regrade if you feel you've improved on them.
One of the rubrics items for the class will have to do with time
management. Turning in homework late will impact your score on that
rubric. Part of time management is knowing when something should give.
Thus, the time management rubric will include up to 4 penalty-free
late days.
## Grading Breakdown (tentative)
Grades will be assigned approximately as follows:
{.lecture} 80%: Competency in key skills.
### 80%: Competency in key skills.
The competencies needed for this course are listed on the [assignments page](assignments/index.html), and can all be found in canvas as well.
{.lecture} 10%: Assignment Completion
### 10%: Assignment Completion
Assignment completion is 10% of your grade. This is listed as the "participation" competency for each assignment in canvas. The weight of each assignment is simply the number of weeks long it is, so a longer assignment would contribute more to your assignment completion grade than a shorter one.
{.lecture} 10%: Effort
### 10%: Effort
Your effort grade will reflect your participation in the class across multiple dimensions. Some of these we will track, others you will track. We will consider
- Whether you participated in discussions in class (self reported)
- Whether you participated in exercises in class (based on submission of reflections)
- Whether you participated in discussions and exercises in class (self reported)
- Whether you participated in discussions outside of class (based on your submissions)
- Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the maximum effort, which is defined as 90% of all possible effort points. For example, if you fully complete all homework assignments missed 2 classes out of 10, and participated in 80% of online discussion, we would calculate this as (100%+80%+80%)/3=86.6 points out of 90 = 96%.
- Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the maximum effort. For example, if you fully complete all homework assignments and participated in 80% of reading questions, we would calculate this as (100%+80%)/2=90 points.
Extra credit on this can also be earned by engaging in other ways, such as helping another student or suggesting improvements to an assignment or class materials (self reported)
Extra credit on this can also be earned by engaging in other ways, such as helping another student or suggesting improvements to an assignmen tor class materials (self reported)
## Regrade Policy
......@@ -11,61 +11,61 @@ warning: draft
{: .week}
# Week 1 (1/3): Introduction to Accessibility
**Learning Goals** Overview of accessibility and its relationship to computation; Introduction to Disability studies; History of disability rights; Importance of first person knowledge
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What is Accessibility? Disability?
- What is the difference between Disability studies, Disability Justice; and various models of disability
- History of disability rights
- Understand models for disability-centered design
{% enddetails %}
{% details Class Plan %}
{% details 5:30-6:20 Introduction to Accessibility & Disability %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Accessibility" loc="wk01/accessibility.html" %}
{% enddetails %}
{: .topic} 5:30-6:20 Introduction to Accessibility & Disability
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Accessibility" loc="wk01/accessibility.html" %}
{: .break} 6:20-6:40
: Break / Food
{% details 6:40-7:50 In-class Activities %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="wk01/activities.html" %}
{: .topic} 6:40-7:50 In-class Activities
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="wk01/activities.html" %}
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Learn how accommodations can make a meeting more inclusive
: **In class Exercise** Put your accommodation needs into PollEverywhere; discuss what comes up and what else might be relevant
: **Small Group Discussion** How would you implement this in your workplace? ([pots on Ed](
: **Small Group Discussion** How would you implement this in your workplace? ([post on Ed](
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Analyze a piece of technology from a Disability Rights perspective
: **Small Group Discussion** Analysis of the iPhone ([post on Ed](
{: .activity} Skill Goal: Analyze a topic from a disability justice perspective
: **Small Group Discussion** Analyze masking from a disability justice perpective ([post on Ed](
{% enddetails %}
{: .break} 7:50-8:00
: Break
{% details 8:00-8:20 Overview of course %}
**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="wk01/intro.html" %}
{: .topic} 8:00-8:20 Overview of course
: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="wk01/intro.html" %}
Introduction to course syllabus & assignments
{% enddetails %}
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](
{: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective.
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{% details Readings for next week %}
- Accessibility Testing: Read [The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing](
- ALT text: Read about [image alt text]( and watch [It's complicated](
- Audio Description: Read [What is audio description?]( from [The Audio Description Project](
{% details Preparation for next week %}
**Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements on Ed**
- Accessibility Testing: Read [The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing]( and [**Respond on Ed**](
- ALT text: Read about [image alt text]( and watch [It's complicated]( and [**Respond on Ed**](
- Audio Description: Read [What is audio description?]( from [The Audio Description Project]( and [**Respond on Ed**](
- [Google Video on Practical Web Accessibility]( — this video provides a great overview of the Web and how to make web content accessible. Highly recommended as a supplement to what we will cover in class.
- Switch control intro: [Switch Control overview](; [One thumb to rule them all](
- [Screen reading intro](
**If you want to dig deeper**
- Watch: [Google Video on Practical Web Accessibility]( — this video provides a great overview of the Web and how to make web content accessible. Highly recommended as a supplement to what we will cover in class.
- Watch: [Latte: Use-Case and Assistive-Service Driven Automated Accessibility Testing Framework for Android]( and read [Lies, Damned Lies, Overlays, and Widgets](
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
# Week 2 (1/10): Assessing Accessibility
**Learning Goals** Assessing the accessibility of documents, websites and apps; Understand how people with disabilities currently use accessibility technologies to access digital content; Learn how to make media accessible (images; GUIs; videos)
......@@ -133,11 +133,10 @@ Another aspect of accessibility is video description. We will practice that in c
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} [Class Participation survey](
{: .homework} [Website/app accessibility](assignments/website.html) Assigned: Assess and write a report
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -194,10 +193,11 @@ Presentations: Accessibility Assessment Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} [Finding Accessibility](assignments/finding-accessibility.html) Assigned: Summarize a first person account of an access technology
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Post-module Reflection: [Accessibility Basics Reflection](
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -231,8 +231,6 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -247,9 +245,6 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -263,7 +258,7 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Post-module Reflection
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -279,8 +274,6 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -295,9 +288,6 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -317,7 +307,7 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Post-module Reflection
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -334,9 +324,6 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
{% enddetails %}
{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
{: .homework} Readings for next week
......@@ -347,3 +334,11 @@ Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
# Graveyard
- [Semantics to screen readers](
- [Access Lab - the Switch](
- [Improving User Experience of Eye Tracking-Based Interfaces](
- [Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions]( ([talk](
- [Rethinking web accessibility on Windows](
......@@ -22,6 +22,70 @@ class:
## This is an important reminder
## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
# Jennifer Mankoff
Pronouns: She/her
[Make4All Lab](
I use technology to improve inclusion in
and accessibility of our digital future.
- Assistive and health technology
- Fabrication/Physical computing
- Improve inclusion and accessibility
![:img Pictures of projects from the make4all lab including experiments with 3D printing materials; toolkits; capabilities; application; and understanding socio-technical system, 80%, width](img/intro/mankoff-projects.png)
# Kelly Mack
Pronouns: sher/her
I design technologies that support people with fluctuating abilities and multiple people with disabilities.
- Accessibility of higher education
- Accessibility for people who are chronically ill
- Slide show accessibility
![:img Close up of Kelly, a white woman with shoulder lenght brown hair smiling in a floral shirt.](assets/img/staff/mack.jpg)
# Let's get to know you! Warmup
What is your favorite mobile phone app? [](
<iframe src="" width="800px" height="600px"></iframe>
# Let's get to know you!
Discuss with at least two neighbors:
- Do you know whether your favorite app is accessible?
- Why do you want to learn about accessibility
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- History of disability rights
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
![:img What is disability? Text is surrounded by diverse people,100%, width](img/inclusive-design/what-is-disability.png)
......@@ -238,6 +302,15 @@ Other options: [youtube Video](
- [Voice Assistants]( (Findlater)
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- **History of disability rights**
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice
......@@ -23,6 +23,15 @@ class:
## This is an important reminder
## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- History of disability rights
- **Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design**
- What is Disability Justice
# Some terms used in Accessibility
......@@ -184,6 +193,15 @@ button, etc.
Small group discussion; Summarize your discusson on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}2342976)
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Learning Goals for today
- What is Accessibility? Disability? Models of disability?
- History of disability rights
- Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design
- **What is Disability Justice**
# Disability Justice Principles
......@@ -4,157 +4,59 @@ title: Introductory Slides--Week 1, Monday--
description: Introductory slides about teaching team
class: middle, center, inverse
name: inverse
layout: true
class: center, middle, inverse
# Welcome to Future of Accessibility
{{site.classnum}} {{site.quarter}}
Instructor: {{}} <br>
TAs: Kelly Mack
background-image: url(img/inclusive-design/people.png)
layout: false
<!-- (Outline Slide) -->
# Future of Access Technologies: Syllabus
# Today's goals
- Get you excited about access technology
- Get you excited about the course
- Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course
- Course staff
- Syllabus
- Discussion topics:
- The Heterogeneity of Ability
- Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future
- Course Logistics
# The Future of Accessibility [switch decks](accessibility.html)
{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
# This **week's** learning goals
# Course learning goals:
- What is accessibility about?
- What are some examples of accessibility technologies?
- What does this have to do with computer science?
## Access Basics
How do we build accessible systems and interfaces?
- Week 1: Ways of thinking about and desgining for accessibility
- Week 2: How we assess whether technology is accessible
- Week 3: Accessible nedfinding and evaluation
# Course learning goals:
## Improving Access to the World
- Sound Recognition
- Navigation
## Access Basics]
## Second Wave Accessibility
How do we account for access in all all of today's technologies?
- Multi person systems
- Mobile systems
- Data Equity: Visualization and Machine Learning
- Making Accessibility: Fabrication and IOT
- ...
# Course learning goals:
Improving Access to the World
## Improving Access to Computers
- Screen readers
- Switch Access
- Media Accessibility
# Course learning goals:
Improving Access to the World
Improving Access to Computers
## Access and Activism
- What is Abelism?
- Advocacy and Power: Creating an accessible culture at work and Beyond
layout: false
<!-- (Outline Slide) -->
# Today's goals
- Get you excited about access technology
- Get you excited about the course
- Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course
- **Course staff**
- Syllabus
- Discussion topics:
- The Heterogeneity of Ability
- Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future
- Course Logistics
# Jennifer Mankoff
Pronouns: She/her
[Make4All Lab](
I use technology to improve inclusion in
and accessibility of our digital future.
- Assistive and health technology
- Fabrication/Physical computing
- Improve inclusion and accessibility
## Access Basics
## Second Wave Access
![:img Pictures of projects from the make4all lab including experiments with 3D printing materials; toolkits; capabilities; application; and understanding socio-technical system, 80%, width](img/intro/mankoff-projects.png)
## Third Wave Accessibility
How does techonology impact access in all the spaces where disabled people are present?
# Kelly Mack
Pronouns: sher/her
I design technologies that support people with fluctuating abilities and multiple people with disabilities.
- Accessibility of higher education
- Accessibility for people who are chronically ill
- Slide show accessibility
![:img Close up of Kelly, a white woman with shoulder lenght brown hair smiling in a floral shirt.](assets/img/staff/mack.jpg)
# Let's get to know you! Warmup
What is your favorite animal?
<iframe src="" width="800px" height="600px"></iframe>
# Let's get to know you!
Breakout rooms, with questions:
- Where in the world are you?
- What is one thing that helped you most through quarantine?
- Why do you want to learn about accessibility
[//]: # (Outline Slide)
# Today's goals
- Get you excited about access technology
- Get you excited about the course
- Give you a clear idea of what you’ll learn in the course
- Course staff
- **Syllabus**
- Discussion topics:
- The Heterogeneity of Ability
- Access Technology, Early Adopters, and the Future
- Course Logistics
- Intersectionality with Race, Gender & other identities
- Sustainability
- Housing, Unhoused, and Incarcareted
- Healthcare technology & reproductive justice
- Higher Education
- ...
# Where to find what
......@@ -167,14 +69,6 @@ The class is on the [web]({{site.baseurl}}/index),
- Class discussions and all contact with instructors should happen
either in office hours or through a [class mailing list]({{site.piazza}}) or [staff mailing list]({{site.staff_email}})
- You can also request appointments for further help
# Development Environment
**Background**: Programming expected
Python is our primary language
- Comfortable with Python; basic software engineering; data structures; etc
- Will also use Jupyter Notebooks in one assignment
- Comfortable reading / adding to existing source code
# Syllabus: Summary of expectations and values
......@@ -192,24 +86,59 @@ If you need larger accommodations for any reason, consider working with
If you run into problems, or have preferences about these issues, please tell me!
# Distance learning
# Is this class hybrid?
**No**, it is intended to be attended, in person, by everyone in the class
**Yes**, because:
- It is possible to be full remote *with permission of the instructor*
- It is expected you will be remote in any particular week for the following reasons:
- If you have cold or flu symptoms or suspect you have COVID
- If you have caregiving obligations
- If you have mental health concerns or any accessibility needs that are best met by being remote
# How do I participate remotely?
1. You watch the whole video for the class you are remote for. This does *not* have to be done live
2. You contribute an Ed post to every small group discussion linked to in the [clas schedule]({{{site.baseurly}}/schedule)
3. You fill out the remote participation survey portion of the [class participation survey](
# Competency Based Grading
We have a set of core learning goals in this class. If you learn them all, you get an A. Competencies make up 80% of your grade.
Assignment completion is also required. This is 10% of your grade. You have up to four late days for assignment completion, and this only looks at whether you did everything, not how well you did it.
So how's this Distance Learning thing going to work? With shared expections of the
- students
- instructor
- TAs.
Finally, Effort is 10% of your grade. This includes
- Participation in discussion and exercises (self reported)
- Participation in discussion outside of class (based on submissions to Ed)
# Lecture and Section: Expectations
- Please have your video on, or communicate with us if this will be an issue.
- Please keep your mic muted unless you’re asking a question.
- To ask a question, please type “hand” in the chat in Zoom or just speak up.
- You may also post questions in the chat, but you may be asked to unmute your mic and ask your question aloud.
- If you do type in the chat, ensure what you are typing is school appropriate and inclusive.
- There will be individual and group based activities which you are expected to
participate in. (Contact us if you are not able to participate in real time)
- Please email us (privately) if you are in a time zone that does not allow you to participate during class synchronously so we can accomodate that for exams, etc.
# More detail on competencies
This approach was selected because it prioritizes *accessibility* and *justice* and *flexibility* for students.
You can find all of the competencies under "[Outcomes](" on canvas
They fall into three categories (this is still being refined)
- Accessibility Compliance (e.g. accessibility checking)
- Accessible Media and Documents (e.g. writing alt text, presenting accessibly)
- Disability Awareness and Justice (How you pick problems and do disability centered design)
This is the first time I'm grading this way, so we may make adjustements based on how it goes. Feedback welcome.
# Programming Expectations
- Programming is only required the final project, which you define
- As such, there are no specific language or platform requirements
- Small programming exercises may also happen in class using languages such as javascript and python. Contact the instructors if you have any concerns about this.
# Field Trip
0% Loading or .
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Finish editing this message first!
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