@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ See [canvas outcomes]({{site.canvas}}/outcomes) for more details on each compete
2.**Positive Disability Principals**: Demonstrate your ability to enact positive disability principals in your coursework. These include learning and applying principals such as non-ablist language and ideas such as emphasizing agency and control and avoiding disability dongles.
3.**Accessibility Technology Familiarity**: Demonstrate that you are able to use various accessibility technologies to find problems with a website or app (e.g. screen readers and tab based input would not be considered different, but screen readers and magnifiers would be considered different).
4.**Automated Accessibility Checking**: Demonstrate that you are able to use an automated checker to find problems with a website
5.**Correct use of Web/App Accessibility Rules**: Demonstrate that you can properly assign a WCAG rule to a problem you found
5.**Accessibility Rules (Web/App)**: Demonstrate that you can properly assign a WCAG rule to a problem you found
6.**Finding First-Person Accounts**: You should be able to find first person accounts of an access need or other opportunity for building accessibility technology. A first person account is a description by a disabled person of their experiences, needs and goals with respect to an accessibility topic.
7.**Accessible Document Creation**: You can ensure that documents and presentations you create are accessible to everyone in your intended audience, including people with disabilities. This applies to presentations, word documents, and pdfs. **Note: Inaccessbile documents may not be assessed for other competencies until they are made accessible.**
8.**Accessible Presenting**: Demonstrate you can present accessibly, following [best practices](https://www.washington.edu/doit/making-your-presentation-accessible). As with accessible document creation this ensures that everyone in your intended audience, including people with disabilities, can participate in what you are doing.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ The goal of this homework is to learn about basics of website accessibility and
This homework may contribute to your competency grade on
- Accessibility Technology Familiarity
- Automated Accessibility Checking
-Correct use of Web/App Accessibility Rules
- Accessibility Rules
- Accessible Document Creation
- Image Description
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ Your reflection should
# Turnin
0. Check that you have met the requirements in the [Canvas Outcomes]({{site.canvas}}/outcomes) for this assignment
1. Write a brief statement about whether or not you used generative AI in your assigment. If you did, state how, and make sure you are following the [academic conduct guidelines]({{site.baseurl}}/academic-conduct.html).
2.[Submit]({{site.submit}}) your reflection and UARS. Make sure they are accessible!
1. Check that you have met the requirements in the [Canvas Outcomes]({{site.canvas}}/outcomes) for this assignment
2.[Submit]({{site.submit}}) accessible documents for your