6 merge requests!12Accessibility website jen summer work,!9Q access 24 sp,!8Q access 24 sp,!5Latest update from Spring 2023,!4Latest update after pmp class,!3Updated content for week 3 and week 4 (week 4 still needs work)
@@ -225,7 +225,23 @@ Grades will be assigned approximately as follows:
### 80%: Competency in key skills.
The competencies needed for this course are listed on the [assignments page](assignments/index.html), and can all be found in canvas as well.
The competencies needed for this course are listed on the [assignments page](assignments/index.html), and can all be found in canvas as well. There are three categories of skills: (1) Accessible Media and Documents (includes 5 possible competencies + a bonus); (2) Accessibility Compliance (includes 4 possible competencies); and (3) Disability Awareness and Justice (includes 3 possible competencies). Accessible videos is a "bonus" meaning it can add a competency, but won't count against you if you don't do it.
Your grade is based on the number of skills you achieve competence, and excellence in for each category. For example, if you achieve excellence in 4/5 skills and are above competence in all skills in the Accessible Media and Documents category, you would receive a 4.0 for that category.
Your grade will be calculated separately for each category and then averaged.
The correspondance between competencies and grades in each categories is shown in the table below. The columns in this table show the Max number of skills that can be below competence to get a certain grade (specifically, if even 1 skill in a category is below competence, the highest possible grade is 3.2 for all skill groups). Next is the minimum number of skills that must be competent to get a certain grade (for example, you have to be competent in at least 4 skills to get a 3.4 in accessible media and documents; at least 3 in the case of accessibility compliance; and at least 2 in the case of disability justice); and the minimum number of skills that must be excellent to get a certain grade.
Assignment completion is 10% of your grade. This is listed as the "participation" competency for each assignment in canvas. The weight of each assignment is simply the number of weeks long it is, so a longer assignment would contribute more to your assignment completion grade than a shorter one.