Jennifer Mankoff authored45a4a86f
- Module 1: Accessibility Basics
- Week 1 (9/27 - 9/29): Introduction to Disability & Accessibility
- Week 2 (10/2 - 10/6): Accessible Documents & Disability Justice
- Week 3 (10/9-10/13): Guidelines and Assessment
- Week 4 (10/16-10/20): Building & Remediating Accessible Interfaces
- Module 2: Post GUI Accessibility
- Week 5 (10/23 - 10/27): Accessible Needfinding and Evaluation
- Week 6 (10/30 - 11/3): Accessible Visulaizations & AR/VR
- Week 7 (11/6 - 11/10): Fabrication
- Friday 11/10: HOLIDAY
- Module 3: Everything Everywhere All at Once
- Week 8 (11/13-11/17): Chronic Illness & Sustainability
- Week 9 (11/20-11/24): Group Checkpoint 1
- Friday 11/24: HOLIDAY
- Week 10 (12/4--12/8): 1:1 Project Meetings / TBD
- Finals week: Final presentations -- time TBD
- Unused Reading and Ideas
layout: default
title: Schedule
description: Class schedule and links to lectures, readings and assignments
warning: draft
- TOC {:toc}
{: .module}
Module 1: Accessibility Basics
{: .week}
Week 1 (9/27 - 9/29): Introduction to Disability & Accessibility
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What is Disability?
- What is Accessibility?
- What are Accessibility Technologies? {% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Overview of course & Introduction to Disability %}
: Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="introduction.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection :
- Read about Disability Dongles and Respond
If you want to dig deeper
- Defining Article Disability Dongles by Liz Jackson
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} TBD (possibly trying out accessibility technologies) {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: Accessibility Technology %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="accessibility.html" %}
{: .homework} AT Around Us Assigned: Find Accessibility Technologies :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 2 (10/2 - 10/6): Accessible Documents & Disability Justice
{% details Learning Goals %} We will start understanding how to make documents accesible
- How to present accessibly
- Get comfortable with basic image description (images, people)
- Plain Language And study disability justice
- Understand models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 10/2: Accessible Presentations and Plain Language%}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessible Presentations and Presenting Accessibly" loc="presenting-accessibly.html" %}
- (if time) start on - Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- The 10 principles of disability justice and post your Reflection
- If you want to dig deeper
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 10/4: Plain Language and Disability Justice %}
- Finish Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
{: .homework} Disability Justice Homework Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective. :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Practice with Plain Language {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 10/2: AT Around Us Presentations %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 3 (10/9-10/13): Guidelines and Assessment
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What are the current accessibility standards
- How do we use automated tools to assess accessibility
- How can we use accessibility technology to assess accessibility
- Get comfortable using existing freely available accessibility technology to support assessment
- More advanced accessibility techniques
- Differences between Image description, Diagram description and UI description
- Video description & Captioning
- Math, Tables & other elements (including custom interactors) {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 10/2: Accessibility Testing %}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Testing" loc="testing.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Accessibility Testing: Read The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing and Respond
- Read about creating accessible images and diagrams and Respond
- Find a non-text content on the web that does not have ALT text (something other than a photograph)
- Post) a description of the leftmost GUI
- Audio Description: Read What is audio description? (from The Audio Description Project) and Respond
- Read the Website Testing Homework and tell us the top 3 websites you'd like to be assigned to assess
If you want to dig deeper
- Read about Switches
- Try out the Image ALT Text Tutorial
- Watch: Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions
- Read about Making numbers accessiblen
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 10/4: Accessibility Standards %}
{: .prepare} Come Prepared : Come to class with an image, diagram, or other graphic you want to describe
Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Standards & Media Accessibility" loc="assessment.html" %}
{: .homework} Website Testing Homework Assigned: Assess a website and generate UARS for it :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Practice with Accessibility Assesssment {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 10/13: More Website Standards %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="More Accessibility Standards" loc="assessment2.html" %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 4 (10/16-10/20): Building & Remediating Accessible Interfaces
{% details Learning Goals %}
- How accessibility works under the hood
- More on navigation and its impact
- What are the tradeoffs between different tools? {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 10/16: What's the best way to Assess a Website?%}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Comparing Automated Testing and Manual Testing" loc="comparing-approaches.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Read: About how web semantics are conveyed to screen readers and Respond
- Read: Accessibility in Software Practice: A Practitioner’s Perspective and Respond on Ed (TBD)
If you want to dig deeper
- Read: Is your web page accessible? A comparative study of methods for assessing web page accessibility for the blind and Respond
- Read: Comparison of different methods for accessibility testing Mateus etal, 2021
- Watch: Google Video on Practical Web Accessibility — this video provides a great overview of the Web and how to make web content accessible. Highly recommended as a supplement to what we will cover in class.
- Watch: Latte: Use-Case and Assistive-Service Driven Automated Accessibility Testing Framework for Android and read Lies, Damned Lies, Overlays, and Widgets
- Read: Semantics for Eye tracking
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 10/18: How to Build Accessible Interfaces %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="How to build for accessibility" loc="best-practices.html" %}
{: .homework} Website Report Assigned: Write a group report about your assessment :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Group work on Report {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 10/20: More Website Standards %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="More Accessibility Standards" loc="assessment2.html" %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{: .homework} Post-module Reflection: Accessibility Basics Reflection :
{% enddetails %}
{: .module}
Module 2: Post GUI Accessibility
{: .week}
Week 5 (10/23 - 10/27): Accessible Needfinding and Evaluation
{% details Learning Goals %}
- How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
- How do you make sure your product is accessible to people with disabilities
- Data Equity and implicit bias
- Beyond automated assessment: Accessible Summative Studies
- Importance of Intersectionality
- How do you make sure your accessibility technology is valued by people with disabilities
- What are potential data sources for assessing value
- Collaboration Versus Paternalism
- Overly narrow views of disability: Multiple disabled people & multiply disabled people {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 10/23: Introduction to Assessing Accessibility %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Guest Lecture: Avery Mack: Assessing Accessibility" loc="evaluation.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Required Reading
- If you want to dig deeper
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 10/25: Introduction to Designing for Accessibility %} : Slides {% include slide.html title="Designing for and with people with disabilities" loc="designing.html" %}
{: .homework} Technology Review Assigned: Write a group report about your assessment :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} TBD {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 10/27: TBD %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 6 (10/30 - 11/3): Accessible Visulaizations & AR/VR
{% details Learning Goals %}
Bias in Machine Learning - What is Machine Learning (ML)? - What are the components of ML? - How do we collect data? Who do we collect the data from? - Is the data "good"? - How do we minimize disability bias?
Accessible Data Visualizations - What are the commonly-used techniques to make data visualizations accessible? - What are the pros and cons of these techniques? - What are some of the nuances in making data visualizations accessible?
Learn about how to make AR/VR interfaces and games accessible {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 10/30: Data Equity %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Data Equity" loc="bias-in-machine-learning.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements.
- Increasing Data Equity in Accessibility No ed post for this one :)
If you want to go deeper
- A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities
- Understanding Screen-Reader Users’ Experiences with Online Data Visualizations Respond
- Data Representation in Accessibility Data Sets: A Meta-analysis Respond
- The Future of Urban Accessibility for People with Disabilities: Data Collection, Analytic, Policy, and Tools
- Rich Screen Reader Experiences for Accessible Data Visualization
- VoxLens: Making Online Data Visualizations Accessible With an Interactive JavaScript Plug-In
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 11/1: AR/VR Accessibility %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="AR/VR Accessibility" loc="arvr.html" %}
{: .homework} Technology Review Assigned: Make something (post-gui) more accessible :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Practice with making data accessible
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 11/3: Technology-Implementation Meetings %}
Check in to make sure you have a plan and it is do-able
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 7 (11/6 - 11/10): Fabrication
{% details Learning Goals %}
- Work with laser cutting to make accessible technology
- Learn about fabrication tools and techniques {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 11/6: What's the best way to Assess a Website?%}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to 3D Printing and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements.
- If you want to go deeper
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 11/8: Making a Laser Cut Book Opener %} Work in class on this
{: .homework} Final Project Proposal Assigned: Prepare your final project proposal (individual) :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Finish making laser cuttable designs and print
{% enddetails %}
Friday 11/10: HOLIDAY
{: .holiday}
{: .week}
Module 3: Everything Everywhere All at Once
{: .week}
Week 8 (11/13-11/17): Chronic Illness & Sustainability
{% details Learning Goals %}
- How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
- How do you make sure your product is accessible to people with disabilities
- Data Equity and implicit bias
- Beyond automated assessment: Accessible Summative Studies
- Importance of Intersectionality
- How do you make sure your accessibility technology is valued by people with disabilities
- What are potential data sources for assessing value
- Collaboration Versus Paternalism
- Overly narrow views of disability: Multiple disabled people & multiply disabled people {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday 11/13: Group Formation %}
In class exercise to form final project groups
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements on Ed. There is only one Ed post you need to make this week in response to either or both assigned readings. Please post your response in this Ed thread
- If you want to dig deeper
{: .homework} Class Participation survey : {% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 11/15: Chronic Illness and Accessibility %}
Slides TBD
{: .homework} Group Project Checkpoint Assigned: Group Project Checkpoint :
{: .homework} Final Project Handin :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Work in groups on final projects
{% enddetails %}
{% details Friday 11/17: Sustainability %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Sustainability" loc="sustainability.html" %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 9 (11/20-11/24): Group Checkpoint 1
{% details Monday 11/20: First Half of Group Presentations %} Present in class {% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday 11/22: Second Half of Group Presentations %} Present in class
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Work in groups on final projects
{% enddetails %}
Friday 11/24: HOLIDAY
{: .holiday}
{: .week}
Week 10 (12/4--12/8): 1:1 Project Meetings / TBD
{% details Learning Goals: STILL TBD %} TBD {% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Finals week: Final presentations -- time TBD
{: .lecture} Final project presentations :
Unused Reading and Ideas
{% details some additional readings and slides to possibly use %}
- Physical computing slides
- Crippin' Jim Crow
- Traumatic Brain Injury: A Guide for Criminal Justice Professionals
- Disabling Incarceration: Connecting Disability to Divergent Confinements in the USA
- A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities
- 7 benefits of AR and VR for People with Disabilities (a bit ableist)
- Living Disability Theory: Reflections on Research, Access and Design
- Disability Studies as a source of critical inquiry...
- Vital coronavirus is failing the blind and visually impaired
- Blurring the Boundaries Between Assistive Tech and Companionship (a little too salesy) {% enddetails %}
{% details slides not in use %} Slides {% include slide.html title="Assessing Accessibility" loc="physical-computing.html" %} {% enddetails %}
{% details topics not covered %}
- Video conferencing
- Large gatherings (virtual or hybrid)
- Online text based support groups
- Social networks such as twitter or facebook
- Crowdsourcing ) {% enddetails %}