Jennifer Mankoff authoredee307238
act3-describing-video-image.md 1.44 KiB
layout: assignment
published: true
title: Describing Pictures and Videos
code: ex1
assigned: April 21, 2021
- <strong>Activity</strong><BR>
April 19, 2021 in class</strong>
revised: April 5, 2021
objective: Describe a video and image
- TOC {:toc}
Assignment Description
This activity requires you to:
- Find an image, and describe it (write alt-text).
- Describe a video on YouDescribe. The website authors put together a comprehensive set of instructions to use their interface to describe videos.
What counts as a good image
Please pick images that have people, objects, and/or landscapes. You could also pick visualizations or memes, but please do not pick pictures of text or screenshots of conversations.
What counts as a good video?
Again, please pick videos that have people, objects and activity. Please do not pick videos that contain only scrolling text. YouDescribe has a good request list for you to pick from!
You will add your picture (with your alt-text), and a link to your described video to a shared google doc before class. your described videos will be played in class. Instructions to add alt-text in google docs
Grading (XX pts)
This HW will be out of XX points and will roughly (subject to small adjustments) be distributed as: