Jennifer Mankoff authoredf9ce79f3
layout: default
title: Schedule
description: Class schedule and links to lectures, readings and assignments
- TOC {:toc}
{: .module}
Module 1: Accessibility Basics
{: .week}
Week 1 (9/27 - 9/29): Introduction to Disability & Accessibility
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What is Disability?
- What is Accessibility?
- What are Accessibility Technologies? {% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Overview of course & Introduction to Disability %}
: Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="introduction.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection :
- Read about Disability Dongles and Respond
If you want to dig deeper
- Defining Article Disability Dongles by Liz Jackson
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} TBD (possibly trying out accessibility technologies) {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: Accessibility Technology %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="In Class Activities" loc="accessibility.html" %}
{: .homework} AT Around Us Assigned: Find Accessibility Technologies :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 2 (10/2 - 10/6): Accessible Documents & Disability Justice
{% details Learning Goals %} We will start understanding how to make documents accessible
- How to present accessibly
- Get comfortable with basic image description (images, people)
- Plain Language And study disability justice
- Understand models for disability-centered design
- What is Disability Justice {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday: Accessible Presentations and Plain Language%}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessible Presentations and Presenting Accessibly" loc="presenting-accessibly.html" %}
- (if time) start on - Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- The 10 principles of disability justice and post your Reflection
- If you want to dig deeper
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Plain Language and Disability Justice %}
- Finish Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
{: .homework} Disability Justice Homework Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective. :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Practice with Plain Language {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: AT Around Us Presentations %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 3 (10/9-10/13): Guidelines and Assessment
{% details Learning Goals %}
- What are the current accessibility standards
- How do we use automated tools to assess accessibility
- How can we use accessibility technology to assess accessibility
- Get comfortable using existing freely available accessibility technology to support assessment
- More advanced accessibility techniques
- Differences between Image description, Diagram description and UI description
- Video description & Captioning
- Math, Tables & other elements (including custom interactors) {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday: Accessibility Testing %}
- Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Testing" loc="testing.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Accessibility Testing: Read The importance of Manual Accessibility Testing and Respond
- Read about creating accessible images and diagrams and Respond
- Find a non-text content on the web that does not have ALT text (something other than a photograph)
- Post) a description of the leftmost GUI
- Audio Description: Read What is audio description? (from The Audio Description Project) and Respond
- Read the Website Testing Homework and tell us the top 3 websites you'd like to be assigned to assess
If you want to dig deeper
- Read about Switches
- Try out the Image ALT Text Tutorial
- Watch: Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions
- Read about Making numbers accessiblen
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Wednesday: Accessibility Standards %}
{: .prepare} Come Prepared : Come to class with an image, diagram, or other graphic you want to describe
Slides {% include slide.html title="Accessibility Standards & Media Accessibility" loc="assessment.html" %}
{: .homework} Website Testing Homework Assigned: Assess a website and generate UARS for it :
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{% details Thursday: Section %} Practice with Accessibility Assessment {% enddetails %}
{% details Friday: More Website Standards %}
Slides {% include slide.html title="More Accessibility Standards" loc="assessment2.html" %}
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}
{: .week}
Week 4 (10/16-10/20): Building & Remediating Accessible Interfaces
{% details Learning Goals %}
- How accessibility works under the hood
- More on navigation and its impact
- What are the trade offs between different tools? {% enddetails %}
{% details Monday: What's the best way to Assess a Website?%}
Slides {% include slide.html title="Comparing Automated Testing and Manual Testing" loc="comparing-approaches.html" %}
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday) :
- Read: About how web semantics are conveyed to screen readers and Respond
- Read: Accessibility in Software Practice: A Practitioner’s Perspective and Respond on Ed (TBD)
If you want to dig deeper
- Read: Is your web page accessible? A comparative study of methods for assessing web page accessibility for the blind and Respond
- Read: Comparison of different methods for accessibility testing Mateus etal, 2021
- Watch: Google Video on Practical Web Accessibility — this video provides a great overview of the Web and how to make web content accessible. Highly recommended as a supplement to what we will cover in class.
- Watch: Latte: Use-Case and Assistive-Service Driven Automated Accessibility Testing Framework for Android and read Lies, Damned Lies, Overlays, and Widgets
- Read: Semantics for Eye tracking
{: .homework} Class Participation survey :
{% enddetails %}