Jennifer Mankoff authoredUnverifiedaa139dff
README.md 2.13 KiB
This is the core / base for a set of accessible class websites. A good example (which this was based on) is cse340
How to use
To use this website, the following steps are necessary:
- Fork the website, so you can customize it
- Update the folowing variables and files:
- in .gitlab-ci.yml
quarter: eg21wi course: egcse340 refs: - egCSE340-WI21```
- For files which have multiple versions, link to the right one
- schedule.md
- assignments/index.md
- in .gitlab-ci.yml
- If at UW,
- Create a directory in /courses/[your class] for this quarter
- ask CSE support to enable your repo for the courseweb runner
- Make sure to tell them which class this is for so they can set it up properly.
- change the colors if you want to update the style. You can find them at the top of /assets/css/style.scss
- update the favico in /assets/img
- update the variables in _config.yml including the following and anything else relevant
- title
- description
- baseurl
- twitter_username
- git_username
- git_branch
- quarter
- author
Basic use:
rbenv global ruby 3.2.3
bundle install # if needed
bundle exec jekyll build
bundle exec jekyll serve &
To set up a runner
- on gitlab.cs.washington.edu, goto the project you want add a runner for.
- Go to settings -> CI/CD -> Runners and press the new runner button
- Follow the prompts and it will give you a code snippet
- ssh to gitlab04 and gitlab05 and run the following command: sudo gitlab-runner register and use the information from step 3 for the prompts for the name, use cseNNN-QQYY-gitlab0[4|5] and "shell" for the executor.
There are generic names and XXX and such in
- _config.yml
- _config_production.yml
- _data/navigation.yml
You'll need to update them once you merge this in
- Merge the branch from the relevant class website into an equivalent branch in accessibility-website
- remove all references to a specific quarter or class
- Decide whether to make a copy of assignments that are significantly different
- merge into main