@@ -335,7 +335,13 @@ In class exercise to form final project groups
{: .homework} Required Reading and Reflection (for Wednesday)
-**Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements on Ed**. There is only one Ed post you need to make this week in response to either or both assigned readings. [Please post your response in this Ed thread]({site.discussion}/2649283)
- Watch [Difficulty Vs Accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPehhHZvKE8&list=PLVEo4bPIUOskja9pfpqceY8qDrykFdubf&index=19) and respond to the following prompt:
Think of a part of a game you’ve played that is both a source of Difficulty AND an accessibility barrier— how might you redesign it to be accessible while still keeping the satisfying game difficulty?
- Watch [Detecting and Defending Against Seizure-Inducing GIFs in Social Media](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rD1p_2EHq3Y) and respond to the following prompt:
Can you think of a potentially problematic effect in a game that you played? Why is it problematic? Is there an option to disable it?
-**Required: [Please post your response in this Ed thread]({site.discussion}/3851117)**
{: .homework} [Group Project Checkpoint](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Assigned: Group Project Checkpoint