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......@@ -30,13 +30,19 @@ they wish to be assessed on.
# Larger Projects
There will be a larger open ended project that takes place over the entire quarter and ends with a Final project presentation and/or poster. The project includes a [proposal](project-proposals.html); two [checkpoints](project-checkpoint.html), [presentations](project-final-presentations.html), and a [final handin](project-final-handin.html) and [individual handin](project-final-individual-template.html)
There will be a larger open ended project that takes place over the entire quarter and ends with a Final project presentation and/or poster. The project deliverables are:
1. A [proposal](project-proposals.html): Due Mon 11/4
2. First [checkpoint](project-checkpoint.html): Slides due Wed 11/13; Present to course staff in Section on Thurs 11/14
3. Second [checkpoint](project-checkpoint.html): Slides due Sun 11/24; Present to course staff on Mon 11/25 or Wed 11/27
4. A [final presentation](project-final-presentations.html): Slides due Tues 12/4; Present to class Wed, Thurs, Fri 12/5-12/7
5. A [final group handin](project-final-handin.html): Due Monday, 12/9
6. A [final individual handin](project-final-individual-template.html): Due Monday, 12/9
# Competencies
As described in the [syllabus]({{site.baseurl}}/index.html), your
grade in the class will be based on whether you achieve *non
competent*, *competent* or *excellent* in each of these topics,
averaged over all the times that you are assessed.
competent*, *competent* or *excellent* in each of these topics.
See [canvas outcomes]({{site.canvas}}/outcomes) for more details on each competency.
......@@ -3,37 +3,46 @@ layout: assignment
published: true
title: Final Project Proposal
revised: October 27, 2024
revised: October 30, 2024
description: Propose a project to make the world slightly more accessible
# Overview
# Overview
The goal of your final project is to build an accessibility technology or make an existing technology more accessible. In this phase of the final project, you will propose a specific project idea that you come up with. The final project is a *group assignment* and requires forming groups of 2-4 people *who can all attend the same section*. Proposals may be submitted individually if you are not part of a group yet.
The goal of your final project is to build an accessibility technology or make an existing technology more accessible, in a group of 2-4 students. In this phase of the final project, you will propose a specific project idea that you come up with.
<!-- The final project is a *group assignment* and requires forming groups of 2-4 people *who can all attend the same section*. Groups must be finalized by Friday, 11/8; if you already know who you are working with, you can submit your proposal as a group, but proposals may be submitted individually if you are not part of a group yet. -->
Your idea should offer develop technology that will help to advance the needs of people with disabilities. However, we want to avoid creating [Disability Dongles]( To avoid this, we do two important things
1. You should inform your project from a first person account. If you cannot find first person commentary on the topic, please reach out to the course staff for help. We may tell you not to worry about it, or point you at resources such as research papers that have interviews of people with disabilities in them.
2. You should embody *Positive Disability Principles:* We understand that you cannot necessarily address all of the positive disability principles that we discuss in class, but at the very least you should be able to argue for principles 1 and 4: (1) It is not ableist (4) It furthers disabled agency and control. Ideally, you will also be able to address at least one more principle of the five [specified in the competency](index.html#4-application-of-positive-disability-principals-to-research).
1. You should inform your project from a first person account. If you cannot find first person commentary on the topic, please reach out to the course staff for help. We may tell you not to worry about it, or point you at resources such as research papers that have interviews of people with disabilities in them.
2. You should embody *Positive Disability Principles:* We understand that you cannot necessarily address all of the positive disability principles that we discuss in class, but at the very least you should be able to argue for principles 1 and 4: (1) It is not ableist (4) It furthers disabled agency and control. Ideally, you will also be able to address at least one more principle of the five [specified in the competency](index.html#4-application-of-positive-disability-principals-to-research).
*Note on disability involvement in this project:* It is not feasible to do a full iterative design cycle in this project (and not necessarily an ethical use of the time of people with disabilities). Please reach out to us for permission if you intend to work with disabled participants. Otherwise we will expect you to base your project on first person accounts you find online.
{% details Final Project Examples from past Undergraduate and Masters Accessibility Courses %}
{% details Final Project Examples from past Undergraduate and Masters Accessibility Courses %}
Some examples of what people have done in the past include:
- [Alti Discord Bot]( Alti is a Discord bot that automatically generates alt text for any image that gets uploaded onto Discord. Once you add Alti to your Discord server, Alti will automatically generate alt text for the image using artificial intelligence (AI). [Demo](
- [Complexion Cupid: Color Matching Foundation Program]( Allows individuals with color blindness to upload an image of their skin, and provides a makeup foundation match. Additionally, individuals can upload existing swatches and will be provided with filtered photos that better show the matching accuracy. [Source](
- [Twitter Content Warnings]( A chrome extension meant to be used in conjunction with in order to help people with PTSD
- [Lite Lingo: Plain Text Translator]( A plain text translator to help individuals with learning disabilities. [Demo]( and a [plain language checker](
- [Twitter Content Warnings]( A chrome extension meant to be used in conjunction with in order to help people with PTSD
- [Lite Lingo: Plain Text Translator]( A plain text translator to help individuals with learning disabilities. [Demo]( and [Source](
- [Matplotalt: Alt text for matplotlib figures]( A small python package to generate and surface alt text for matplotlib figures and improving [chart accessibility](
- [PadMap: Accessible Map for Menstrual Products]( Our goal is to ensure that anywhere on campus, people can search up the closest free menstrual products to them and get there in an accessible way. [Source](
- [SpeechIT]( A presentation speech checker to ensure a user’s verbal speech during presentation is accessible and understandable for everyone.
- [SpeechIT]( A presentation speech checker to ensure a user’s verbal speech during presentation is accessible and understandable for everyone.
- [Make Arduino programming more accessible]( by visualizing output from its sensors accessible and creating [tactile schematics]( for circuits
{% enddetails %}
## Group Formation
The final project is a *group assignment* and requires forming groups of 2-4 people *who can all attend the same section*. (You don't necessarily need to be registered for the same section, but you must all be able to attend the same one.)
Groups must be finalized by Friday, 11/8. If you already know who you are working with, you can submit your proposal as a group, but proposals may be submitted individually if you are not part of a group yet.
To help with group formation, [post a summary of your idea on Ed]({{site.discussion}}/5583557); you'll have opportunities to talk with other students in your section and browse their idea summaries so that you can find people who are interested in similar topics.
## Learning Goals / Competencies
Required Competencies for this homework:
......@@ -42,18 +51,17 @@ Required Competencies for this homework:
- Disability Justice Analysis
- Finding First Person Accounts of Accessibility Tech
Optionally, if you complete the requirements for it, you can add any other competency.
Optionally, if you complete the requirements for it, you can add any other competency.
# Turnin
1. [Submit]({{site.submit}}/9698194) your proposal. Your write up should include the following information
1. [Submit your proposal on Canvas]({{site.submit}}/9698194). Your write up should include the following information:
1. What will you do? What first person evidence did you find for this idea? Provide a brief summary and links.
2. Does this first person account meet the requirements for a first person account?
3. How does this project embody Positive Disability Principles?
4. Pick 3 disability justice principals. How does this project fail, or succeed, in embodying them?
5. How will you validate your idea
6. Why is this feasible (timeline, etc) What do you plan to accomplish by each of the project milestones?
7. Include a statement of what your contributions were for each of the parts of the proposal if you did this as a group.
2. Post a summary of your idea on for others to see to help with group formation on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}/5583557)
2. Does this first person account meet the requirements for a first person account? [Competency: Finding First Person Accounts]
3. How does this project embody Positive Disability Principles? [Competency: Positive Disability Principles]
4. Pick 3 of Sins Invalid's 10 disability justice principals. How does this project fail, or succeed, in embodying them? [Competency: Disability Justice Analysis]
5. How will this be feasible (timeline, etc.)? What do you plan to accomplish by each of the project milestones (checkpoint 1, checkpoint 2, final presentation/handin)?
6. Include a statement of what your contributions were for each of the parts of the proposal if you did this as a group.
2. (Not graded) Post a summary of your idea for others to see on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}/5583557) to help with group formation.
......@@ -101,17 +101,17 @@ See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links for classes and office
{% details How do I reach the Instructors? %}
- ![A picture of a white woman with curly brown hair and a blue shirt leaning on a railing, wearing glasses](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"}
[Jennifer Mankoff]({{}}) (she/her) | Instructor | Office hours: <s>12:30-1:30</s> **3:30-4:30 (new time)** In person, Gates 214.
- ![A picture of an Asian woman with a black ponytail pointing to something off screen and kneeling on the ground next to a tan-and-black service dog with crooked ears](assets/img/staff/njoo.JPG){:width="80px"}
Lucille Njoo (she/her) | TA | Office hours: 1-2pm on Sunday over [Zoom](
- ![A picture of a young adult female with long dark brown hair who is wearing a black leather jacket and smiling](assets/img/staff/michelle_img.jpg){:width="80px"}
Michelle Vu (she/her) | TA |
- ![A picture of a white woman with curly brown hair and a blue shirt leaning on a railing, wearing glasses](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"}
[Jennifer Mankoff]({{}}) (she/her) | Instructor | Office hours: <s>12:30-1:30</s> **3:30-4:30 (new time)** In person, Gates 214.
- ![A picture of an Asian woman with a black ponytail pointing to something off screen and kneeling on the ground next to a tan-and-black service dog with crooked ears](assets/img/staff/njoo.JPG){:width="80px"}
Lucille Njoo (she/her) | TA | Office hours: 1-2pm on Sunday over [Zoom](
- ![A picture of a young adult female with long dark brown hair who is wearing a black leather jacket and smiling](assets/img/staff/michelle_img.jpg){:width="80px"}
Michelle Vu (she/her) | TA |
Office hours Thursdays 4:30-5:30 In person, Allen Center 220.
- ![Photograph of a Indian woman with straight black hair in a ponytail and in a gray sweater surrounded by a field of lavenders](assets/img/staff/manasa_lingireddy.png){:width="80px"}
- ![Photograph of a Indian woman with straight black hair in a ponytail and in a gray sweater surrounded by a field of lavenders](assets/img/staff/manasa_lingireddy.png){:width="80px"}
Manasa Lingireddy (she/her) | TA | Office hours: Friday 11:30-12:30 In person, Gates 153.
- ![A picture of a young Asian adult female with long dark hair who is standing in front of a fence of a rooftop, wearing a white t-shirt and light-blue jean](assets/img/staff/joo.jpg){:width="80px"}
Joo Kim (she/her) | TA | Office hours: Wednesday 11:30-12:30 In person, Gates 153
- ![A picture of a young Asian adult female with long dark hair who is standing in front of a fence of a rooftop, wearing a white t-shirt and light-blue jean](assets/img/staff/joo.jpg){:width="80px"}
Joo Kim (she/her) | TA | Office hours: Wednesday 11:30-12:30 In person, Allen 5th Floor.
You can also reach ous asynchronously or by appointmente, just post to [discussion board]({{site.discussion}}). You can discuss matters with us privately on the [discussion
......@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@ Discussion of accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
{: .week}
# Week 6 (10/27 - 11/2): AI and Data Visualization
## Monday {% include slide.html title="AI and Accessibility" loc="bias-in-machine-learning.html" %}
## Monday 10/28: {% include slide.html title="AI and Accessibility" loc="bias-in-machine-learning.html" %}
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Website Report](assignments/website-report.html) Due
## Wednesday {% include slide.html title="Course Feedback, Final Project & Best of Assets" loc="best-of-assets2024.html" %}
## Wednesday 10/30: {% include slide.html title="Course Feedback, Final Project & Best of Assets" loc="best-of-assets2024.html" %}
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Proposal](assignments/project-proposals-ugrad.html) Assigned
## Thursday Section Group Formation & Practice making data accessible
## Thursday 10/31: Section - Group Formation & Practice making data accessible
## Friday {% include slide.html title="Data Visualization" loc="data-visualization.html" %}
## Friday 11/1: {% include slide.html title="Data Visualization" loc="data-visualization.html" %}
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> Preparation for next week:
- Read [Laser cutting with Tinkercad](
- Join our [Tinkercard Classroom](
......@@ -127,18 +127,20 @@ Discussion of accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
{: .week}
# Week 7 (11/3 - 11/9): Fabrication and Accessibility
## Monday {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Laser Cutting" loc="laser-cutting.html" %}
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Proposal](assignments/projcet-proposals-ugrad.html) Due
## Monday 11/4: {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Laser Cutting" loc="laser-cutting.html" %}
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Proposal](assignments/project-proposals-ugrad.html) Due
## Wednesday
## Wednesday 11/6:
- In class work on accessible objects
- Testing with paper, scissors, and printers
- Some overnight printing if ready
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project checkpoint](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Assigned
## Thursday Section: in CSE 022: Finish making laser cuttable designs and print
## Thursday 11/7: Section in CSE 022
- Finish making laser cuttable designs and print
## Friday {% include slide.html title="Fabrication and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
## Friday 11/8: {% include slide.html title="Fabrication and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
- Final project groups must be finalized
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> Readings and Preparation:
- Read [How Android Accessibility Services Can Be Used to Hack Your Phone](; Lewis et al.
- Read [Security and Privacy]( from "Teaching Accessible Computing"
......@@ -147,14 +149,15 @@ Discussion of accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
# Week 8 (11/10-11/16): Accessibility Across Technology
{: .holiday}
## Monday: Veterans day (holiday)
## Monday 11/11: Veterans day (HOLIDAY)
## Wednesday: (Tentative) Security and Privacy
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Group Project Checkpoint](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Due
## Wednesday 11/13: (Tentative) Security and Privacy
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Checkpoint 1](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Slides Due
## Thursday (lab) Project Group Checkins (Full group attendance Required, details TBD)
## Thursday 11/14: Section - Project Group Checkins (Full group attendance required, details TBD)
- You'll present your Checkpoint 1 slides to course staff *with your whole group*
## Friday: (Tentative) AR/VR Accessibility
## Friday 11/15: (Tentative) AR/VR Accessibility
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> Readings and Preparation:
- Watch [Working at the Intersection of Race, Disability and Technology](
- Listen to or watch **one of** the following first person accounts:
......@@ -172,35 +175,43 @@ Discussion of accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
{: .week}
# Week 9 (11/17-11/23): Intersectionality and Sustainability
## Monday: Intersectionality Roundtable (Guest TBD)
## Monday 11/18: Intersectionality Roundtable (Guest TBD)
## Wednesday: Language Justice
## Friday: {% include slide.html title="Sustainability" loc="sustainability.html" %}
## Wednesday 11/20: Language Justice
## Thursday 11/21: Group Project Work Time
## Friday 11/22: {% include slide.html title="Sustainability" loc="sustainability.html" %}
{: .week}
# Week 10 (11/24--11/30):
## Monday and Wednesday: Group Checkpoints
Attend a meeting slot *with your whole group* (slots will overlap class but also extend beyond class hours)
## Sunday 11/24
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Checkpoint 2](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Slides Due
## Monday 11/25 and Wednesday 11/27: Group Checkpoints
- Sign up for a meeting slot to present your Checkpoint 2 slides *with your whole group* (slots will overlap class but also extend beyond class hours)
## Thursday 11/28 and Friday 11/29: HOLIDAY
## Thursday 11/28 and Friday 11/29: Thanksgiving break (HOLIDAY)
{: .holiday}
{: .week}
# Week 11 (12/1--12/7): Final Project Presentations (tentative)
## Monday: AMA
## Monday 12/2: AMA
## Wednesday: Presentations
## Wednesday 12/4: Final Project Presentations
## Thursday Presentations
## Thursday 12/5: Final Project Presentations
## Friday: Presentations
## Friday 12/6: Final Project Presentations
# Finals week (tentative)
## Final Project Handins Due By 12/9, 11:30am;
## Monday 12/9: Final Project Handins Due by 11:30am
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Final Project Handin (Group)](assignments/project-final-handin.html) Due
- <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Final Project Handin (Individual)](assignments/project-final-individual-template.html) Due
{: .week}
{% details Unused Reading and Ideas %}