- Improving the accessibility of a [VSCode plugin for code tours](https://github.com/cclaridad/codetour)
- Creating [tactile schematics](https://www.hackster.io/monica/creating-tactile-schematics-using-fritzing-5b47f8) for circuits
- Making [markdown accessible](https://github.com/jaedong98/accessibility4md)
- Addressing [open issues](https://github.com/odilia-app/odilia/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+author%3Asamtay) for a free and open source screen reader, [odilia](https://github.com/odilia-app/)
{% enddetails %}
In this phase of the final project, you will propose a specific project idea that you come up with.
## Learning Goals / Competencies
This homework may contribute to
- Understanding how to apply a disability justice framing
- Image description
- Finding first person accounts
- Your participation grade, as a percentage of completeness (all required parts are present)
## Length & Difficulty
We do not have details on how long this single piece of the final project usually takes students
# Details
To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following
## 0. Brainstorm an Idea
In choosing this project, you may want to draw from personal expertise, literature, or user data should you have access to it. Your idea should have the following components.
- Implementation component: This project should require the creation of novel technology or resources involving programming.
- Validation component: Your project also must include a validation component (some way of measuring how well it works). This typically involves developing a set of examples and metrics for success, and assessing how well the technology performs on them.
*Note on disability involvement in this project* It is not feasible to do a full iterative design cycle in this project (and not necessarily an ethical use of the time of people with disabilities). However if you want to include data from interviewing, or testing with, people with disabilities, that is permissable. That said, your project should not unduly burden the disability comumnity. Some projects may allow for direct collaboration with or feedback from people with disabilities, others may not. Please reach out to us for guidance on this if you intend to work with disabled participants.
## 1. Develop an Argument for The Idea
We want to avoid creating [Disability Dongles](https://blog.castac.org/2022/04/disability-dongle/). To avoid this, we do two important things
1. You should inform your project from first person accounts if at all possible. If you cannot find first person commentary on the topic, please reach out to the course staff for help. We may tell you not to worry about it, or point you at resources such as research papers that have interviews of people with disabilities in them.
2. You should analyze your idea from a disability justice perspective. You should identify at least *two disability justice principles* that your idea helps to address. Think critically about whether and how your project empowers and gives agency to people with disabilities, as well as the extent to which it expects/engages the larger structural issues around the problem you’re trying to solve.
## 2. Write 4 paragraphs summarizing the idea
Your write up should include the following information
-**Paragraph 1:** What will you do? What is the gol, and how will you implement it
-**Paragraph 2:** How does it address disability justice? Define the two principles you selected and explain how your idea furthers them.
-**Paragraph 3:** How will you validate your idea
-**Pargaraph 4:** Why is this feasible (timeline, etc)
Given the number of weeks available, be careful not to overcommit. You must figure out how to fit this all in about four weeks.
# Turnin
You will need to submit your writeup to the class [discussion board]({{site.discussion}}) before next class. The category should be "Assignments", the subcategory should be "Disability Justice"