-**Required: Respond to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements on Ed**
There is only one Ed post you need to make this week in response to either or both assigned readings. [Please post your response in this Ed thread](https://edstem.org/us/courses/31170/discussion/2649283).
-[Difficulty Vs Accessibility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPehhHZvKE8&list=PLVEo4bPIUOskja9pfpqceY8qDrykFdubf&index=18)
-[My Disability Is Dynamic](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/my-disability-is-dynamic-bc2a619fcc1)
{% enddetails %}
@@ -433,12 +434,19 @@ I'm also thinking about having them use fusion360 or something else to make some
{: .week}
# Week 9 (2/28): Intersectionality with Race, Gender & Other Identities
{% details Learning Goals: STILL TBD %}
{% enddetails %}
# Week 9 (2/28): Accessibility in Games and Chronic Illness
{% details Class Plan: STILL TBD %}
{% details Class Plan: %}
{: .topic } 5:30-6:30 Accessibility in Games and Interactive Media
: guest lecturer: Jesse Martinez
{: .break} 6:30-7:00
: Break / Food / informal checkin on how projects are going
{: .topic } 7:00-8:30
: Accessibility in Chronic Illness: guest lecturers: Emma McDonnell and Kelly Mack