-<strong>Post and comment on ideas on Ed</strong> by Feb 10, 2023
revised:February 5, 2023
revised:April 12, 2023
objective:Make the world slightly more accessible
description:Propose a project to make the world slightly more accessible
@@ -46,7 +46,11 @@ This homework may contribute to
- Your participation grade, as a percentage of completeness (all required parts are present)
## Length & Difficulty
We do not have details on how long this single piece of the final project usually takes students
We do not have details on how long this single piece of the final project usually takes students. However, overall students report a median of 7.5 hours per week plus meetings during the four weeks of the project. Some things students commented on regarding the project include:
- "I appreciate the open-endedness of this project. It gives a good opportunity to apply what we have learned, combined with the knowledge we have brought to this course."
- "I really enjoyed working with [disabled mentor]"
- "I like how open ended the project is, and it made for a really interesting last session with a wide variety of presentations."
- "Learned a lot through the project"
# Details
To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following
@@ -68,8 +72,8 @@ We want to avoid creating [Disability Dongles](https://blog.castac.org/2022/04/d
## 2. Write 4 paragraphs summarizing the idea
Your write up should include the following information
-**Paragraph 1:** What will you do? What is the gol, and how will you implement it
-**Paragraph 2:** How does it address disability justice? Define the two principles you selected and explain how your idea furthers them.
-**Paragraph 1:** What will you do? What first person evidence did you find for this idea? Provide a brief summary and links.
-**Paragraph 2:** How does it address disability justice? Define the two principles you selected and explain how your idea furthers them.
-**Paragraph 3:** How will you validate your idea
-**Pargaraph 4:** Why is this feasible (timeline, etc)
-<strong>Final presentations and deliverables due</strong> Final Exam Timeslot, March 14, 6:30pm, 2023
revised:February 5, 2023
revised:April 12, 2023
objective:Make the world slightly more accessible
description:Make the world slightly more accessible
The goal of your final project is to build an accessibility technology or make an existing technology more accessible. Some examples of what people have done in the past include: