- Accessible Media and Documents (e.g. writing alt text, presenting accessibly)
- Disability Awareness and Justice (How you pick problems and do disability centered design)
@@ -132,6 +132,18 @@ They fall into three categories (this is still being refined)
This is the first time I'm grading this way, so we may make adjustments based on how it goes. Feedback welcome.
# How Competencies Translate to Grades
On any competency, you may be rated as below competent, competent or excellent
In each category (accessibility compliance; accessible media and documents; and disability awareness and justice) your grade is calculated based on how many "excellent" and "competent" scores you have
- all execellents in all categories is a 4.0;
- 1 excellent in all categories is a 3.2.
- 1 not competent in any competency in a category is 3.2
- More not competents drops your grade further
After each category is graded, these grades are averaged.