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Forked from teaching-materials / website
13 commits behind, 268 commits ahead of the upstream repository.
Jen Mankoff's avatar
Jennifer Mankoff authored
Merge branch 'jen-week6' of into jen-week6

This is the core / base for a set of accessible class websites. A good example (which this was based on) is cse340

How to use

To use this website, the following steps are necessary:

  1. Fork the website, so you can customize it
  2. Update the folowing variables and files:
    • in .gitlab-ci.yml
          quarter: 24au
          course: cse493e
          - UACCESS-24fa```
    • For files which have multiple versions, link to the right one for local deployments (full list is in .gitlab-ci.yml before_script and should be kept up to date)
      • ln -s
      • ln -s assignments/ assignments/
      • ln -s assignments/ assignments/
      • ln -s slides/introduction-quals.html slides/introduction.html
  3. If at UW,
    • Create a directory in /courses/[your class] for this quarter
    • ask CSE support to enable your repo for the courseweb runner
    • Make sure to tell them which class this is for so they can set it up properly.
  4. change the colors if you want to update the style. You can find them at the top of /assets/css/style.scss
  5. update the favico in /assets/img
  6. update the variables in _config.yml including the following and anything else relevant
    • title
    • description
    • baseurl
    • twitter_username
    • git_username
    • git_branch
    • quarter
    • author

Basic use:

rbenv global ruby 3.2.3

bundle install # if needed

bundle exec jekyll build

bundle exec jekyll serve &

To set up a runner

  1. on, goto the project you want add a runner for.
  2. Go to settings -> CI/CD -> Runners and press the new runner button
  3. Follow the prompts and it will give you a code snippet
  4. ssh to gitlab04 and gitlab05 and run the following command: sudo gitlab-runner register and use the information from step 3 for the prompts for the name, use cseNNN-QQYY-gitlab0[4|5] and "shell" for the executor.


There are generic names and XXX and such in

  • _config.yml
  • _config_production.yml
  • _data/navigation.yml

You'll need to update them once you merge this in


  • Merge the branch from the relevant class website into an equivalent branch in accessibility-website
  • remove all references to a specific quarter or class
  • Decide whether to make a copy of assignments that are significantly different
  • merge into main

Setting up a class

  • Set up this website
  • Update all the polleverywhere links
  • Update the canvas
    • In settings, upload an image for the course
    • update to match last offering
    • import outcomes and assignments
    • change home page to show the syllabus