This repository includes code implementing several replicated and transactional key-value stores.
The repo is structured as follows:
/lib - the transport library for communication between nodes. This includes UDP based network communcation as well as the ability to simulate network conditions on a local machine, including packet delays and reorderings.
- /vr - implementation of viewstamped replication protocol
- /ir - implementation of inconsistent replication protocol
- /tapir - implementation of TAPIR designed to work with IR
- /occstore - implementation of an OCC-based 2PC transactional storage system, designed to work with VR
- /lockstore - implementation of a strict two-phase locking 2PC transactional storage system, designed to work with VR
- /qwstore - implementation of an eventually consistent storage system, using quorum writes for replication
Compiling & Running
You can compile all of the TAPIR executables by running make in the root directory
TAPIR depends on protobufs and libevent, so you will need those development libraries installed on your machine. On Linux, this can be done through apt.