// -*- mode: c++; c-file-style: "k&r"; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
// vim: set ts=4 sw=4:
* replication/ir/replica.h:
* IR Replica server
#ifndef _IR_REPLICA_H_
#define _IR_REPLICA_H_
#include "lib/assert.h"
#include "lib/message.h"
#include "lib/udptransport.h"
#include "lib/configuration.h"
#include "replication/ir/record.h"
#include "replication/common/replica.h"
#include "replication/ir/ir-proto.pb.h"
// Invoke inconsistent operation, no return value
virtual void ExecInconsistentUpcall(const string &str1);
// Invoke consensus operation
virtual void ExecConsensusUpcall(const string &str1, string &str2);
// Invoke unreplicated operation
virtual void UnloggedUpcall(const string &str1, string &str2);
class IRReplica : TransportReceiver
view_t view;
// Index of 'this' replica, and handle to transport layer.
int myIdx;
Transport *transport;
IRAppReplica *app;
ReplicaStatus status;
// record for this replica
Record record;
IRReplica(transport::Configuration config, int myIdx,
Transport *transport, IRAppReplica *app);
void ReceiveMessage(const TransportAddress &remote,
const std::string &type, const std::string &data);
void HandleMessage(const TransportAddress &remote,
const std::string &type, const std::string &data);
void HandleProposeInconsistent(const TransportAddress &remote,
const proto::ProposeInconsistentMessage &msg);
void HandleFinalizeInconsistent(const TransportAddress &remote,
const proto::FinalizeInconsistentMessage &msg);
void HandleProposeConsensus(const TransportAddress &remote,
const proto::ProposeConsensusMessage &msg);
void HandleFinalizeConsensus(const TransportAddress &remote,
const proto::FinalizeConsensusMessage &msg);
void HandleUnlogged(const TransportAddress &remote,
const proto::UnloggedRequestMessage &msg);
} // namespace ir