* to implement various "WorkList" data structures,
* to demonstrate a useful abstraction, and
* to compare efficiencies of recursion and iteration.
### README ###
This document provides a **short** overview of what you will complete in this project. The full specification can be found on the course website.
### Checkpoints ###
**Checkpoint 1:** By Tuesday, October 06, you should have completed: (1), (2), (3)<br>
**P1 Due Date: ** By Monday, October 12, you should have completed: (4), (5), (6), (7)
### Part 1: Implementing Simple WorkLists ###
In this part, you will write two simple implementations of the `WorkList` ADT.
**(1) Implement `ArrayStack`.**<br>`ArrayStack` is a `WorkList` implementation that stores the work in LIFO order and uses an `Array` as the underlying data structure.
**(2) Implement `ListFIFOQueue`.**<br>`ListFIFOQueue` is a `WorkList` implementation that stores the work in FIFO order and uses a `LinkedList` as the underlying data structure.
### Part 2: Implementing Advanced WorkLists ###
In this part, you will implement two more `WorkList`s.
**(3) Implement `RandomizedQueue`.**<br>`RandomizedQueue` is a `WorkList` implementation that stores the work in a random order. `RandomizedQueue` is a fixed size buffer.
**(4) Implement `StackQueue`.**<br>`StackQueue` is a `WorkList` implementation that stores the work in FIFO order and uses two `ArrayStack`s as the underlying data structures.
### Part 3: Using Your WorkLists ###
In this part, you will implement several backtracking algorithms using a
generalized framework. The framework uses `WorkList`s instead of recursion.
**(5) Subset Sum.**<br> You will familiarize yourself with the "subset sum"
problem, read a solution to it that does not use the backtracking framework,
and write a solution to it that does use the framework.
**(6) Edit Distance.**<br> You will familiarize yourself with the "edit distance" problem and write a solution to it that uses the framework.
### Part 4: Write-Up ###
**(7) Write-Up.**<br> Fill out answers to the questions in `writeup/WriteUp.md`.
A large portion of your grade is filling out answers to the questions in this