# CSE481d Resources and Examples
## FlixelSpaceInvaders
This folder has an example app using flixel and the haxe logging library.
You can download the cse481d/logging/CapstoneLogger.hx file for use in your own project
## C-Sharp Logging
This folder includes the source and dll for the logging api that targets C-Sharp applications
## DataAnalysisExample
Contains a very basic script to connect to your localhost database and execute mysql queries on that data.
Uses python3
You can use this as a starting point for your own scripts if you want to use python, just fill in the password and database name.
Collection of files needed to embed a flash application to a web page:
*Make sure download all the files into a separate folder.
*At about line 60, look for the function swfObject.embedSwf
*Change the line "yourgame.swf" with the name of your swf file
*Further below are values "800" and "600", which is the fixed width and height of the window. Change them if you want to shrink or grow the size of your game.