@@ -72,15 +72,30 @@ There are 2 options to be notified: by text of by Email.
5. Run script and wait for notifications!
1. Notify from text message
1. Notify from text message
chmod a+x ./get_message.sh && ./get_message.sh
2. Notify from Email
chmod a+x ./get_email.sh && ./get_message.sh
\ No newline at end of file
## Development
- Installation Script
-`install_dependency.sh`: Install all the dependencies including `ack`, `node` and all the packages required by `regis.js`.
-`package.json`: Requirements for `regis.js`
- Notification checking
-`get_message.sh`: Constantly querying the newest the text message in the `~/Library/Messages/chat.db` because whenever Mac receive a text message, it will update the `chat.db`. When a new text message arrive and if it contains SLN code, invoke the registration script `regis.js`.
-`get_email.sh`: Constantly fetching email from the IMAP server with OpenSSL. When a new Email arrive and if it contains SLN code, invoke the registration script `regis.js`.
- Registration Script
-`regis.js`: Takes in a section SLN and open up a new Chromium Browser to register the section SLN along with its lecture SLN. When `regis.js` is called, it will check if the SLN is lecture only (a key in `config.courses`), if so, it will register that SLN only. Otherwise, It will then check if the SLN is a section of some lecture SLN. Only if the SLN is in the list of some lecture SLN will the script to register both lecture and section SLNs.
-`config.json`: Include the UW NetId, password, and the expected SLNs of lecture and sections.
- Miscellaneous
-`p.js`: Auto-fill the SLN code and submit the form on the registration page. See details in the code comments.