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Commit 319a29b5 authored by Finn Bear's avatar Finn Bear
Browse files


parent 640a9e41
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......@@ -868,6 +868,7 @@ dependencies = [
......@@ -7,4 +7,5 @@ edition = "2021"
eframe = "0.17"
egui_demo_lib = {git = "", branch = "code_theme_font_size_3"}
image = {version = "0.24", default-features = false, features=["png"]}
rand = {version = "0.8"}
\ No newline at end of file
rand = "0.8"
rand_chacha = "0.3"
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ impl epi::App for Cartoon {
// Light theme.
style.visuals = Visuals::light();
// Larger margin for windows (which are used for more control when positing stuff).
style.spacing.window_margin = Margin::same(24.0);
style.spacing.window_margin = Margin::same(16.0);
// Increase font sizes a lot.
pub mod arrow;
/// See component directory. This file exists to make the individual components accessible to the
/// rest of the code.
pub mod code;
use crate::egui::{Pos2, Stroke, Ui};
use eframe::egui::Shape;
use eframe::emath::Rot2;
/// Pointy line used to emphasize something.
pub struct Arrow {
pub origin: Pos2,
pub tip: Pos2,
pub stroke: Stroke,
impl Arrow {
pub fn show(&self, ui: &mut Ui) {
// Based on:
let vector = self.tip - self.origin;
let rot = Rot2::from_angle(std::f32::consts::TAU / 10.0);
let tip_length = self.stroke.width * 4.0;
let tip = self.origin + vector;
let dir = vector.normalized();
.add(Shape::line_segment([self.origin, self.tip], self.stroke));
tip - tip_length * (rot.inverse() * dir),
tip - tip_length * (rot * dir),
use crate::color::{set_alpha, set_style_alpha};
use crate::egui::Frame;
use eframe::egui::{Align2, Color32, Context, Pos2, Rect, Rounding, Shape, Stroke, Vec2, Window};
use eframe::emath;
use eframe::egui::{
Align2, Color32, Context, Pos2, Rect, Rounding, Shape, Stroke, Ui, Vec2, Window,
use eframe::emath::RectTransform;
use eframe::epaint::RectShape;
/// A reusable grid component.
......@@ -103,8 +105,22 @@ impl Grid {
.map(|(i, c)| (i % self.size_cells, i / self.size_cells, c))
/// Render to UI.
pub fn center(&self, x: usize, y: usize) -> Pos2 {
let x_coord = (x as f32 + 0.5) / self.size_cells as f32;
let y_coord = (y as f32 + 0.5) / self.size_cells as f32;
Pos2::new(x_coord, y_coord)
pub fn show(&self, ctx: &Context) {
self.show_with_overlays(ctx, |_, _| {})
/// Render to UI.
pub fn show_with_overlays<R>(
ctx: &Context,
add_overlays: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui, &RectTransform) -> R,
) {
.frame(Frame::window(&set_style_alpha(&, self.alpha)))
......@@ -115,10 +131,8 @@ impl Grid {
.show(ctx, |ui| {
let (_id, rect) = ui.allocate_space(Vec2::splat(self.size_pixels));
let to_screen = emath::RectTransform::from_to(
Rect::from_x_y_ranges(0.0..=1.0, 0.0..=1.0),
let to_screen =
RectTransform::from_to(Rect::from_x_y_ranges(0.0..=1.0, 0.0..=1.0), rect);
let background = set_alpha(self.background, self.alpha);
if background.a() > 0 {
......@@ -175,6 +189,8 @@ impl Grid {
add_overlays(ui, &to_screen);
......@@ -17,3 +17,18 @@ pub fn fade_in<R>(
with_alpha(ui, alpha, |ui| add_contents(ui))
/// Like `fade_in` but provides alpha value for manual fading.
pub fn fade_in_manual<R>(
ui: &mut Ui,
fade_start: f64,
add_contents: impl FnOnce(&mut Ui, f32) -> R,
) -> R {
let since_transition = ui.ctx().input().time - fade_start;
let alpha = (since_transition * (1.0 / FADE_DURATION)).min(1.0) as f32;
if alpha < 1.0 {
// The fade isn't done yet, so schedule another render.
add_contents(ui, alpha)
use crate::color::set_alpha;
use crate::component::arrow::Arrow;
use crate::component::grid::Grid;
use crate::egui::{Align2, Context, FontFamily, FontId, Stroke};
use crate::fade_in::fade_in_manual;
use crate::governor::Governor;
use crate::slide::Slide;
use eframe::egui::style::Margin;
use eframe::egui::{Color32, Frame, Ui};
use rand::Rng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};
use rand_chacha::ChaCha8Rng;
/// Conway's Game of Life, etc.
pub struct Automata {
/// Persistent state of the grid.
life: Grid,
/// State of the transitions.
state: AutomataState,
/// For knowing when to advance the simulation.
governor: Governor,
enum AutomataState {
/// Nothing on the grid.
/// Random colors on the grid, but no simulation.
Static {
/// When started fading in "alive" arrow.
alive: Option<f64>,
/// When started fading in "alive" arrow.
dead: Option<f64>,
/// Simulation.
impl Default for Automata {
fn default() -> Self {
let mut life = Grid::default();
......@@ -20,6 +43,7 @@ impl Default for Automata { = "life";
// Fill grid with random cells.
for y in {
for x in {
if rand::thread_rng().gen_bool(0.5) {
......@@ -27,6 +51,7 @@ impl Default for Automata {
// This would replace the grid with a single oscillator.
......@@ -38,12 +63,47 @@ impl Default for Automata {
Self {
state: AutomataState::default(),
governor: Governor::default(),
impl Slide for Automata {
fn transition(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> bool {
match &mut self.state {
AutomataState::Empty => {
self.state = AutomataState::Static {
alive: None,
dead: None,
let mut rng = ChaCha8Rng::seed_from_u64(123456789876543216);
// Randomize grid.
for y in {
for x in {
if rng.gen_bool(0.3) {, y, Color32::BLACK);
AutomataState::Static { alive, dead } => {
// Enable arrows one by one.
if alive.is_none() {
*alive = Some(ctx.input().time);
} else if dead.is_none() {
*dead = Some(ctx.input().time);
} else {
self.state = AutomataState::Life;
AutomataState::Life => return true,
fn show(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui) {
Frame::none().margin(Margin::same(20.0)).show(ui, |ui| {
ui.vertical_centered(|ui| {
......@@ -54,12 +114,57 @@ impl Slide for Automata {
// Need to continuously animate the grid, or at least poll the governor.
// Iterate grid ~5 times a second.
if self.governor.ready(ui.ctx().input().time, 0.2) { = conways_game_of_life(&;
match &self.state {
AutomataState::Empty => {}
AutomataState::Static { .. } => {}
AutomataState::Life => {
// Iterate grid ~5 times a second.
if self.governor.ready(ui.ctx().input().time, 0.2) { = conways_game_of_life(&;
};, |ui, to_screen| {
if let &AutomataState::Static { alive, dead } = &self.state {
if let Some(alive) = alive {
fade_in_manual(ui, alive, |ui, alpha| {
let color = set_alpha(Color32::GREEN, alpha);
Arrow {
origin: to_screen *, 2),
tip: to_screen *, 7),
stroke: Stroke::new(6.0, color),
to_screen *, 2),
FontId::new(40.0, FontFamily::Proportional),
if let Some(dead) = dead {
fade_in_manual(ui, dead, |ui, alpha| {
let color = set_alpha(Color32::DARK_GREEN, alpha);
Arrow {
origin: to_screen *, 13),
tip: to_screen *, 10),
stroke: Stroke::new(6.0, color),
to_screen *, 13),
FontId::new(40.0, FontFamily::Proportional),
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ mod rectangle;
use crate::component::code::{pseudocode, Code};
use crate::component::grid::Grid;
use crate::egui::{Color32, Context, Frame, Ui};
use crate::governor::Governor;
use crate::slide::s5_fractals::circle::circle;
use crate::slide::s5_fractals::mandelbrot::mandelbrot;
use crate::slide::s5_fractals::rectangle::rectangle;
......@@ -15,6 +16,8 @@ use eframe::egui::style::Margin;
pub struct Fractals {
/// Where we are in the transitions.
state: FractalsState,
/// For showing more pixels.
governor: Governor,
/// Pseudocode display.
code: Code,
/// Persistent grid state.
......@@ -33,16 +36,16 @@ enum FractalsState {
fade_start: f64,
Rectangle {
/// TODO(finnb): How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixel: usize,
/// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixels: usize,
Circle {
/// TODO(finnb): How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixel: usize,
/// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixels: usize,
Mandelbrot {
/// TODO(finnb): How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixel: usize,
/// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in.
pixels: usize,
......@@ -60,13 +63,14 @@ impl Default for Fractals { = "fractal_grid";
grid.offset_x = HORIZONTAL_OFFSET;
grid.size_cells = 256;
grid.size_cells = 128;
// Grid cell stroke aliases too much at this resolution.
grid.stroke_width = 0.0;
Self {
state: FractalsState::default(),
governor: Governor::default(),
......@@ -87,10 +91,10 @@ impl Slide for Fractals {
self.code.alpha = 1.0;
self.grid.alpha = 1.0;
self.state = FractalsState::Rectangle { pixel: 0 }
self.state = FractalsState::Rectangle { pixels: 0 }
FractalsState::Rectangle { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Circle { pixel: 0 },
FractalsState::Circle { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Mandelbrot { pixel: 0 },
FractalsState::Rectangle { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Circle { pixels: 0 },
FractalsState::Circle { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Mandelbrot { pixels: 0 },
FractalsState::Mandelbrot { .. } => return true,
......@@ -113,12 +117,16 @@ impl Slide for Fractals {
// away with that since the function doesn't leave our stack frame.
let algo: &dyn Fn(f32, f32) -> bool;
match self.state {
// Limit to this many pixels. If [`None`], will render all pixels.
// We use a mutable reference so we can increment in one place.
let mut limit_pixels: Option<&mut usize> = None;
match &mut self.state {
FractalsState::Before => {
// Don't proceed to render the code/grid.
FractalsState::Grid { fade_start } => {
&mut FractalsState::Grid { fade_start } => {
// Fade in the code and grid.
let elapsed = ui.ctx().input().time - fade_start;
let alpha = (elapsed * 2.0).min(1.0) as f32;
......@@ -126,29 +134,48 @@ impl Slide for Fractals {
self.grid.alpha = alpha;
algo = &|_, _| false;
FractalsState::Rectangle { .. } => {
FractalsState::Rectangle { pixels } => {
self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s5_fractals/"));
algo = &rectangle;
limit_pixels = Some(pixels)
FractalsState::Circle { .. } => {
FractalsState::Circle { pixels } => {
self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s5_fractals/"));
algo = &circle;
limit_pixels = Some(pixels);
FractalsState::Mandelbrot { .. } => {
FractalsState::Mandelbrot { pixels } => {
self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s5_fractals/"));
algo = &mandelbrot;
limit_pixels = Some(pixels);
// Double mutable borrow to avoid moving limit_pixels.
if let Some(limit_pixels) = &mut limit_pixels {
if **limit_pixels < self.grid.size_cells.pow(2)
&& self.governor.ready(ui.ctx().input().time, 0.02)
**limit_pixels += self.grid.size_cells.pow(2) * 33 / 32 / 32;
// TODO: Different demos may need different resolutions.
const RESOLUTION: usize = 256;
// Effective limit for pixels.
let effective_limit =|l| *l).unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
// Store the resolution before mutably borrowing self.grid.
let size_cells = self.grid.size_cells;
// Paint the grid.
// TODO(finnb): Paint pixel by pixel.
for (gx, gy, c) in self.grid.iter_mut() {
for (i, (gx, gy, c)) in self.grid.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if i >= effective_limit {
*c = Color32::TRANSPARENT;
// 0 to 1.
let nx = (gx as f32 + 0.5) / RESOLUTION as f32;
let ny = (gy as f32 + 0.5) / RESOLUTION as f32;
let nx = (gx as f32 + 0.5) / size_cells as f32;
let ny = (gy as f32 + 0.5) / size_cells as f32;
// -4 to 4.
let x = nx * 4.0 - 2.0;
......@@ -157,7 +184,7 @@ impl Slide for Fractals {
*c = if algo(x, y) {
} else {
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