use crate::component::image::Image;
use crate::ctx_img;
use crate::egui::{Context, Frame, Ui};
use crate::fade_in::{fade_in, fade_in_manual};
pub struct Computation {
/// Will fade in one by one.
examples: Vec<ComputationExample>,
/// One bullet point and texture combination.
struct ComputationExample {
/// Bullet point text.
label: &'static str,
/// Texture handle to render on the right side.
texture: TextureHandle,
/// When we started fading it ([`None`] if we haven't started yet).
fade_start: Option<f64>,
impl ComputationExample {
pub fn new(label: &'static str, texture: TextureHandle) -> Self {
Self {
fade_start: None,
fn transition(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> bool {
for example in &mut self.examples {
if example.fade_start.is_none() {
// If any image has not yet started fading in, fade it in and don't go to next slide.
example.fade_start = Some(ctx.input().time);
return false;
if self.examples.is_empty() {
// For now, these images are somewhat like placeholders.
self.examples = vec![
ComputationExample::new("Raytracing", ctx_img!(ui.ctx(), "raytracing0.png")),
ComputationExample::new("Raymarching", ctx_img!(ui.ctx(), "raymarching1.png")),
ComputationExample::new("Particle simulation", ctx_img!(ui.ctx(), "atom0.png")),
ComputationExample::new("Fluid simulation", ctx_img!(ui.ctx(), "fluid0.png")),
const IMAGE_SCALE: f32 = 256.0;
let window_width = ui.available_width();
let window_height = ui.available_height();
let window_width_per_image = window_width / self.examples.len() as f32;
Frame::none().margin(Margin::same(20.0)).show(ui, |ui| {
ui.heading("More Computation-based Art");
for (i, example) in self.examples.iter().enumerate() {
if let Some(fade_start) = example.fade_start {
fade_in(ui, fade_start, |ui| {
ui.label(format!(" ⏵ {}", example.label));
fade_in_manual(ui, fade_start, |ui, alpha| {
let position = Pos2::new(
(window_width_per_image - IMAGE_SCALE) * 0.5
+ window_width * (i as f32) / self.examples.len() as f32,
window_height - IMAGE_SCALE * 1.1,
.show(ui, &example.texture);