Gilbert L Bernstein authoredc5ea853c
Tests for WBE Chapter 2 Exercise Stop your browser from scrolling down past the last display list entry. At the right edge of the screen, draw a blue, rectangular scrollbar. Make sure the size and position of the scrollbar reflects what part of the full document the browser can see, as in the figure showing page and screen coordinates. Hide the scrollbar if the whole document fits onscreen.
We'll only implement a subset of a real browser's scrollbar functionality. Specifically:
The scrollbar should be a blue rectangle, 8 pixels wide, on the right edge of the canvas.
You don't have to make the text narrower on the page. Instead, just make sure the scrollbar is positioned over any text.
You don't have to prevent scrolling past the bottom of the page. Just make sure the scrollbar is correctly positioned when the user is not past the bottom of the page.
>>> import wbemocks
>>> _ = wbemocks.socket.patch().start()
>>> _ = wbemocks.ssl.patch().start()
>>> _ = wbemocks.patch_canvas()
>>> import browser
Resize the window and set up the URL and web page:
>>> url = 'http://wbemocks.test/chapter5_example6'
>>> content = "abcdefghij"
>>> wbemocks.socket.respond_200(url, content)
>>> browser.set_parameters(WIDTH=800, HEIGHT=100,
... VSTEP=20, HSTEP=800, SCROLL_STEP=25)
Since the h-step is equal to the width and the page contents is 10 letters, there should be 10 lines of text. Since each line is 20 pixels tall, the page is a total of 200 pixels tall. Only 100 pixels appears on the screen at once, so the scrollbar should be 50 pixels tall.
To make the scrollbar always renders on top of other content make sure to draw it last.
>>> this_browser = browser.Browser()
>>> this_browser.load(browser.URL(url))
create_text: x=800 y=20 text=a
create_text: x=800 y=40 text=b
create_text: x=800 y=60 text=c
create_text: x=800 y=80 text=d
create_text: x=800 y=100 text=e
create_rectangle: x1=792 y1=0 x2=800 y2=50 width=0 fill='blue'
Scrolling down should move the contents and the rectangle. Note that we scrolled by 25 pixels, so by 1/8 the height of the page, so the scrollbar should start at 12.5 pixels and end at 62.5 pixels:
>>> this_browser.scrolldown(None)
create_text: x=800 y=-5 text=a
create_text: x=800 y=15 text=b
create_text: x=800 y=35 text=c
create_text: x=800 y=55 text=d
create_text: x=800 y=75 text=e
create_text: x=800 y=95 text=f
create_rectangle: x1=792 y1=12.5 x2=800 y2=62.5 width=0 fill='blue'
Scrolling down once more should again move the contents and the rectangle:
>>> this_browser.scrolldown(None)
create_text: x=800 y=-10 text=b
create_text: x=800 y=10 text=c
create_text: x=800 y=30 text=d
create_text: x=800 y=50 text=e
create_text: x=800 y=70 text=f
create_text: x=800 y=90 text=g
create_rectangle: x1=792 y1=25 x2=800 y2=75 width=0 fill='blue'
When the whole document fits on the screen, don't draw the scrollbar.
>>> browser.set_parameters(HEIGHT=600)
>>> this_browser = browser.Browser()
>>> this_browser.load(browser.URL(url))
create_text: x=800 y=20 text=a
create_text: x=800 y=40 text=b
create_text: x=800 y=60 text=c
create_text: x=800 y=80 text=d
create_text: x=800 y=100 text=e
create_text: x=800 y=120 text=f
create_text: x=800 y=140 text=g
create_text: x=800 y=160 text=h
create_text: x=800 y=180 text=i
create_text: x=800 y=200 text=j