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Colton Jobes's avatar
Colton Jobes committed
public class Staff {
Esther's avatar
Esther committed

    public Employee smayan(){
           return new Employee(
                           "Smayan Nirantare",
                           "CS Student",
                           "I'm hungry",
                           "Travis Scott"

Boshan Chen's avatar
Boshan Chen committed
   public Employee boschen() {
   	return new Employee(
		"Boshan Chen",
		"Sleep and stare blankly",
Esther's avatar
Esther committed
   public Employee ekimji() {
	   return new Employee(
		"local point demon",
		"gudetama with balloon"
   public Employee benore() {
	   return new Employee("Ben",
			   "Computer Science student",
			   "Picture of Ben Oreizy");
   public Employee cuperido() {
       return new Employee(
           "Young You",
           "Sleep required",
           "zzz.. zzz.."

   public Employee acsparks() {
	   return new Employee(
		"Aiden Sparks",
		"Stuck in the Allen basement",
		"bean texture"

Calvin Tsai's avatar
Calvin Tsai committed
   public Employee ctsai7() {
	   return new Employee(
	   	"Calvin Tsai",
		"a fish I like to catch"
   public Employee davyhyun() {	
   	return new Employee(
	    "David Hyun",
	    "The GOAT",
	    "Currenty Cookin",
	    "Gordon Ramsey Cooking"

   public Employee yverma23() {
        return new Employee(
            "Yash Verma",
            "Sleep deprived",
            "Lebron Meme"
Joshua Yin's avatar
Joshua Yin committed
    public Employee joshjyin() {
        return new Employee(
            "Joshua Yin",
            "sleep deprived",
            "A typical day in my life"
    public Employee kevluoyr() {
      return new Employee(
          "Kevin Luo",
          "Supreme Leader",
    public Employee kevinh33() {
	return new Employee(
	    "Kevin Hernandez",
	    "Loves pets",
	    "My silly cat"
    public Employee evanlou() {
    	return new Employee(
	    "Evan Lou",
	    "Very Lazy and Procrastinates",
	    "A lazy cat"	    
    public Employee rairai77() {
        return new Employee(
            "Raahil Jain",
            "A snorlax sitting"
Chang's avatar
Chang committed
    public Employee ahminc() {
Chang's avatar
Chang committed
    	return new Employee(
	    "Ahmin Chang",
	    "Professional Broom Inspector",
	    "a beautiful broom in all it's glory"
Chang's avatar
Chang committed
Chang's avatar
Chang committed
    public Employee lwang42() {
	return new Employee(
	   "Lawrence Wang",
	   "Better than Ataberk at Tennis",
    public Employee mehulc() {
    	return new Employee(
	   "Mehul Chaudhari",
	   "just snoopy."
Kevin Xiao's avatar
Kevin Xiao committed
    public Employee xckevin(){
Kevin Xiao's avatar
Kevin Xiao committed
      return new Employee(
        "chill dude",
Kevin Xiao's avatar
Kevin Xiao committed
    public Employee ayildiz(){
      return new Employee(
        "Funny guy",
        "Hasn't slept in days",
        "Go Dawgs"

    public Employee ank05(){
    	return new Employee(

     public Employee ikshitas(){
        return new Employee(

Colton Jobes's avatar
Colton Jobes committed
    public Employee faangPup() {
        return new Employee(
          "Company Pup",
          "Provides Moral Support",
          "the goodest boi"
Colton Jobes's avatar
Colton Jobes committed

    public Employee cjobes() {
      return new Employee(
        "Lead Naps Analyst",
        "What do you mean I'm not valuable to the company?",
        "Colton smiling with a forest in the background"
Colton Jobes's avatar
Colton Jobes committed
Matthew Wang's avatar
Matthew Wang committed
    public Employee mxw() {
      return new Employee(
          "candy thrower",
          "matt smiling in front of a polka-dotted wall."

    public Employee antonio6() {
	    return new Employee(
        "Teaching Assistant",
        "Tries to help",
	"My favorite plushie void the demodog chillin on the floor"

    public Employee idelong() {
      return new Employee(
        "Bug Creator",
        "Makes lots of bugs",
        "Alpaca with dandelion hair"
Akshita Amarnath's avatar
Akshita Amarnath committed
    public Employee akshiam() { 
      return new Employee(
	"Husky Winter Sports members watching the sunset on a mountain"
    public Employee pbui27() {
      return new Employee(
        "cleaning up code",
        "Peter as a baby"
    public Employee evanmao() {
      return new Employee(
	"Living well",
	"Things that pay well",
	"I am very disappointed in this photo"
Arya Gummadi's avatar
Arya Gummadi committed
    public Employee agummadi() {
      return new Employee(
	"just an image"
Cat Lam's avatar
Cat Lam committed

    public Employee tuongcat() {
        return new Employee(
            "panda icon"
    public Employee mbalak() {
    	return new Employee(
	      "Long.Live.A$AP by A$AP Rocky"
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed

    public Employee bassilr() {
	    return new Employee(
		"teemo cat"

    public Employee kgrao() {
	return new Employee(
	    "A dog!"
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed
    public Employee isaacwu() {
        return new Employee(
	    "Can I go to sleep now?",
	    "angrily studying"
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed

    public Employee aamangus() {
    	return new Employee(
		"Discord Chicken.PNG",
		"funny chicken"
Isaac Wu's avatar
Isaac Wu committed

    public Employee noahhuck() {
        return new Employee(
            "does nothing",
            "A color inverted image of the employee"
Tanjal Shukla's avatar
Tanjal Shukla committed
    public Employee tshukl() {
	return new Employee(
		"A special panda"
Keshav's avatar
Keshav committed
    public Employee kesach() {
	return new Employee(
		"I'm hungry",
		"a swig of chai"
Keshav's avatar
Keshav committed

Dhruv Bansal's avatar
Dhruv Bansal committed
    public Employee dhvbnl() {
Dhruv Bansal's avatar
Dhruv Bansal committed
    	return new Employee (
		"tech student",
		"breaking things that work, making things that break",
Dhruv Bansal's avatar
Dhruv Bansal committed
		"pillow representing dhruv"
Dhruv Bansal's avatar
Dhruv Bansal committed

    public Employee yixuan19() {
    	return new Employee (
Sriram Kutty's avatar
Sriram Kutty committed
Sriram Kutty's avatar
Sriram Kutty committed

    public Employee skutty() {
        return new Employee(
Sriram Kutty's avatar
Sriram Kutty committed

    public Employee akhils22(){
	return new Employee(
		"Professional Wii Tennis Player",
		"I love water",
		"lewangoalski with a legendary kick"

    public Employee swangsam(){
    	return new Employee(

    public Employee erinsong() {
	return new Employee(
		"Brown-haired girl slumped over a desk"
    public Employee siyee() {
    	return new Employee(
		"I love plushies",
		"Brown bear with hearts"

Lirong Que's avatar
Lirong Que committed
    public Employee lq22() {
        return new Employee(
                "Want to sleep",
                "A grey cat tring to sleep on the bed"
Anchor's avatar
Anchor committed
    public Employee uwzhuohu() {
        return new Employee(
                "Crazy about using vim",
                "I spent hours to figure out how to connect vscode with ece linux and then failed..."
T. Zhou's avatar
T. Zhou committed
    public Employee tyzhou05() {
       return new Employee(
         "I work at Crags in the IMA! Come say hi on Friday nights :)",
         "Me climbing last May at my high school"
Kirupa Gunaseelan's avatar
Kirupa Gunaseelan committed

    public Employee kirupang() {
    	return new Employee(
Kirupa Gunaseelan's avatar
Kirupa Gunaseelan committed
			"I'm tired",
Kirupa Gunaseelan's avatar
Kirupa Gunaseelan committed
Kirupa Gunaseelan's avatar
Kirupa Gunaseelan committed
			"A nice park"
Kirupa Gunaseelan's avatar
Kirupa Gunaseelan committed

    public Employee jungjj() {
    	return new Employee(
			"I'm tired",
			"Jaden during PT"
Zach Hanczyc's avatar
Zach Hanczyc committed

    public Employee zhanczyc() {
	return new Employee(
		"I'm sleepy",
    public Employee sluong05() {
        return new Employee(
                "I work at Sizzle and Crunch! Come say hi!",
                "Tennis racket and balls"
    public Employee shen824() {
	return new Employee(
    public Employee robertdl(){
	return new Employee(
		"Robert Luiten",
		"Vice Assistant Chair of the Faang Executive Money-Making Board.",
		"I don't really know what my job is and nobody pays me.",
		"Robert's Professional Headshot"
    public Employee cleahw() {
	return new Employee (
		"I play basketball!",
		"Sun setting behind ocean"
   public Employee zliu44(){
        return new Employee(
                "Leo Liu",
Leo Liu's avatar
Leo Liu committed
                "I am a music producer",
                "favorite rapper"
Leo Liu's avatar
Leo Liu committed
    public Employee ryroz() {
	return new Employee(
		"a black screen"
    public Employee alimj5() {
	return new Employee(
		"Chopper from One Piece looking surprised"

    public Employee yangsam() {
	return new Employee(
		"I'm tired",
		"Pink roses under the blue sky"

    public Employee ronnye(){
	    return new Employee(
		"Ready for break",
		"Sleepy dog"

    public Employee avaish(){
	    return new Employee(
		"drinks a lot of chai",
		"a sleeping monkey"		
    public Employee jc383() {
	    return new Employee(
		"Loves pets",
		"Person skiing"

    public Employee spzappa() {
	 return new Employee(
		"just failed a midterm",
		"stick man"
    public Employee cvanleer() {
	    return new Employee(
		"Security Officer",
		"Likes to eat everything",
		"Kirby with a sword"
    public Employee kevyin30() {
    	return new Employee(
		"I am a person",
		"neutral emoji"
    public Employee nvhoang() {
        return new Employee(
            "Twice Enjoyer",
            "international student lebron james from tiktok"
Rosenlind's avatar
Rosenlind committed
    public Employee drose4() {
        return new Employee(
            "Semi pro Uno player",
Rosenlind's avatar
Rosenlind committed
Rosenlind's avatar
Rosenlind committed
            "Picture of a dog"
John's avatar
John committed
    public Employee jabrah05() {
	return new Employee(
	    "Pro procrastinator",
	    "A hike in washington"
Truong Van Ly's avatar
Truong Van Ly committed
    public Employee tly6() {
            return new Employee(
                "SOC Architect",
                "Hardware All the way!!!",
Truong Van Ly's avatar
Truong Van Ly committed
Truong Van Ly's avatar
Truong Van Ly committed
                "Picture of a System-On-Chip Hardware"

    public Employee ccsekhar20() {
	    return new Employee(
		"On the grind",
		"Picture of the ocean"
    public Employee hmantha(){
        return new Employee(
            "I want a Porsche 911",
            "Porsche 911"
    public Employee samshar() {
            return new Employee(
                "Working hard",
                "Picture of women playing volleyball"

    public Employee cscs24() {
            return new Employee(
                "On the grind",
                "Picture of the ocean"

     public Employee jz283() {
            return new Employee(
                "fan of F1",
                "Picture of the McLaren F1 car"
Sulyman Jeyte's avatar
Sulyman Jeyte committed

    public Employee sjeyte() {
	    return new Employee(
		"Academic comeback season!",
		"Picture of LeBron down 3-1 in the Finals."
     public Employee ggsmadhu(){
    	    return new Employee(
	       	"Mount Si"
    public Employee chetan7() {
            return new Employee(
                "Switching to Info",
                "nah id win"
Shivani Godse's avatar
Shivani Godse committed

    public Employee sgodse() {
	    return new Employee(
		"CS Student", 
		"picture of a coffee"

    public Employee sprofit() {
	return new Employee(
	    "EE Student",
	    "Picture of my favorite pitcher"
Nathan Li's avatar
Nathan Li committed
    	return new Employee(
		"Nathan Li",
Nathan Li's avatar
Nathan Li committed
Nathan Li's avatar
Nathan Li committed
		"rise with the sun, dream with the moon, shine with the stars~",
		"Nathan Li, but widened 19x thanks to one of his closest friends"
Jessie Sun's avatar
Jessie Sun committed

    public Employee jsun16() {
        return new Employee(
Jessie Sun's avatar
Jessie Sun committed
            "Want to minor in Spanish",
Jessie Sun's avatar
Jessie Sun committed
            "Picture of Solana Beach, San Diego"
    public Employee azitab() {
	return new Employee(
		"I'm Eating Chocolate Chips", 
		"Hello Kitty"
Pranav Teegavarapu's avatar
Pranav Teegavarapu committed
    public Employee tonywu() {
       return new Employee(
           "Student in CSE",
           "Norman Rockwell Self-Portrait"
Pranav Teegavarapu's avatar
Pranav Teegavarapu committed
    public Employee pranavnt() {
        return new Employee(
                "i like celsius",
                "celsius picture"
Kris Tong's avatar
Kris Tong committed

    public Employee kristong() {
        return new Employee (
Kris Tong's avatar
Kris Tong committed
Kris Tong's avatar
Kris Tong committed