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Adam Blank committed
Top is different very creative they really uh made uh quite a transition
But he never fell into the error of arresting his intellectual
development by any formal acceptance of creed or system, or of
mistaking, for a house in which to live, an inn that is but suitable for
the sojourn of a night in which there are no stars and the moon is in
Hotel is next door to a perfect metaphor for the mind, and thus for
recommended to savvy travelers ("I travel in women's undergarments, and
recent times had to take on the faded but patinated glamour of a
residential hotel, on an inconvenient exit ramp on the freeway from
Signs read: Welcome to Hotel Real Desert! Free PsychoAnalytic
all but silenced, or more accurately, is hushed by the uncomprehending
sullen stares of adolescent louts sweating over video game joysticks,
Human adults learn to perceive this inherently fluid, relative domain
in terms of fixed, solid objects existing within fixed structures of
night cooling your heels in the turbid oasis waters flowing under the
vodka bottles. An evil young girl pacified a colicky toddler with wine
spritzers in her baby bottle. Your revulsion at the girl's ministrations
abreaction to the bass tones of the hip hop muzak and the screams
pulled the girl into a stall in the powder room and urged her to hold
back on the alcohol, trying to explain that she didn't have to revenge
"What is she but a vessel to be filled, a flesh bubble around Lack?"
the vixen asked. "And who am I, her sister or mother?" She continued in
The world had lied, had took away our pride, the slow, sad slide
But you cared for me, shared bare necessity with me, dissed Felicity
"Stop, stop," you sobbed. "How can you say that? You're white, for
With a certainty that it's better never to have been born than to be as
hapless as the girl, you tied her off and injected her with a killing
around the coffee table, the nipple of her bottle clenched in her teeth;
almost no one turned from the video screens to see you on the way out.
"Is this another one of the learning experiences I am expected to
extra neurons is so we can learn. I suppose that as a neonate I had
little choice in what happened to me and must have felt breast, warmth,
wetness, fullness without clear ideas of internal vs. external origins.
[She waddles over to the table and pulls a disposable diaper out of a
"Now, however, my babyhood seems to require concentrated efforts to
construct myself, learning to be me seeing, hearing, talking and
walking. I begin to take pleasure in operating the circular reflex 'to
deprivation attach themselves to the sensations and form the bases of my
love, anger, etc. But the way they grow has to mean that what I will
learn to call emotions are very dense mixtures of sensation and
interpretation in narrative form: I feel sad because X happened. X
happened because Y did Z to me or I did Z (to Y.) Someday I will know
organic brain with functional mind.' I dismiss this as reifying a purely
mental phenomenon; plus it's too confounding for my developmental stage.
"Instead I will consider a feeling I have begun to feel now: I am sad.
An explanation will arise very quickly. I feel sad because (I am sure by
then I will be able to imagine some causal relationship between my body,
times I have felt sad and I will connect them into a series by way of
already be an explanation of a somatic sensation or mental phenomenon.
Sensations are on my skin or the virtual skin, emotions are
[She stumbles, the bottle between her hands, held up to release the
"I have to say parenthetically that this new stuff in the bottle
love them (or want them or hate or fear them). These associations will
become progressively more elaborate as I accumulate more experience.
Soon I can say 'I feel I am cold and contemptuous of others because I am
afraid to experience their rejection of me,' or 'I love him because he
makes me feel secure and confident and wanted.' The explanations will
not particularly help in feeling better if one feels 'bad;' conversely,
trying to feel 'good' will not seem to be enhanced by good explanations.
I will live through years of therapists encouraging me to experience my
psychic wounds, my feelings, with the idea that I can achieve a state of
being in which pain can be experienced without debilitating
"I will ask now, while I have extra synapses, isn't it the narrative
itself that inscribes the scars on our minds, our hearts, my future
[She slips, falls on her back, unconscious. Urine spreads in a pool
toward the frayed electrical cord of a Mickey's Ghost Town slot
up over the mass of her moist arms and the aluminum sill, cooling in the
moonlight. Her face, the face on which the ends of the earth have come
and gone, is not pensive, not secretly smiling, but cowed by the
suffering she has felt and is all too sure to feel again. She has taken
it on as weight; the excess of everything gradually pulled her pelvis
out of tilt, her bowels out of line, her womb a little adrift. She has
just returned, in fact, from the hospital where she lay under the knife
fibrous tissue. Hers is the face of a patient, drugged out of pain and
came to her full animal consciousness, her autonomic systems in full
"It's a good thing I already had my two girls," she reassures herself.
The first glowed with the iridescent colors of a conch shell, of a
victimize her child, they told her. Her baby's sun faded in the dark and
now a toddler, had the better luck of being born in a prison hospital
and fostered out to a former nun with money and horses and compassionate
when her daughter returned temporarily to her dank previous home where
she became a gibbering speed freak, an auto thief, a fugitive, and
generally white trash. She and her mother share one trait, an ability to
recount the episodes when they were maimed and deprived of the halcyon
life they believe is available to normal people. "While she's here, I
into the net. Routing through several nodes, he finds that a message is
move his tongue, desperately lonely, he fell into the rainy gutter. When
he woke, a piece of paper was twisted in his mouth. Dried out, he read
People ask, what is the nature of the revolution that we talk about.
Who will it be made by, and for, and what are its goals and strategy?
enslaved masses within its borders provide for material existence very
Hertz's automobiles, your television set, car and wardrobe already
He's been committed ever since, a clandestine freedom fighter,
autonomous, placing his devices alone or with a few other cadres,
exchanging plans and ideological instruction only through safe message
in their description of their People's War and the centrality of the
tangible letters, paper signs of struggle. These new electronic messages
global empire far harder to conceptualize in terms of improvement and
The deaths of three friends ended our military conception of what we
are doing. It took us weeks of careful talking to rediscover our roots,
to remember that we had been turned on to the possibilities of
revolution by denying the schools, the jobs the death relationships we
were "educated" for. We went back to how we had begun living with groups
of friends and fount that this revolution could leave intact the
enslavement of women if women did not fight to end and change it,
political struggle for tonight, as unsure as he is about
Our mother came in and stabbed me repeatedly and then I was transferred
For the last century, the west has twisted in the meshes of a
My dad's house had many mansions. When he died we had to empty the
house and divide up his accumulations and all I got was this lousy
searched the tall room under the eaves, strewn with papers and junk,
information, getting a number, not clear whether it's the number for an
numbers on the phone. Are they different or not?' 'Yes, they are,' Aunt
I think our human brains are an evolutionary accident. The difference
between chimp and human brains is very significant in terms of size
perception. The difference does not look like the results of any
evolutionary pressure. The random gene changes that led to a much larger
brain do not seem to offer survival advantage commensurate with the
energy expenditure required to supply it. I conclude that our brain
began as a genetic mishap, for no more purpose than that apportioned to
"We shall see people engaged in attractive occupations, giving no
thoughts to material wants, free from all pecuniary cares and anxieties.
As women and children all work, there will be no idlers, all will earn
more than they consume. Universal happiness and gaiety will reign. A
unity of interests and views will arise, crime and violence disappear.
maids, cooks, and so forth all working for all (when they please).
depending on what's happening, the universe's rules of operation. A
photosynthesis, the works. The tree, as the rule of the physical
universe would have it, reflects light. In the universe humans inhabit,
reflecting light is a necessary result of the assemblage of matter on
among other trees, rocks, animals." Pumping his harmonium, he sings:
tree tissue organized to move water from root to crown
its cells are sensitive to the pressures (pleasures):
necessary and proportionate interaction of human body with tree,
obviates any quibbling about whether or not matter is just our idea of
[The] discernment of relatively invariant entities and processes and
the creation of mental maps where the key coordinates map relatively
"Else why do we? I want to assert that molecules, atoms, photons,
help it, the rods and cones react to light, the reactions excite a few
cells, then more and more. Brain studies seem to indicate that the
neurotransmitters and electrical flow are emergent properties of the
And they are not yet coded, nor are they in language. Afterwards,
utilizing previous neural pathways in relation to the tree.
"Only then are we 'affected' by the tree, and only then do we cogitate
an idea, which is coded, is in symbols, of 'tree.' No part of this is
any more or less 'real' or objective. It must take active work to look
at the tree: the reception of minimal sensory input is necessary not
which datum is to be enriched through concentration. From there the
processing must actively combine memories, previous categorizations and
new data through neural connections. A particular tree becomes a tree in
many contexts, as if the brain makes as many as possible available from
suspicious nor blank; he simply stood there, as he stood always
everywhere, for the principal feature of the scene. Naturally he had no
conception of him than the way he fell into position as we approached
of the peaks might to our apprehension have been interested in his
You know, you butch thing, many cosmologists posit different levels of
universes, hoping thereby to answer questions regarding the seeming
Royal, says contemplating alternate universes could help scientists
distinguish which features of our own universe are fundamental and
necessary and which are accidents of cosmic history. A light, pet?
hyacinth hair and tell me ours is the cosmic accident. You may randomly
an: I love a free lunch, if it costs someone a great deal. Let's
speed of light. Only a narrow range of settings (for these constants) is
suitable for the evolution of complexity or Life as We Know It.
an: Life as What? Say it again about the multiverse.
posited "the Anthropic Principle," asseverating that these coincidences
were not just luck, but were rather necessary preconditions for us to be
looking at the universe. After all, we are hardly likely to discover
universe, which he sees bubbling progeny like yeast buds. According to
universe today, outweighing matter two to one. But according to modern
quantum physics, empty space should be seething with energy that would
outweigh matter in the universe by far, far more, by a factor of at
inflation lends more energy than was thought to exist? And the
cosmological constant,, a formula to account for this discrepancy, must
is that we "queers" in our indolence have seen through the canard of
like the lilies of the field. How lovely to be wanted by the entire
She reads from her commonplace book, makes a notation in her crabbed
for the objective transformation of the world (or for the 'production'
question of 'being' oneself but of 'producing' oneself, from conscious
as soon as they begin to produce their means of subsistence' Remember
distinguish himself from animals? Is man's existence an end for which he
critiques the notion of production of subsistence: "it is the
first place, a process in which both man and nature participate, and in
which man of his own accord starts, regulates and controls the material
one of her own forces, setting in motion arms and legs, head and hands,
the natural forces of his body, in order to appropriate nature's
productions in a form adapted to his own wants.'17"
erotic freedom, says labor is grounded 'in an essential excess of human
existence beyond every possible situation in which it finds itself and
is the starting point, foundation and principle of play insofar as play
is precisely a breaking off from labor and a recuperation for labor.18' But that is so wrong!"
does not gauge himself in relation to Nature. He is not aware of
Necessity, a Law that takes effect only with the objectification of
"Primitive 'society' does not exist as an instance apart from symbolic
exchange; and this exchange never results from an 'excess' of
production. It is the opposite: to the extent that these terms apply
here, 'subsistence' and 'economic exchange' are the residue of symbolic
and living are first of all acts that are exchanged: if they are not
exchanged, they do not occur. It is symbolic exchange, where the
relation (not the 'social') is tied, and this exchange excludes any
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