- What was your favorite part of the project? Why?
- What was your least favorite part of the project? Why?
- How could the project be improved? Why?
- Did you enjoy the project? Why or why not?
## Experiments ##
Throughout p1 and p2, you have written (or used) several distinct implementations of the Dictionary interface:
- HashTrieMap
- MoveToFrontList
- BinarySearchTree
- AVLTree
- ChainingHashTable
In this Write-Up, you will compare various aspects of these data structures. This will take a significant amount of
time, and you should not leave it to the last minute. For each experiment, we expect you to:
- Explain how you constructed the inputs to make your conclusions
- Explain why your data supports your conclusions
- Explain your methodology (If we wanted to re-run your experiment, we would be able to.)
- Tell us what inputs you used. If generated in the code, tell us where and how. If from a file, please describe the files and include them in the experiments folder.
- Include your data either directly in the write-up or in the experiments folder
- You should include graphs of the outputs for at least a few of the questions.
You can add a link to an image following the instructions found here: