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Commit a656b2a9 authored by Irene Y Zhang's avatar Irene Y Zhang
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adding tla+ proof

parent 5c51133b
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------------------------------- MODULE TAPIR -------------------------------
(* This is a TLA+ specification of the TAPIR algorithm. *)
EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, TLC, TLAPS
Max(S) == IF S = {} THEN 0 ELSE CHOOSE i \in S: \A j \in S: j <= i
(* TAPIR constants: *)
(* 1. Shards: function from shard id to set of replica ids in the shard *)
(* 2. Transactions: set of all possible transactions *)
(* 3. nr_shards: number of shards *)
CONSTANTS Shards, Transactions, NrShards
\* Note: assume unique number ids for replicas
(* IR constants & variables (description in the IR module) *)
CONSTANTS Clients, Quorums, SuperQuorums,
max_vc, max_req, f
VARIABLES rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rLastView, rViewReplies, rNonce,
sentMsg, cCrtOp,
cCrtOpToFinalize, cMsgCounter, cCrtOpReplies, cCrtOpConfirms,
cState, aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility, gViewChangesNo
irReplicaVars == <<rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rViewOnDisk, rLastView,
rViewReplies, rNonce>>
irClientVars == <<cCrtOp, \* current operation at a client
cCrtOpReplies, \* current operation replies
cCrtOpConfirms>> \* Client variables.
irAppVars == <<aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility>> \* Application variables.
irOtherVars == <<sentMsg, gViewChangesNo>> \* Other variables.
IRMessageId == [cid: Clients, msgid: Nat]
(* TAPIR Variables/State: *)
(* 1. State at each replica: *)
(* rPrepareTxns = List of txns this replica is prepared *)
(* to commit *)
(* rTxnsLog = Log of committed and aborted txns in ts order *)
(* rStore = Versioned store *)
(* rBkpTable = Table of txns for which this replica *)
(* is the bkp coordinator *)
(* 2. State of communication medium: *)
(* sentMsg = sent (and duplicate) messages *)
(* 3. State at client: *)
(* cCrtTxn = crt txn requested by the client *)
(* *)
\* TAPIR variables & data structures
VARIABLES rPreparedTxns, rStore, rTxnsLogAborted, rTxnsLogCommitted,
rClock, cCrtTxn, cClock
tapirReplicaVars == <<rPreparedTxns, rStore, rTxnsLogAborted,
tapirClientVars == <<cCrtTxn, cClock>>
vars == <<irReplicaVars, irClientVars, irAppVars, irOtherVars,
tapirReplicaVars, tapirClientVars>>
StoreEntry == [vs: Nat, val: Nat] \* vs = version
Store == [key: Nat,
entries: SUBSET StoreEntry,
latestVs: Nat,
latestVal: Nat]
TransactionTs == [cid: Clients, clock: Nat] \* Timestamp
ReadSet == [key: Nat, val: Nat, vs: Nat]
WriteSet == [key: Nat, val: Nat]
Transaction == [rSet: SUBSET ReadSet,
wSet: SUBSET WriteSet,
shards: SUBSET Nat]
TypeOK ==
/\ rStore \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Store]
/\ rPreparedTxns \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
/\ rTxnsLogAborted \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
/\ rTxnsLogCommitted \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
TAPIRResults == {"Prepare-OK", "Retry", "Prepare-Abstain", "Abort"}
TAPIROpType == {"Prepare", "ABORT", "COMMIT"}
TAPIROpBody == [opType : TAPIROpType, txn: Transaction]
TAPIRClientFail == TRUE \* state we lose at the app level
TAPIRReplicaFail == TRUE \* state we lose at the app level
\* TAPIR implementation of IR interface
TAPIRExecInconsistent(op) == TRUE
TAPIRExecConsensus(op) == IF op.type = "Consensus" THEN "Prepare-OK" ELSE "Abort"
TAPIRDecide(results) == "Prepare-OK"
TAPIRMerge(R, d, u) == R \cup d \cup
{[msgid |-> x.msgid, op |-> x.op, res |-> "Prepare-OK"]: x \in u}
TAPIRSync(records) == TRUE
TAPIRSuccessfulInconsistentOp(c, S, op) == TRUE
TAPIRSuccessfulConsensusOp(c, S, op, res) == TRUE
\* Initialize for all shards
InitIR ==
/\ rState = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> "NORMAL"]]
/\ rRecord = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ rCrtView = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
/\ rViewOnDisk = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
/\ rLastView = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
/\ rViewReplies = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ rNonce = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
/\ sentMsg = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> {}]
/\ cCrtOp = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]]
/\ cCrtOpToFinalize = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]]
/\ cMsgCounter = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> 0]]
/\ cCrtOpReplies = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> {}]]
/\ cCrtOpConfirms = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> {}]]
/\ cState = [c \in Clients |-> "NORMAL"]
/\ aSuccessful = {}
/\ arRecord = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ aVisibility = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [o \in IRMessageId |-> {}]]
/\ gViewChangesNo = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> 0]
\* IR instance per shard TODO: modify replica also
IR(s) == INSTANCE IR_consensus WITH AppClientFail <- TAPIRClientFail,
AppReplicaFail <- TAPIRReplicaFail,
OpBody <- TAPIROpBody,
ExecInconsistent <- TAPIRExecInconsistent,
ExecConsensus <- TAPIRExecConsensus,
Merge <- TAPIRMerge,
Sync <- TAPIRSync,
SuccessfulInconsistentOp <- TAPIRSuccessfulInconsistentOp,
SuccessfulConsensusOp <- TAPIRSuccessfulConsensusOp,
Decide <- TAPIRDecide,
Results <- TAPIRResults,
Replicas <- Shards[s],
Quorums <- Quorums[s],
SuperQuorums <- SuperQuorums[s],
S <- s
\* TAPIR messages
Message ==
[type: {"READ"},
key: Nat,
dst: UNION Shards]
[type: {"READ-REPLY"},
key: Nat,
val: Nat,
vs: Nat, \* version
dst: Clients]
[type: {"READ-VERSION"},
key: Nat,
vs: Nat,
dst: UNION Shards]
key: Nat,
vs: Nat,
dst: Clients]
InitTAPIR == /\ cCrtTxn = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
/\ cClock = [c \in Clients |-> 0]
/\ rPreparedTxns = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ rStore = [r \in UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} |-> {}]
/\ rTxnsLogAborted = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ rTxnsLogCommitted = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
/\ rClock = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
Init == InitIR /\ InitTAPIR
(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Tapir replica actions}} ^' *)
\*TAPIRReplicaReceiveRead(r) == TRUE
\*TAPIRReplicaAction(r) ==
\* \/ /\ rState[r] = "NORMAL"
\* /\ \/ TAPIRReplicaReceiveRead(r)
(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Tapir client actions}} ^' *)
TAPIRClientExecuteTxn(c) ==
\* first, resolve all reads (read from any replica and get the vs)
\* then send prepares in all shard involved by seting the cCrtOp in the
\* respective IR shard instance
\* TODO: for now just simulate this, pick a transaction from
\* transaction pool, get some versions from the replica
\* stores
/\ cCrtTxn[c] = <<>>
/\ \E t \in Transactions:
LET rSet == {rse \in ReadSet:
/\ \E trse \in t.rSet : rse = trse
/\ LET
r == Max({r \in Shards[(rse.key % NrShards) + 1]:
\E se \in rStore[r]: rse.key = se.key})
/\ r /= 0
/\ \E se \in rStore[r]:
/\ rse.key = se.key
/\ rse.val = se.latestVal
/\ rse.vs = se.latestVs
shards == {s \in 1..NrShards:
\/ \E trse \in t.rSet: s = (trse.key % NrShards) + 1
\/ \E twse \in t.wSet: s = (twse.key % NrShards) + 1 }
/\ Cardinality(rSet) = Cardinality(t.rSet) \* found all the reads
/\ cCrtTxn' = [cCrtTxn EXCEPT ![c] = [rSet |-> rSet,
wSet |-> t.wSet,
shards |-> shards]]
/\ UNCHANGED <<irReplicaVars, irClientVars, irOtherVars, irAppVars,
tapirReplicaVars, cClock>>
TAPIRClientPrepareTxn(c) ==
/\ cCrtTxn[c] /= <<>>
/\ \E s \in cCrtTxn[c].shards: \* prepare in shard s
\* - ok if already prepared
/\ IR(s)!ClientRequest(c, [type |-> "Consensus",
body |-> [opType |-> "Prepare",
txn |-> cCrtTxn[c]]])
/\ UNCHANGED <<irReplicaVars, irAppVars,
cState, tapirClientVars, tapirReplicaVars>>
TAPIRClientAction(c) ==
\/ /\ cState[c] = "NORMAL"
/\ \/ TAPIRClientExecuteTxn(c) \* for now just simulate this
\* (don't send explicit READ messages)
\/ TAPIRClientPrepareTxn(c)
(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{High-Level Actions}} ^' *)
Next ==
\/ \E c \in Clients: TAPIRClientAction(c)
\/ /\ \E s \in 1..NrShards: IR(s)!Next
/\ UNCHANGED <<tapirClientVars, tapirReplicaVars>>
\/ \* Avoid deadlock by termination
((\A s \in 1..NrShards:
\A i \in 1..Cardinality(Shards[s]):
rLastView[s][i] = max_vc) /\ UNCHANGED <<vars>>)
Inv == IR(1)!TypeOK /\ IR(1)!FaultTolerance
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Mon Aug 31 12:55:38 PDT 2015 by aaasz
\* Created Sat Jan 31 18:31:52 PST 2015 by aaasz
--------------------------------- MODULE Test ---------------------------------
(* This is a TLA+ specification of the Inconsistent Replication algorithm. *)
(* (And a mechanically-checked proof of its correctness using TLAPS) *)
EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, TLC
VARIABLES rViewReplies, recoveredOps
OpType == {"Inconsistent", "Consensus"}
Operations == [type: OpType, body: Nat]
TypeOK ==
/\ rViewReplies \in SUBSET ([lv: Nat,
r: SUBSET ([msgid: Nat,
op: Operations,
res: Nat,
status: OpStatus]
\cup [msgid: Nat,
op: Operations,
status: OpStatus]),
src: Nat])
A ==
B ==
\* set of all records received in replies in A
UNION {x.r: x \in A}
test_recoveredConensusOps_R ==
\* any finalized consensus operation (in at least one record, in the maximum
\* latest view)
{x \in B:
/\ x.op.type = "Consensus"
/\ x.status = "FINALIZED"
/\ LET most_updated_reply ==
CHOOSE reply \in A:
/\ \E rec \in reply.r: /\ rec.msgid = x.msgid
/\ rec.status = "FINALIZED"
/\ \A rep \in A:
IF \E rec \in rep.r: /\ rec.msgid = x.msgid
/\ rec.status = "FINALIZED"
x \in most_updated_reply.r}
Init ==
/\ rViewReplies = {[lv |-> 1, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 1, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 1],
[lv |-> 2, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 2, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 2],
[lv |-> 3, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 3, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 3]}
/\ recoveredOps = {}
Next ==
/\ recoveredOps' = test_recoveredConensusOps_R
/\ Assert(Cardinality(recoveredOps) = 0, "Should fail")
/\ UNCHANGED <<rViewReplies>>
\* Modification History
\* Last modified Fri Apr 24 14:34:42 PDT 2015 by aaasz
\* Created Fri Dec 12 17:42:14 PST 2014 by aaasz
This diff is collapsed.
Quorums <- {{1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}}
Clients <- {1}
max_req <- 1
f <- 1
max_vc <- 3
Operations <- {1}
Replicas <- {1,2,3}
max_c <- 3
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