YCSB for Zookeeper
This README describes how to run YCSB on VoltDB.
1. Install Java on all the machines involved.
Zookeeper uses Java. Either Oracle Java or OpenJDK will work.
2. Install Zookeeper
Install Zookeeper from here
Install the tar.gz version by following the instructions on the github page
3. Install YCSB
Download the latest YCSB file. Follow the instructions.
I recommend cloning the git repository and then building (since I have not tried downloading the tar.gz file). The command to do this is on the site:
git clone git://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB.git
mvn clean package
4. Start Zookeeper
Once you have installed Zookeeper, run it. Instructions are on the official site
You have to create the zoo.cfg file as mentioned in the link. Enter the following information by creating it in conf/zoo.cfg:
After that, you should be able to run:
bin/zkServer.sh start
bin/zkCli.sh -server
5. Run YCSB
Now that you have installed YCSB and have run Zookeeper, you can run YCSB.
Not sure if the next two commands are needed after running "mvn clean package" on YCSB, but just do them anyways :)
First, download dependencies for core:
mvn -pl core -am dependency:copy-dependencies
Second, download dependencies for zookeeper:
mvn -pl zookeeper -am dependency:copy-dependencies
Third, run this command:
java -cp core/target/classes/:core/target/dependency/*:zookeeper/target/classes/:zookeeper/target/dependency/* site.ycsb.CommandLine -db site.ycsb.db.ZookeeperClient
At this point, the command line should have started. You can type "help" to see commands. Once you do that, you can open the terminal to zookeeper and see entries added. If you want to run any workloads, follow the YCSB Site