HBase (0.98.x) Driver for YCSB
This driver is a binding for the YCSB facilities to operate against a HBase 0.98.x Server cluster.
To run against an HBase 0.94.x cluster, use the hbase094
To run against an HBase >= 1.0 cluster, use the hbase10
1. Start a HBase Server
You need to start a single node or a cluster to point the client at. Please see Apache HBase Reference Guide for more details and instructions.
2. Set up YCSB
You need to clone the repository and compile everything.
git clone git://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB.git
mvn clean package
3. Create a HBase table for testing
For best results, use the pre-splitting strategy recommended in HBASE-4163:
hbase(main):001:0> n_splits = 200 # HBase recommends (10 * number of regionservers)
hbase(main):002:0> create 'usertable', 'family', {SPLITS => (1..n_splits).map {|i| "user#{1000+i*(9999-1000)/n_splits}"}}
Failing to do so will cause all writes to initially target a single region server.
4. Run the Workload
Before you can actually run the workload, you need to "load" the data first.
You should specify a HBase config directory(or any other directory containing your hbase-site.xml) and a table name and a column family(-cp is used to set java classpath and -p is used to set various properties).
bin/ycsb load hbase -P workloads/workloada -cp /HBASE-HOME-DIR/conf -p table=usertable -p columnfamily=family
Then, you can run the workload:
bin/ycsb run hbase -P workloads/workloada -cp /HBASE-HOME-DIR/conf -p table=usertable -p columnfamily=family
Please see the general instructions in the doc
folder if you are not sure how it all works. You can apply additional properties (as seen in the next section) like this:
bin/ycsb run hbase -P workloads/workloada -cp /HBASE-HOME-DIR/conf -p table=usertable -p columnfamily=family -p clientbuffering=true
Configuration Options
Following options can be configurable using -p
: The HBase column family to target. -
: If true, debugging logs are activated. The default is false.