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Created with Raphaël 2.2.05Jul42130Jun292827232221202123May171295432130Apr292825232221201918171615141312111098765130Mar26252421222120191311875425Feb2322211615141311109654230Jan2928272625242322191817151312987654231Dec29272624232017161210983230Nov2927252423181714131210985432131Oct302928272623221715141310976128Sep242321181614121124Aug212016141312117628Jul2723211918171615763130Jun292826252423221918171615161514[jdbc] Fix bug in constructing CREATE TABLE SQL statementMerge pull request #790 from busbey/rados-missing-from-new-scriptsMerge pull request #792 from busbey/publish-0.10.0-release[release] update README for 0.10.0 release.[scripts, couchbase] deprecate the old 'couchbase' client in favor of 'couchbase2'.[scripts] Rados missing from properties file for new platform-specific scripts.Merge pull request #789 from couchbaselabs/couchbase2[couchbase2] fix field returning on decode.Revert "logical error in decode()"[couchbase] Fix regression on key selection for scan all.Merge pull request #788 from steffenfriedrich/patch-1Update[accumulo] update binding to 1.7.2[couchbase2] logical error in decode() (#786)logical error in decode()Merge pull request #785 from busbey/script-packaging-fix[packaging] ensure new ycsb runner scripts are included in distribution tarballs.Merge pull request #777 from cmatser/windowsfixMerge pull request #773 from couchbaselabs/master[scripts] Add mvn build if necessary for source checkout on windows. Plus a couple other fixups to make consistent with the linux script.Merge pull request #774 from danburkert/masterUpdate Kudu binding to 0.9.0[version] update master to 0.11.0-SNAPSHOT.[scripts] Merge pull request #737 from cmatser/scripting[couchbase2] Change query to use RAW and ORDER BY.[couchbase2] Update Couchbase SDK to version 2.3.1.[core,mongodb,jdbc] Merge pull request #755 from enis/jdbc-batching[jdbc] Add batching in insertion in JDBC client bindings[core,mongodb] Moved MongoDb BATCHED_OK Status to core, useful for other bindings as well[core] Merge pull request #751 from helenchw/masterMerge pull request #759 from kruthar/mongodb-async-unack[rados] Merge pull request #670 from jaemyoun/dev-ceph-radosMerge pull request #758 from kruthar/mongodb-logback[mongodb] return OK on updates with w=0[mongodb] added logback.xml to mongodb moduleFix a typo in Histogram generatorfix bug for teardownclass()converted teardownclass() to staticchanged test annotation classCatch additional exception