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~/* - all my dotfiles with bootstrapping script. 10X productivity gains.
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CSE403 Group Project with members: Alice Cheng Jessica Li Josue Rios Junhao (Ian) Zhu Kaleo Brandt Michelle Cho Tadrill Perry Thao Nguyen Dang
Team Name: TBD
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This repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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The configuration and setup of the Elasticsearch database used for Prescience.
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Code for classes from various astro 598 courses, including scientific supercomputing, algorithms, and monte carlo methods
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Some utility functions to make interaction with the GPIOs on the beaglebone simpler
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