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syslab / tapir
MIT LicenseThis repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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Ashlie Martinez / tapir
MIT LicenseThis repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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This repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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Fork of http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/seqbias.html that adds an R interface to seqbias.model_graph to produce .dot diagrams of the Bayesian networks the package trains
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Karl Koscher / seaglass-app
Apache License 2.0Updated -
A state machine that maps standard rubik's cube solution sequence to duo arms robot poses. This software was used in our former paper "Pre-touch sensing for sequential manipulation" (https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/7989594)
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The code for my Responsive Nite Light for CSEP UbiComp SP20.