Explore projects
This project contains source code and other materials to support CSE 374
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Michael Christensen / cse451-mchris02
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Trivia Game which fetches information from a website using curl, formatting with JSON.
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cse481a / xv6-20sp
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ODK App Designer Wiki and Issues ( https://github.com/opendatakit/opendatakit/ )
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ODK App Designer Wiki and Issues ( https://github.com/opendatakit/opendatakit/ )
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Samantha Miller / Bentofs
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterA module that exposes an API like the FUSE low-level interface to file systems written in the kernel. This is designed to enable safe Rust file systems to run in the Linux kernel.
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Visual Studio version of the homework repo for CSE 455 Computer Vision Wi22 (https://github.com/pjreddie/uwimg/). Set up for x64.
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Visual Studio version of the homework repo for CSE 455 Computer Vision Wi22 (https://github.com/pjreddie/uwimg/). Set up for x64.
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Ashlie Martinez / tapir
MIT LicenseThis repo includes all of the TAPIR and IR code as well as implementations of two-phase commit, strict two-phase locking, optimistic concurrency control and Viewstamped Replication for building a variety of replicated, transactional key-value stores.
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ubicomplab / libsquiggly
MIT LicenseGeneric codes and algorithms to answer the age-old question; "Why do the squiggly lines do what they do?"
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